- The app could crash on older Android devices when info pages were accessed.
- When using direct sales and EFT payment without using the change calculator, the invoice amount was doubled for the next payment transaction if the payment was canceled.
- When working with negative PLUs the change calculator could display incorrect payment amounts.
- Fixed a display problem in the functions view. It could happen that the selected printer profile was not displayed.
- The length of table numbers has been extended to up to 9 digits.
- Support for the ini variable OnlySelWinPLUAllowed introduced with script version
- Improved behaviour and display of the menu view.
- Prices of additional texts with modifiers are displayed correctly in the open receipt.
- Further bug fixes and performance improvements.
- Time-controlled modifier were permanently displayed as active in the MobileApp.
- A GC split could lead to a wrong due amount being displayed.
- Second payment button can be hidden. Must be activated in the settings.
- Stability improvements
- Stability improvements
- After GC split the invoice is displayed now
- Improvements regarding myVectron Inhouse Ordering
- Crash during GC split fixed
- In some cases active time controlled modifiers were not displayed
- Partial payment during GC split possible again
- In some cases the payment buttons were not displayed during direct sale
- Wrong error message during partial payment fixed
- In some cases no digital receipt was displayed after GC split
- Minor improvements
Mar 14, 2023
Error in printer selection fixed
In some cases the items in selection lists could not be taken over
Crash in demo mode fixed
Wrong QR code was printed on the A920
Dec 5, 2022
You can now close the GC while you are in PLU booking mode or in the department overview.
Adaptation of selection windows for condiments. Here, a button is now faded in when the required selections were made, in order to close them.
You can now print special characters on the A920.
The character set of the POS system is now also used for the App.
The tip calculator was adjusted so that you can now also use the tip field as well
Minor error corrections
Nov 14, 2022
Minor improvments
Aug 4, 2022
Rework of voice control (if supported by hardware)
A920: Automatic return to MobileApp after EFT payment
small improvements
May 24, 2022
Adjustment of the French translation
The parameter for “direct sales” is always visible now
Several improvements in conjunction with hotel scripts
Minor improvements in using the app