Яндекс — с Алисой Mod Apk

Яндекс — с Алисой Hack - Mod Apk 25.22

Developer: Direct Cursus Computer Systems Trading LLC
Category: Tools
Price: Free


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Быстрый поиск с умными подсказками и Алиса, которая ответит на любой вопрос. Ищите в Яндексе так, как вам удобно: текстовым запросом в строке поиска; голосом — здесь поможет Алиса; по фото, картинке и объектам окружающего мира — в Умной камере. А ещё приложение подскажет, кто звонит с незнакомого номера, поможет сэкономить на дорогих покупках, разобраться в сложных вопросах и решать другие повседневные задачи.

Текстовый и голосовой поиск. Ищите как вам удобно: привычными текстовыми запросами с быстрыми подсказками и мгновенными ответами или голосом, если набирать текст неудобно.

Умная камера. Наведите на что угодно и посмотрите, что будет. Умная камера распознаёт предметы, рассказывает о них и советует, где купить; переводит надписи, открывает QR-коды и даже заменяет собой сканер.

Алиса. Голосовой помощник Яндекса ответит на любой вопрос и поможет в повседневных делах: поставит таймер и напомнит о делах, подскажет погоду и пробки, поиграет с детьми, расскажет им сказку или споёт песенку. А ещё Алиса может управлять устройствами умного дома или просто поболтать с вами — почти как обычный человек.

Бесплатный автоматический определитель номера. Включите АОН в меню настроек или попросите: «Алиса, включи определитель номера». Он покажет, кто звонит, даже если номера нет в контактах. База данных из более 5 миллионов организаций и отзывы пользователей сэкономят время и защитят от нежелательных разговоров.

Поиск товаров. Спросите: «Алиса, где дешевле?» и расскажите, что хотите купить. Алиса найдёт ваш товар среди предложений десятков тысяч магазинов — от маркетплейсов и гипермаркетов до небольших магазинов в вашем городе или районе — сравнит цены и покажет лучшую. Вам останется перейти в магазин и оформить покупку, не тратя лишнего.

Погода с точностью до района. Подробный почасовой прогноз на текущий день с динамической картой осадков, ветров, температуры и давления. И ежедневный — на неделю вперёд с детальной информацией о скорости ветра, атмосферном давлении и уровне влажности. А ещё — специальные режимы с полезной погодной информацией для рыбаков, садоводов и не только.

Version history

We have a new Yandex Search! It answers questions and helps with making choices.

Ask, and Yandex Search will provide a detailed response with links to sources. Refine your question, and it will answer while keeping the context

The Smart Camera has also been updated: it solves math problems and provides information about objects in the frame

Additionally, the new Search:
- Advises on how to choose a product.
- Helps find a doctor nearby.
- Can compare deposits, mortgage offers, or debit cards
We have a new Yandex Search! It answers questions and helps with making choices.

Ask, and Yandex Search will provide a detailed response with links to sources. Refine your question, and it will answer while keeping the context

The Smart Camera has also been updated: it solves math problems and provides information about objects in the frame

Additionally, the new Search:
- Advises on how to choose a product.
- Helps find a doctor nearby.
- Can compare deposits, mortgage offers, or debit cards
We have a new Yandex Search! It answers questions and helps with making choices.

Ask, and Yandex Search will provide a detailed response with links to sources. Refine your question, and it will answer while keeping the context

The Smart Camera has also been updated: it solves math problems and provides information about objects in the frame

Additionally, the new Search:
- Advises on how to choose a product.
- Helps find a doctor nearby.
- Can compare deposits, mortgage offers, or debit cards
We have a new Yandex Search! It answers questions and helps with making choices.

Ask, and Yandex Search will provide a detailed response with links to sources. Refine your question, and it will answer while keeping the context

The Smart Camera has also been updated: it solves math problems and provides information about objects in the frame

Additionally, the new Search:
- Advises on how to choose a product.
- Helps find a doctor nearby.
- Can compare deposits, mortgage offers, or debit cards
We have a new Yandex Search! It answers questions and helps with making choices.

Ask, and Yandex Search will provide a detailed response with links to sources. Refine your question, and it will answer while keeping the context

The Smart Camera has also been updated: it solves math problems and provides information about objects in the frame

Additionally, the new Search:
- Advises on how to choose a product.
- Helps find a doctor nearby.
- Can compare deposits, mortgage offers, or debit cards
We have a new Yandex Search! It answers questions and helps with making choices.

Ask, and Yandex Search will provide a detailed response with links to sources. Refine your question, and it will answer while keeping the context

The Smart Camera has also been updated: it solves math problems and provides information about objects in the frame

Additionally, the new Search:
- Advises on how to choose a product.
- Helps find a doctor nearby.
- Can compare deposits, mortgage offers, or debit cards
We have a new Yandex Search! It answers questions and helps with making choices.

Ask, and Yandex Search will provide a detailed response with links to sources. Refine your question, and it will answer while keeping the context

The Smart Camera has also been updated: it solves math problems and provides information about objects in the frame

Additionally, the new Search:
- Advises on how to choose a product.
- Helps find a doctor nearby.
- Can compare deposits, mortgage offers, or debit cards
We have a new Yandex Search! It answers questions and helps with making choices.

Ask, and Yandex Search will provide a detailed response with links to sources. Refine your question, and it will answer while keeping the context

The Smart Camera has also been updated: it solves math problems and provides information about objects in the frame

Additionally, the new Search:
- Advises on how to choose a product.
- Helps find a doctor nearby.
- Can compare deposits, mortgage offers, or debit cards
Subtle but important changes: fixed internal bugs in the app. Now it works even better and faster.
Now, for quick access to the call log, the Caller ID can be added to the Home Screen. Just click on the "Add" button when you turn on the Caller ID, you will be prompted to add a shortcut. Or select the appropriate item in the Caller ID settings.
Now, for quick access to the call log, the Caller ID can be added to the Home Screen. Just click on the "Add" button when you turn on the Caller ID, you will be prompted to add a shortcut. Or select the appropriate item in the Caller ID settings.
Now, for quick access to the call log, the Caller ID can be added to the Home Screen. Just click on the "Add" button when you turn on the Caller ID, you will be prompted to add a shortcut. Or select the appropriate item in the Caller ID settings.
Now, for quick access to the call log, the Caller ID can be added to the Home Screen. Just click on the "Add" button when you turn on the Caller ID, you will be prompted to add a shortcut. Or select the appropriate item in the Caller ID settings.
Subtle but important changes: fixed internal bugs in the app. Now it works even better and faster.
Subtle but important changes: fixed internal bugs in the app. Now it works even better and faster.
Yandex now has children's accounts. Create an account for your child and help protect them from adult content. Just tap on your avatar and select "Create child account".
Dec 23, 2022
Yandex now has children's accounts. Create an account for your child and help protect them from adult content. Just tap on your avatar and select "Create child account".
Dec 9, 2022
Yandex now has children's accounts. Create an account for your child and help protect them from adult content. Just tap on your avatar and select "Create child account".
Nov 22, 2022
You can now browse the web in Incognito mode. Yandex Browser won't remember your search history or visited sites.
Oct 27, 2022
You can now browse the web in Incognito mode. Yandex Browser won't remember your search history or visited sites.
Sep 30, 2022
A new Yandex app that's focused on search. Type your query in the search bar, use quick suggestions and instant results, ask Alice out loud, or take photos with the Smart camera.
The app can also tell you who's calling when it's an unknown number, help save on expensive purchases, explain complex problems, and perform everyday tasks.
Sep 9, 2022
A new Yandex app that's focused on search. Type your query in the search bar, use quick suggestions and instant results, ask Alice out loud, or take photos with the Smart camera.
The app can also tell you who's calling when it's an unknown number, help save on expensive purchases, explain complex problems, and perform everyday tasks.

Ways to hack Яндекс — с Алисой

Download Яндекс — с Алисой MOD APK 25.22

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