* [Task] Low level library updates.
* [Bug] Minor bug fixes and enhancements.
* Introduce new Whats New Card on Dashboard.
* Fix for potential loss of Workout Settings on app update.
* Fix next planned workout commonly not appearing in bottom sheet.
* Minor bug fixes and enhancements.
* Prevent potential speech error that could be triggered during out of range cues.
* Minor bug fixes and enhancements.
* Fix speech error that could be triggered when transitioning to a Preparation step.
* Minor bug fixes and enhancements.
* Fix the 'trend days' toggle buttons on the Fit Scores Banner card not working.
* Fix viewing details of some Couch to 5k workouts not displaying.
* Minor bug fixes and enhancements.
Resolve issue linking to Garmin Connect directly from TrainAsONE on Android devices
* Targeting of Android 13 (API level 33)
* Improvements to background location tracking (including a notification entry when happening).
* General bug fixes and enhancements
Nov 4, 2022
* Added Freestyle Warmup and Cooldown run types
* General bug fixes and enhancements
Oct 10, 2022
* General bug fixes and enhancements
Aug 2, 2022
* General bug fixes and enhancements.
Jul 26, 2022
* Fixed issue displaying explanatory text for run/walk workouts.
* General bug fixes and enhancements.
Jul 16, 2022
* Introduction of Feature Walkthroughs
* Fixed bug where Workout Settings could be reset to default values
* Fixed bug where activity recording could be prevented due to 'unknown' OS speech engine configuration errors. (Recording can now continue, but without voice guidance.)
* General bug fixes and enhancements
Jun 13, 2022
* New embedded database (faster and improved fault tolerance).
* New run confirmation card.
* Improved consistency of app theming and dialog layout.
* Improved audio handling (including ducking).
* Enhancements to data syncing.
* General bug fixes and enhancements.
March 7, 2022
* Ability to swap between 7d and 28d Fit Score trends
* General bug fixes and enhancements
December 30, 2021
General bug fixes and enhancements
December 6, 2021
* New Charts screen with weekly duration and distance charts
* Added Subjective Effort to the Activity Card
* Added a menu on Activity Card to allow editing and opening in web
* Settings screen moved from main tab bar to drawer menu
* Added 'open in web' links to the Calendar, History and Charts screens
* General bug fixes and enhancements
November 26, 2021
* Account registration is now in-app (rather than being web-based)
* Phase 1 home screen Account Setup card to aid onboarding
* Introduce icon on Calendar for Parkruns
* Improved feedback when plan contains no workouts
* General bug fixes and enhancements
November 8, 2021
* Redesigned introduction carousel
* Redesigned login screen
* General bug fixes and enhancements