Bug fixing and balance changes.
- Added new life loss system to private versus matches.
- Added label to players using wild custom packs in private matches.
- Changed Mushroom and Pteranodon to remember remaining triggers.
- Changed versus timer also appear in the final battle.
- Fixed Crumbled Paper not being random.
- Added 42 new pets.
- Reworked custom pack building.
- Reworked hard toys.
- Fixed versus mode desyncing when time runs out.
Added ranked and spectator mode.
Reworked Puppy Pack, adding a ton of new pets and rebalanced a lot of pets from Turtle, Puppy and Custom packs.
Reworked Puppy Pack, adding a ton of new pets and rebalanced a lot of pets from Turtle, Puppy and Custom packs.
Reworked Puppy Pack, adding a ton of new pets and rebalanced a lot of pets from Turtle, Puppy and Custom packs.
Mar 6, 2023
- Added new pet artwork AND a pet artwork customiser.
- Added arena hard difficulty mode.
- Added calculated values to pet abilities that scale with stats - like Dodo.
- Added Turkish and Traditional Chinese translations.
- Added new backgrounds, hats and masks(!)
- Added warning message when playing Lettuce without any valid targets.
- Changed a lot of sound effects.
Jan 25, 2023
- Added Traditional Chinese and Turkish translations.
- Tweaked the Random Roll entrance animation.
- Made all free cosmetic items viewable.
Oct 7, 2022
Turtle is now version 107.