Try using the telecommuting collaboration platform 'Dotbiz' with a non-face-to-face voucher!
Dotbiz is a remote collaboration solution that helps you directly run blogs, YouTube, and Instagram experience groups.
We provide a big data statistical system that allows you to view the content information of influencers at once.
What is a non-face-to-face voucher?
It is an open market that connects non-face-to-face service providers such as video conferencing and telecommuting with demanding companies.
It is a system that is processed online.
Get the Dot Biz platform provided by Smart Dong School through a non-face-to-face voucher!
Detailed explanations and links for Dot Biz, as well as explanations for non-face-to-face vouchers are included.
You can contact us directly through the app.
For more information, check the link below or after downloading the app.