- Added workouts
- Swiping back on main screens now first returns to favorites view and then exits the app
- Various small bug fixes
- Added custom properties,
- They enable you to track additional custom value with each track
- For example rating, numeric values like kilos, seconds...
- They can be added to tracker in tracker edit menu
- Added hour interval to chart
- Various small bug fixes
- Holding top part of widget now displays quick menu
- Undo value was moved from tracker to quick menu
- Small pie chart representing goal progress is now shown in tracker instead of undo button
- Various small bug fixes
Made counter creation more explanatory
Trackers now remember last chart view
- Fixed trackers not being added to favorites
- Resolved some minor bugs
- Larger redesign:
- Removed drawer,
- Categories now have separate screen,
- New bottom bar navigation,
' New library for charts -> charts look a bit different,
- You can now create custom charts,
- You can now have multiple home screen widgets with custom settings,
- Calendar view is now free,
- Added undo button to tracker card,
- You can now create custom color from hex value,
Fixed crashing caused by notifications.
Fixed db export/import on Android 13 and higher
Added reset button to counter
Fixed Google Drive Backup