Moovit: Bus & Train Schedules Mod Apk

Moovit: Bus & Train Schedules Hack - Mod Apk

Developer: Moovit
Category: Maps & Navigation
Price: Free


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Moovit is one app for all your urban mobility rides 🚍🚇🚘🛴.

🏆 "If you need to get anywhere by mass transit, you need will open up a new world for you, even if you just travel domestically" - USA Today 🏆

Transportation is an integral part of urban living. Whether you ride the train🚆, subway🚇, bus🚍, light rail🚈, ferry⛴️ or metro, use dockless scooters🛴, bikes🚴‍♀️, ride-sharing like Uber🚘 or Lyft, getting the best urban mobility information is critical. Moovit provides riders with a one-stop-shop journey experience to help them get from point A to B in the easiest and most efficient way. Get train and bus times, maps, live navigation, and real-time arrival information with ease so you can plan your trip with confidence. Pay for your ride. Find critical alerts and service disruptions for your favorite lines. Get step-by-step directions of optimal route bus, train, metro, bike, scooter, or a combination of them.

Moovit guides more than 930 million users in over 3400 cities throughout the world. Commuters will find updated bus times and train times, transit maps, and, where available, real-time line arrivals. Locate nearby bus stops and train stations, travel with on-the-go live navigation guidance, receive get-off alerts at your destination to ensure a smooth ride.. This is why Moovit has been named one of the best apps of the year in 2016 and 2017 by the Google Play and App Stores, respectively.

🚍 Real time arrivals. View real-time arrival updates, which are taken directly from GPS devices positioned on buses and trains. Avoid wasting time guessing train or bus times

💳 Digital payment. Purchase bus & train tickets and validate your digital pass with a tap using your mobility wallet (in supported metros)

⌚ Real time alerts. Know about issues ahead of time by receiving service alerts such as emergency or unexpected disruptions, delays, traffic jams, new construction, and more so that you can plan ahead if your bus time or train time changed

🔔 Live Navigation. Get step-by-step bus live directions and other transit directions with live guidance from A-to-B: Know how long you need to walk to your station, view the arrival time of your line, receive get-off alerts at your destination & more

🚏 Stops' visualization. Use augmented reality to locate your bus or train stop with "Way Finder"

📱User reports. Moovit’s users report issues found with stations, line service, and schedules so that we can inform all nearby riders about what’s going on in their area

🚩Favorite lines, stations, and places. Get easy access to lines, stations, and places you ride and visit all the time. Plus, get real-time updates if/when there are changes to your Favorite lines in case your bus time or train time is impacted!

🚴 Bike routes. Get bike routes in addition to the bus, subway, train, or metro trip plans. If you ride bikes (yours or shared) we can plan a route that includes the train or bus. Moovit will help you plan a trip that meets your transit-needs. Bike docking stations are updated in real-time. Bike trip plans are only available in supported metro areas

🗺️ Maps view. View all stations, routes, and lines on the subway or bus map. Additionally, maps are available in PDF for when you’re offline, or underground on the subway

Moovit is the #1 urban mobility app in the world. We’re proud to collaborate with public transit agencies across the US, including:
* NJ Transit
* LA Metro
* SFMTA Muni
* Caltrain
* Metra
* MTA Maryland
* TriMet
* Sound Transit
& more

You only need one app on your phone to navigate nearby buses and transit in the U.S. and across 112 other countries and in 45 languages!

Contact us:
moovit@Facebook, Twitter

Version history
Know how accurate the arrival times presented in the app are, using a 3-colour Arrival Time Accuracy guide:
Green: Arrival time is accurate.
Yellow: Arrival time is fairly accurate.
Red: Arrival time may not be accurate.
Users will also be able to see if their line is out of route, indicated by a red mark with an exclamation point.
Users will be able to check the accuracy level of their next arrival times from any screen in the app.
Know how accurate the arrival times presented in the app are, using a 3-colour Arrival Time Accuracy guide:
Green: Arrival time is accurate.
Yellow: Arrival time is fairly accurate.
Red: Arrival time may not be accurate.
Users will also be able to see if their line is out of route, indicated by a red mark with an exclamation point.
Users will be able to check the accuracy level of their next arrival times from any screen in the app.
Know how accurate the arrival times presented in the app are, using a 3-colour Arrival Time Accuracy guide:
Green: Arrival time is accurate.
Yellow: Arrival time is fairly accurate.
Red: Arrival time may not be accurate.
Users will also be able to see if their line is out of route, indicated by a red mark with an exclamation point.
Users will be able to check the accuracy level of their next arrival times from any screen in the app.
Know how accurate the arrival times presented in the app are, using a 3-colour Arrival Time Accuracy guide:
Green: Arrival time is accurate.
Yellow: Arrival time is fairly accurate.
Red: Arrival time may not be accurate.
Users will also be able to see if their line is out of route, indicated by a red mark with an exclamation point.
Users will be able to check the accuracy level of their next arrival times from any screen in the app.
Getting around just got easier with Moovit’s new and improved Directions screen. We’re introducing a simpler way to navigate public and shared transportation routes to help you make the most of your daily commutes.
Moovit will present Directions in a timeline format, allowing you to quickly grasp the most relevant information for each leg of your journey.
As you scroll down the directions, each leg of a journey will fall under a different color for easier differentiation.
View the live location of your approaching transit line as it moves across the map in real-time, and know when your line will actually reach your stop!
Get real-time updates on when your line was last seen, and receive service alerts for your line — all in the same screen.
This feature is available for any transit type (buses, trains, trams, subways, ferries, and even cable cars) that shares real-time GPS data.
Moovit’s Dark Mode for Android is Here!
View the live location of your approaching transit line as it moves across the map in real-time, and know when your line will actually reach your stop!
Get real-time updates on when your line was last seen, and receive service alerts for your line — all in the same screen.
This feature is available for any transit type (buses, trains, trams, subways, ferries, and even cable cars) that shares real-time GPS data.
Moovit’s Dark Mode for Android is Here!
View the live location of your approaching transit line as it moves across the map in real-time, and know when your line will actually reach your stop!
Get real-time updates on when your line was last seen, and receive service alerts for your line — all in the same screen.
This feature is available for any transit type (buses, trains, trams, subways, ferries, and even cable cars) that shares real-time GPS data.
Moovit’s Dark Mode for Android is Here!
View the live location of your approaching transit line as it moves across the map in real-time, and know when your line will actually reach your stop!
Get real-time updates on when your line was last seen, and receive service alerts for your line — all in the same screen.
This feature is available for any transit type (buses, trains, trams, subways, ferries, and even cable cars) that shares real-time GPS data.
Moovit’s Dark Mode for Android is Here!
View the live location of your approaching transit line as it moves across the map in real-time, and know when your line will actually reach your stop!
Get real-time updates on when your line was last seen, and receive service alerts for your line — all in the same screen.
This feature is available for any transit type (buses, trains, trams, subways, ferries, and even cable cars) that shares real-time GPS data.
Moovit’s Dark Mode for Android is Here!
View the live location of your approaching transit line as it moves across the map in real-time, and know when your line will actually reach your stop!
Get real-time updates on when your line was last seen, and receive service alerts for your line — all in the same screen.
This feature is available for any transit type (buses, trains, trams, subways, ferries, and even cable cars) that shares real-time GPS data.
Moovit’s Dark Mode for Android is Here!
View the live location of your approaching transit line as it moves across the map in real-time, and know when your line will actually reach your stop!
Get real-time updates on when your line was last seen, and receive service alerts for your line — all in the same screen.
This feature is available for any transit type (buses, trains, trams, subways, ferries, and even cable cars) that shares real-time GPS data.
Moovit’s Dark Mode for Android is Here!
View the live location of your approaching transit line as it moves across the map in real-time, and know when your line will actually reach your stop!
Get real-time updates on when your line was last seen, and receive service alerts for your line — all in the same screen.
This feature is available for any transit type (buses, trains, trams, subways, ferries, and even cable cars) that shares real-time GPS data.
Moovit’s Dark Mode for Android is Here!
View the live location of your approaching transit line as it moves across the map in real-time, and know when your line will actually reach your stop!
Get real-time updates on when your line was last seen, and receive service alerts for your line — all in the same screen.
This feature is available for any transit type (buses, trains, trams, subways, ferries, and even cable cars) that shares real-time GPS data.
Moovit’s Dark Mode for Android is Here!
Mar 14, 2023
View the live location of your approaching transit line as it moves across the map in real-time, and know when your line will actually reach your stop!
Get real-time updates on when your line was last seen, and receive service alerts for your line — all in the same screen.
This feature is available for any transit type (buses, trains, trams, subways, ferries, and even cable cars) that shares real-time GPS data.
Moovit’s Dark Mode for Android is Here!
Feb 27, 2023
View the live location of your approaching transit line as it moves across the map in real-time, and know when your line will actually reach your stop!
Get real-time updates on when your line was last seen, and receive service alerts for your line — all in the same screen.
This feature is available for any transit type (buses, trains, trams, subways, ferries, and even cable cars) that shares real-time GPS data.
Moovit’s Dark Mode for Android is Here!
Feb 12, 2023
View the live location of your approaching transit line as it moves across the map in real-time, and know when your line will actually reach your stop!
Get real-time updates on when your line was last seen, and receive service alerts for your line — all in the same screen.
This feature is available for any transit type (buses, trains, trams, subways, ferries, and even cable cars) that shares real-time GPS data.
Moovit’s Dark Mode for Android is Here!
Jan 29, 2023
View the live location of your approaching transit line as it moves across the map in real-time, and know when your line will actually reach your stop!
Get real-time updates on when your line was last seen, and receive service alerts for your line — all in the same screen.
This feature is available for any transit type (buses, trains, trams, subways, ferries, and even cable cars) that shares real-time GPS data.
Moovit’s Dark Mode for Android is Here!
Dec 20, 2022
Instant travel suggestions of your travel needs presented to you as soon as you open the app. This is based on your previous app behavior, current location, time of day, and day of the week. It is displayed under the search bar and can be scrolled through horizontally.
Smart Cards include the following types of suggestions:
To Home
To Work
Recent Trips
Favorite Station
Nearby Station
Latest Route
The Smart Cards are presented according to priority, and based on data availability.
Dec 14, 2022
Instant travel suggestions of your travel needs presented to you as soon as you open the app. This is based on your previous app behavior, current location, time of day, and day of the week. It is displayed under the search bar and can be scrolled through horizontally.
Smart Cards include the following types of suggestions:
To Home
To Work
Recent Trips
Favorite Station
Nearby Station
Latest Route
The Smart Cards are presented according to priority, and based on data availability.
-SMART TRIPS: Do you prefer taking the bus or are you a scooter person? Let us know by selecting your preferred and less preferred means of transportation (bus, train, underground, shared bikes, shared scooter, taxi, etc.) during your commutes, and Moovit will customize your route accordingly.
- SMART RETURN: Don’t miss the ride back to the location you last departed from. Moovit will prompt you to easily set up a return trip reminder, so you can get notified of when to leave.
Varies with device
November 7, 2021
Know in real-time how crowded your station/next bus is, and help others know by self-reporting
*Know whether or not your station/next bus will be crowded based on user reports from within the last 10 minutes (when available).
*Help other riders know in advance how crowded the station/next bus are by reporting crowdedness levels
*Confirm crowdedness status reported by other users, or If a report is no longer relevant, you can easily update the crowdedness level when you are at the station.

Ways to hack Moovit: Bus & Train Schedules

Download Moovit: Bus & Train Schedules MOD APK

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