Get new look to your volume panel with stylish designed volume bar operator. They are sure to stand out and make using volume control settings very interesting. Many theme designed volume panels that you can select. Get operators for Music Volume, Call Volume, Alarm Volume, System Volume, Ringtone Volume from pop-up window.
Change volume panel orientation with slide left / right or up / down controls.
App Main Features:
- Replace volume control panel with theme stylish volume panels.
- Choose your choice of theme to replace the volume panel.
- Setup direction (Left/Right) of volume operators window popup.
- Set vertical position of volume operators window on phone screen.
- Adjust panel timeout for volume operators window.
Custom Design Volume Seek-bar
- Custom volume seek-bar design function where user can create their own volume seek-bar style.
- Customize seek-bar thumb color, size & outline border.
- Set seek-bar slider corners and colors in solid or gradient.
- Change seek-bar panel, icons and title color.
Accessibility Permission :
'Volume Stylish Panel: Customized' need 'BIND_ACCESSIBILITY_SERVICE' permission for following functions :
1. Getting access to volume controller window of any phone and handling all actions regarding it.
2. To set custom volume control window with custom themes, custom direction, custom timeout, custom vertical position.
App's core purpose is to handle volume controller window without which main functions of app will not work.
We do not collect any of user data, does not communicate, transmit or assign any of user data to third parties, under any circumstances.