The Amusement Park Adventure," a vibrant and immersive game that takes you on an enchanting journey through a magical amusement park. This game is not just about thrills and spills more than that where you match and sort people and have fun .
One of the game's most captivating features is its ASMR experience. As you enter the world of Carnival Craze, you're immediately immersed in the bustling atmosphere of a lively amusement park. Your mission is to manage the park, ensuring guests have the time of their lives. The game revolves around three core activities: matching, sorting, and experiencing thrilling rides.
Sort the People: Here's where your keen observation comes into play. Watch the guests – families, thrill-seekers, couples, and more – and sort them into different rides and attractions where they'll have the most fun. Each character has unique preferences and reactions, making the sorting both challenging and entertaining.
Frisbee Wheel: One of the star attractions, the Frisbee Wheel, offers a unique twist. In this giant, spinning ride, you must match guests with similar interests to earn extra points and create a harmonious experience for them.
Roller Coaster Rush: Build and customize your roller coaster, creating a thrilling experience for guests. Use your resources to make it the most exciting ride in the park, with loops, steep drops, and breathtaking speeds.
Pirate Ship Adventure: Set sail on the high seas with the Pirate Ship ride. This swaying attraction is a favorite among adventure lovers. Match the right people to this ride and watch their joy as they embark on a nautical adventure.
Jam-Packed Events: Regularly, the park hosts special events like concerts and parades. During these events, you'll face time-limited challenges that require quick sorting and matching to handle the jam-packed crowds efficiently.