Tarot Divination - Cards Deck Mod Apk

Tarot Divination - Cards Deck Hack - Mod Apk 6.9.5

Developer: Evansir
Category: Lifestyle
Price: Free


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Tarot Divination will help to build connections with tarot cards & your destiny. Learn tarot cards meanings and the occult symbolism of the Rider Waite cards deck. Provide all tools to design tarot spreads and create a unique learning curve with a flexible deck.

Tarot cards are magical instruments that give a way to make a spiritual journey and look behind walls of destiny. Open the world of tarot cards meanings, and you can feel the cosmic energies flowing through our world. And tarot card reading will help to understand those energies.

Tarot cards deck by your rules
With our app, you can filter the deck and leave only Minor or Major Arcana. Add reversed cards to your readings or shuffle the deck on every card pick.

Find yourself with tarot spreads
Find tarot spreads that help in self-realization, spiritual growth, and financial & relationship goals. With the right question, you will get the correct answer that may change the course of your life and stimulate spirituality to grow

Build uniqe tarot spreads
Create a spread that can answer your question, and each position will reflect your question. Don't limit yourself to what someone else has created. Create your own and share the result with your friends

Yes or no tarot card reading
These are simple questions that not every magic divination can answer. But Tarot Divination can! Just enable yes, and no tarot answers in a single card spread.

Daily tarot journey
The card of the day is unique and highly tied to your life horoscope. Daily tarot warns what may await you during the day and help you prepare for possible obstacles. Be the one who rules life!

Tarot journal
Tarot Divination provides a way to save every reading you make in your tarot journal. Come back anytime and find new aspects of the same answer. But if you forget to keep critical reading, don't be sad; the app will do this for you!

Tarot notes & Daily tarot reading
Add your magic meanings to the cards and write your feelings and emotions from daily cards in a personal journal. Learning was always challenging with tarot notes.

Reading flow
We created a simple yet powerful way of tarot reading. Fill out the spread, and Tarot Divination will navigate you through the magic of answers.

Rider Waite tarot card deck
Learn tarot cards meanings and symbolism of the Rider Waite cards deck. Find out what each symbol depicted on the card means and what hidden meaning it carries.

Freedom layout
Get tarot reading and learn cards with freestyle layout. Do not block imagination to predefined spreads! Unrestricted freedom for you in the tarot world. Use the tarot spreads you want, or create your own.

Style your tarot card reading
Change spreads backgrounds to one of 7 beautiful patterns designed to not distract from tarot reading but make it unique and personal. Connect yourself with the cosmic energy of tarot cards with custom cards covers. Make your journey personal!

Tarot Quiz
Learn tarot card meanings with a tarot quiz. Build strong bounds with the energy of tarot using a simple yet powerful way of learning by answering quiz questions. The app contains meanings for every popular type of tarot reading, so everything is also included in a quiz.

🔅 App uses divinatory meanings by Mark McElroy (http://www.TarotTools.com)

🔅 Original description from Public Domain Book "The Pictorial Key to the Tarot" by A.E. Waite (first edition, 1911)

🔅 Fortunetelling meanings by SilverFox

You can contact me or suggest features for Tarot Divination through email: [email protected]

Try Tarot Divination, and it will become a helper on your magic journey through oracle cards. Get tarot reading and learn tarot cards meanings.

Version history

1. Added a spread intro screen to check positions before reading
2. Added a post-spread screen for smoother readings
(both screens can be disabled in settings)
3. Added a new reader to Quick AI Readings
4. Improved the spread preview on the description screen

Bug fixes
This update fixes an issue where a reading would not save to history if performed after clearing the previous one

Also in 6.9.4:
1. Improved the performance of the card description screens, including symbolism.
2. Additional cards are now saved to history regardless of when they are drawn (previously, only cards drawn before the spread was filled were saved).
3. Updated the 'May Tell About' section for the Major Arcana to make it more grounded and reflective of real-life readings.
1. Save your custom deck settings between Freestyle sessions
2. Filter Minor Arcana suits in Freestyle spread
3. The New Journal Entry screen can now be collapsed to check reading or cards descriptions (Spreads and Freestyle)

Spread importing option moved to spread creation dialog
Speeding up Reading Flow and tarot card description screen
Freestyle Spread interface improvement
Bug fixes
This update will bring a new app icon

Bug fixes
Merry Christmas and New Year! Discover what the new year holds for you with the New Year Spread
1. Added the ability to export and import custom keywords and personal meanings. Share them with friends or anyone you want

2. Added "Additional card". You can pick it for any position in the spread if you need more clarity or are stuck with interpretation.

3. Rewritten "May tell about" section for Major Arcana, made meanings closer to everyday readings

Interface Improvements
Bug fixes
1. Spread backgrounds have been revamped, and their overall display has been updated. I aimed to make the new ones more visually appealing while keeping the app's main theme intact.

2. The history of spreads has been reworked. You can also view the full history of all spreads on the Readings Journal screen and save them to the journal

3. Fixed a bug in Freestyle Journal records where updates were incorrectly saved to a Three Cards record with the same ID

Performance improvements
1. Added spread representation on its description screen and link for each card description to its corresponding position in the spread

2. New card covers have been added, and their selection has been moved to a separate screen

3. Cards without a place title in Spread Designer will now be tinted red. I found this approach more convenient, as I build spreads frequently, and the previous indicator wasn’t always visible

Bug fixes and Interface improvements
Thank you for using Tarot Divination to read tarot cards, build unique spreads, and learn tarot card meanings!

What's new:
Improved AI Interpretations and fixed known bugs
Improved AI Request notifications
Thank you for using Tarot Divination to read tarot cards, build unique spreads, and learn tarot card meanings!

What's new:
Improved "Other spreads" section
Added hints
Optimized cards images and app size
Bug fixes
Thank you for using Tarot Divination to read tarot cards, build unique spreads, and learn tarot card meanings!

What's new:
Added the option to modify pre-existing spreads and utilize them as a template for saving readings
Thank you for using Tarot Divination to read tarot cards, build unique spreads, and learn tarot card meanings!

What's new:
Enhanced AI interpretations and fixed known bugs
Thank you for using Tarot Divination to read tarot cards, build unique spreads, and learn tarot card meanings!

What's new:
We added Twitter sign-in, improved the description screen, added reversed Minor Arcana meanings, and fixed bugs for a smooth user experience
Thank you for using Tarot Divination for reading tarot cards, building unique spreads, and learning tarot meanings!

What's new:
Added new tarot deck
Added fortune-telling description and quiz for reversed Major Arcana
Added AI readings to the standard spread on the main screen
Small Interface improvements
Bug fixes
Mar 7, 2023
Thank you for using Tarot Divination for tarot card reading, building unique tarot spreads, and learning tarot card meanings!

What's new:
Added notice for AI Interpretations
Added AI Interpretations to Spread Designer
Fixed bug with sign in
Fixed bug when coins may not be added if a purchase freezes in a pending state
Feb 4, 2023
Thank you for using Tarot Divination for tarot card reading, building unique tarot spreads, and learning tarot card meanings!

What's new:
Improved main screen
Added new spreads
Improved generated images by the share button
Fixed bug when the app restarts the main screen after it was opened from a launcher
Fixed bug with notifications scheduling after the restart
Moved to new hosting for upscaled cards images
Fixed bug with blank spreads
Fixed crash when sharing from saved spreads
Bug fixes
Dec 20, 2022
Thank you for using Tarot Divination for tarot card reading, building unique tarot spreads, and learning tarot card meanings!

What's new:
Reworked app main screen
Added New Year mood
Added daily readings advice
Fixed bug with spreads sharing (when the spread is not fit to result image)
Bug fixes
Nov 4, 2022
Thank you for using Tarot Divination for tarot card reading, building unique tarot spreads, and learning tarot card meanings!

What's new:
Reworked Tarot Learn section
Added quizzes
Improved spreads compatibility
Bug fixes
Oct 4, 2022
Thank you for using Tarot Divination for tarot card reading, building unique tarot spreads, and learning tarot card meanings!

What's new:
Added Daily Tarot Notes
Added "History" to "Other Spreads & Designer"
Improved dark theme
Fixed bug when the app crashes on the first launch
Bug fixes
Aug 19, 2022
Thank you for using Tarot Divination for tarot card reading, building unique tarot spreads, and learning tarot card meanings!

What's new:
Cards covers now affect the main screen, the "Answer" button, and tint color
Added links for other types of cards descriptions in the "Learn" section
Original description merged to Learn and Symbolism section
Fixed bug with wrong spread positioning on tablet
Fixed bug with "Note" button tint on Card of the day and Flow description screens
Other bug fixes
Jul 20, 2022
Thank you for using Tarot Divination for tarot card reading, building unique tarot spreads, and learning tarot card meanings!

What's new:
Added original description from Public Domain Book "The Pictorial Key to the Tarot" by A.E. Waite
Fixed bug what spread resets after orientation change
Bug fixes
Jun 11, 2022
Thank you for using Tarot Divination for tarot card reading, building unique tarot spreads, and learning tarot card meanings!

What's new:
Fixed crash on card description screen
Previous update:
Added styling. From now you can choose new cards covers and spread backgrounds
Added hi-res images (tap on card on description screen)
Improved tarot card meanings
Bug fixes
April 25, 2022
Thank you for using Tarot Divination for tarot card reading, building unique tarot spreads, and learning tarot card meanings!

What's new:
Now you can leave only Minor Arcana in the deck
Improved tarot card meanings
Improved interface of card description screen
Bug fixes
April 7, 2022
Thank you for using Tarot Divination for tarot cards reading, building unique tarot spreads, and learning tarot card meanings!

What's new:
Added new tarot spreads
Added places titles to spread description
Improved overall stability and performance
Bug fixes
March 13, 2022
Thank you for using Tarot Divination for tarot cards reading, building unique tarot spreads, and tarot learning!

What's new:
Added feature to save reading made by personal cards
Added grid to spread designer
Now you can move cards after you place them (make a long tap)
Improved description of One Card spread
Minor design improvements
Fixed bug with saving in person spread
Bug fixes
February 18, 2022
Thank you for using Tarot Divination for tarot cards reading, building unique tarot spreads, and tarot learning!

What's new:
Reworked cards images
Added Minor Arcana to Tarot Symbolism
Replaced fortunetelling description with written by SilverFox
Added feature to shuffle deck after every tarot card
Bug fixes
January 18, 2022
Thank you for using Tarot Divination for tarot cards reading, building unique tarot spreads, and tarot learning!

What's new:
Added small description to main spreads
Moved Four and five cards spread to general category
Added Tarot symbolism
Bug fixes
January 6, 2022
Thank you for using Tarot Divination for tarot cards reading, building unique tarot spreads, and tarot learning!

What's new:
Improved cards description screen
Bug fixes
November 9, 2021
Thank you for using Tarot Divination for tarot cards reading, building unique tarot spreads, and tarot learning!

What's new:
Added new spreads
Improved compatibility of created spreads on different devices
Fixed crash when cards out of the screen
Bug fixes

Ways to hack Tarot Divination - Cards Deck

Download Tarot Divination - Cards Deck MOD APK 6.9.5

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