Batch Rename and Organize Mod Apk

Batch Rename and Organize Hack - Mod Apk 7.4.1

Developer: JD Android-Apps
Category: Photography
Price: Free


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Rename and Organize Files: Simplify Your File Management!

Tired of manually renaming and organizing your files? With Rename and Organize Files, you can batch rename, automate folder organization, and streamline file handling effortlessly. From setting up folder automations to creating powerful workflows, this app saves you time and makes file management hassle-free.

Key Features:
🚀 Easy Batch Renaming
Rename multiple files at once using customizable formats, including timestamps and metadata.
• Add prefixes, suffixes, counters, or randomize filenames
• Replace text, convert to uppercase/lowercase, and more
• Manually rename or delete files with ease

📂 Automatic File Organization
Sort files into folders automatically by date, location, or metadata

📤 Folder Automations
Set up folder monitoring to rename or move files as soon as they’re saved. Create custom rules for specific folders and automate your workflow.

📆 Powerful Workflows
Combine multiple batch presets for seamless, automated file management.
• Schedule workflows to run on specific days or at set intervals
• Run tasks in the background, so you never have to worry about interruptions

🔄 Effortless File Moving
Move files between internal storage, SD cards, and even SMB network storage. Use filters and keywords to move only the files you want.

💥 Tasker Integration
Automate batch renaming and organizing through Tasker

Advanced Tools for Image Management:
📝 EXIF Editor
Directly edit EXIF metadata for your images and set conditions to edit attributes only when they match specific criteria.
Special features include:
• Batch set dates and increment by hours/minutes/seconds
• Adjust timezones or fix incorrect timestamps across multiple files

📏 Optimize Image Size
Reduce image sizes without losing quality by resizing and compressing images using WebP, freeing up space efficiently.

🔍 Find Duplicates
Identify and delete duplicate images on your device to reclaim storage space.

📸 Find Similar Images
Use advanced algorithms like PHash and AverageHash to detect and organize visually similar images.

🌍 Add GPS Data from GPX Files
If your camera doesn’t have GPS, sync GPS data from a GPX file. Match timestamps with locations and add GPS data to your images.

📸 Add Missing EXIF Thumbnails
Easily add thumbnails to your images' EXIF metadata for faster previews in file explorers and on camera screens.

Premium Features (In-App Purchase):
Unlock advanced features with the premium version:
• Create multiple renaming presets and custom formats for flexible file management
• Real-time folder monitoring with instant renaming and organizing
• Full SMB support for managing files on network storage

All files access (have MANAGE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE) permission:
With Android 11 a new permission was introduced that is required to access all files on the device.
For the app to work this permission is required.
Using more user friendly alteratives like the Media Store API unfortunately do not work, because the Media Store API only provides access to images and videos and not other file types.
The Storage access framework is not usable either because it has huge performance issues. Processing thousands of files can take up to hours, which only takes minutes using direce File API access.

❗Information regarding usage of android.permission.FOREGROUND_SERVICE:

Processing all your files can take several minutes, even hours, depening on your device, amount of images or storage you are selecting.
To ensure all files are getting processed and the process is not getting interrupted, which could cause wrong results and media not showing in the gallery anymore, this permission is required to prevent the app getting killed by the system while your images are getting processed.

While the service is running a statusbar notification will be shown.

Version history

Fixed Move Batch action with "copy files" option breaking file extensions
Some more Android 15 UI related fixes.
• Fixed SMB connection broken
• Added filter option for F-Stop Tags
• Fixed issue where some image file extensions weren't processed
• Rename with counter action now uses natural sort by default.
• Updated Perl EXIF Tool library
• Added edit time only option
• Fixed graphical glitch when selecting all text in exif editor date field
• Fixed Replace Batch action crashing
• Fixed "copy files" option for organizer

• Processing files on removable sdcards and external storages is now up to 50x times faster on Android 11 and up because it does not rely on the slow SAF anymore.
• Added "Skip files without capture date" for organizer task
• Added "Remove GPS metadata" batch action
• Target filenames for duplicate files will now show properly in the preview
• Fixed moving files to other storages not working anymore
• Fixed crash on app start, sorry :(

Exif Editor
• Toggle to show only attributes with content
• shows a thumbnail now on single file selection

• App appears now in "Open with..." dialog in file explorers
• Improved Tasker integration. Infos on how to use in the sidebar
• Fixed Modify Exif Preset

• Fixed app not working at all for devices older than Android 8
• Fixed pre/suffix getting added multiple times
• Fixed folders already being created when generating the preview
• Fixed sorting not working on the organizer preview
• Fixed hidden folders getting process (.thumbnails for example)

• Move Batch action now supports filters with the advanced view enabled
• Modify EXIF Action now supports multiple attributes
• Improved execution of service jobs

• Hotfix: Unlocking Premium not working with previous update

• Workflows can be scheduled now
• Fixed Exif Editor crashing when Exif data is corrupt
• Fixed Exif Thumnail action not working with SMB
• Fixed preview showing old cached images
Feb 26, 2023
• Fixed similar images finder
• It is now possible to add multiple folders when using the duplicates or similar images finder

• Fixed SMB Organizer actions

• Fixed tasker execution. please use App->Shortcut from now
• Fixed upper/lower case action
Feb 10, 2023
• Fixed a crash on the EXIF Editor when no path is selected
• Replace invalid characters when using EXIF metadata for filenames/folders
Feb 7, 2023
• Fixed crash when going to previous page for some batch actions
• Fixed Finding similar images broken
• Finding identical images scans now whole mediastorage
• Added a date filter for advanced rename and organize

• BIG UI-Update. App should be now easier to use with bigger font and display sizes.
• Added 16 translations: greek, spanish, french, hindi, indonesia, italien, japanese, korean, dutch, polish, portuguese, russian, chinese.
Jan 14, 2023
Fixed app not working in airplane mode. Google Billing API caused an issue that made the UI crash.
Dec 25, 2022
Dec 19, 2022
Fixed app crashing for some with previous update, caused by 3rd party library

Fixed Optimizer could break image orientation
Fixed service presets no executing in the set order
Fixed restart of app required to restore premium version
Fixed ANR on IAP processes
Updated some 3rd party APIs
December 30, 2021
App uses all files access now on Android 11 and up.
Fixed folder selection after a bugged Xiaomi update for some devices.
Fixed crash when editing a folder on the organizer tab.
Fixed wizard crashing
August 27, 2021
Single file selection was broken

Ways to hack Batch Rename and Organize

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