Stairs-X Pro Stairs Calculator Mod Apk

Stairs-X Pro Stairs Calculator Hack - Mod Apk 2.1.49

Developer: TinuxSoft
Category: Productivity
Price: $28.99 (Download for free)


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Stairs-X Pro is a powerful and user-friendly stairs calculator and stair design, useful for fast calculations and design for standard stairs and advanced stairs. After calculation you can see the staircase in 2D drawing exactly how you like it, and you have the possibility to send your calculation alongside with all drawings thru email for future printings.

Input both IMPERIAL and METRIC units, and calculate using inch fractions.
Your stairs drawings are presented in real time in more views from side view, top view and detailed view.

Stairs-X Pro is super flexible and designed to be used for every person in the world, simple and easy to understand.
Stairs-X Pro is all you need for simple stairs, spiral staircase, wood stairs, stairs on stringer, or stairs in 90 degrees or 180 degrees turn, from wood, metal or concrete fast and easy.

All in one stairs calculator perfect tool for home use, construction and visualization in 2D, the best stair calculator. Very useful for builders, handymen, contractors, architects, etc.
Detailed drawings and accurate calculation for treads and risers, straight stairs, spiral staircase, stairs on L and U turn.

You can calculate:
- Simple stairs
- Semicircular stairs
- Stairs on stringer
- Stairs on bowstring
- Stairs on bowstring L shape
- Stairs on bowstring U shape
- Stairs on 90 degrees turn
- Stairs on 180 degrees turn
- Stairs on stringer 90 degrees turn Z shape
- Stairs on stringer C shape
- Spiral stairs
- Helical stairs
- Winder stairs on stringer with 90° turn
- Winder stairs on stringer with 180° turn
- Winder stairs on stringer Z shape
- Winder stairs on stringer C shape
- Angled winder stairs U shape
- Stair with intermediate landing
- Zig-zag stair (with tread on stringers) or (with tread between stringers)
- Zig-zag stair with intermediate landing (with tread on stringers) or (with tread between stringers)
- Zig-zag stair L shape (with tread on stringers) or (with tread between stringers)
- Zig-zag stair U shape (with tread on stringers) or (with tread between stringers)
- Zig-zag stair Z shape
- Zig-zag stair C shape
- Zig-zag winder stairs L shape
- Zig-zag winder stairs U shape
- Zig-zag winder stairs Z shape
- Zig-zag winder stairs C shape

Calculate treads depth, rise height, number of steps, length of stringer and angle fast and easy.
Calculate concrete stairs, wood stairs, spiral staircase and stairs on bowstring, each one with the best techniques of calculations.
All in one stairs calculator is all what you need.

Features included:
• Send email with your calculation and drawings in pdf.
• Detailed drawings, from side to top view with all type of stairs.
• Change stairs direction to right or left
• Support for tablets
• Choose between millimeters, centimeters or inches (fraction).

The most complete stair calculator from the market for mobile devices.
Thank you for using this app.

Version history

Improvements in calculculations and drawings
New stair calculation "Angled winder stairs L shape"
Improvements in calculculations and drawings
Nov 13, 2022
Improvements in calculculations and drawings
January 28, 2022
Improvements in calculculations and drawings
May 19, 2021
Stairs on bowstring with landing

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Ways to hack Stairs-X Pro Stairs Calculator

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