Thank you for using our app. To make the app better for you, we release updates regularly.
Every update of the app includes improvements for speed and reliability. As new features become available, we will highlight those for you in the app.
If you are enjoying the app, please consider leaving a positive rating & review. If you have any feedback please reach out to us.
Thank you for using our app. To make the app better for you, we release updates regularly.
Every update of the app includes improvements for speed and reliability. As new features become available, we will highlight those for you in the app.
If you are enjoying the app, please consider leaving a positive rating & review. If you have any feedback please reach out to us.
Thank you for using our app! We regularly update it to improve your experience. This release introduces commenting with images, new offline capabilities, fixes bugs, and improves the user interface.
Key Changes:
- Increased image size limit for chats to 15 MBs.
- Added a badge icon on the Streams tab.
- Enabled the ability to paste images into comments.
Bug fixes:
- Fixed SSO login flow via external browser.
- Fixed sporadic infinite comment loader.
Release notes provided for 2 of 4 languages