AI Money mobile app is a software application that allows users to track and manage their cash flow on their mobile devices. This personal finance tracker will help you as an AI TOOL. This personal finance manager allows users to add their income, expense, and investment such as the amount, date, etc, and then view and analyze that information in various ways.
Features of the expense tracker mobile app include:
Add all your spending to the expense list by title, expense category, date, and price. The expense list will show all the expenses for the selected month and year. The expense tracker will also do the total for the day and selected month and year. Instantly get an expense list of any previous month or year after expenses are inserted.
You can categorize your expenses with the help of expense categories. The expense tracker comes with a few pre-installed categories. You can also add unlimited new categories with a unique icon.
Add all your income to the income list by title, date, and amount. The income list will show all the incomes for the selected month and year. Instantly get an income list of any previous month or year after incomes are inserted.
Add all your investment to the investment list. The income list will show all the incomes for the selected month and year. Instantly get an investment list of any previous month or year after investments are inserted.
Once the income, expenses, and investments are added to this personal finance tracker, you will get analytics of your financial journey. The summary bar chart will help you to understand the distribution of your income to the expenses, investments, and remaining balance. The expense distribution chart will help to know about the overspending categories of expenses so that you can take a decision to control your spending.
Your balance is = income - (expense + investment). So, if you add each of your transactions to this personal finance tracker, you will get the exact balance in your pocket. No need to handle it with real cash to calculate the balance.
This money manager app comes with multiple popular languages. You can select your app language at the time of registration. You can change your language at any time on the profile page.
This expense tracker comes with multiple currencies. You can select your app currency at the time of registration. You can change your currency at any time on the profile page.
This personal finance tracker supports auto-sync of all your financial records to multiple android devices with the correct login.
This expense tracker supports different theme colors for income, expenses, investments, and balance. You can change the theme color for each separately.
Expense tracker mobile apps are available for Android devices and can be a convenient and efficient way to keep track of expenses while on the go.