Simply Goals & Tasks ToDo List Mod Apk

Simply Goals & Tasks ToDo List Hack - Mod Apk 1.00

Developer: Simply Digital
Category: Productivity
Price: Free


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Simply Goals & Tasks is a A to-do list that tracks your time and helps you set meaningful deadlines.

Set Meaningful Deadlines

In the real world most tasks just need to be done this week or even next month or occasionally Tuesday at 3pm.

Right now, the only options for managing your tasks is either to put them in your calendar or just keep a list.

Storing your tasks in your calendar forces you to set arbitrary deadlines.

Meeting those arbitrary deadlines means giving up your flexible lifestyle. But rescheduling is a pain and feels like failure.

Keeping your tasks in a simple list leads to procrastination. Everything feels like it can be done tomorrow, so nothing gets done today.

In Simply Goals & Tasks you schedule your tasks for as specific or general a time as you want. It can be an exact time or any given day, week, month, or even year. No need to add unnecessary detail.

For example, you might dump your existing to-do list into July 2017. Then you can look at July 2017 in the app, and plan out what tasks should be done which weeks (or postponed to August).

This way you are making a real plan to get all your July tasks done! And you won’t suddenly realize on the 25th that there is no way to finish.

You can do the same thing for each week. It’s easy to drag and drop tasks from “Anytime the 2nd week of July” into Monday, Tuesday, etc.

If you want to get more granular, which is helpful when you’re extra busy, you can even look at your day and plan out what times you will complete each task.

Tracking your goals

Do you know where your time goes?

Getting more done is only the first half. It’s also important to know you are getting the right stuff done.

We take your completed tasks and automatically show you how many hours you’ve spent on each of your goals.

You might be surprised by differences between your actual priorities and which aspects of your life are getting the most of your time.

Analytics on your time

Do you know if you are overbooked or have time to spare next week?

When most things just have to be done “soon” it’s really hard to understand how busy you are.

Manage your to do list with Simply Goals & Tasks and it tells you how many hours you’ve already committed yourself to in any given time period.

This information can empower you to make the right choice when a new opportunity comes your way -- whether it’s a business function or an invite to the beach!

Feature Requests

You can reach our team at [email protected] -- we love hearing from users!

Reviews aren't really the place for feature requests. But if that's your jam, you should know we care A LOT about what 5-star users have to say. You are our people.

On the other hand, the one-star-review-as-a-feature-request is not a great way to get us working overtime for you.

Version history

Adding support for the newest Android devices.
Adding support for the newest version of Android.
May 31, 2022
New premium feature: Custom Repeating Tasks! Have tasks you want to do 3x a week? Every first Monday? Every other month? Now you can build repeating tasks with those types of customizations.

Ways to hack Simply Goals & Tasks ToDo List

Download Simply Goals & Tasks ToDo List MOD APK 1.00

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