1. Ability to perform advanced operations for RTU
2. Ability to activate RTU cloud plant
3. Ability to reset password for cloud access
4. Minor updates to RTU safeties
5. Minor app improvements
Jan 25, 2023
1. Ability to configure multiple zones for RTU
2. Ability to configure lonizer control for RTU
3. Ability to configure humidification/de-humidification control for RTU
4. Ability to configure critical temperature for RTU
5. Ability to modify date & time settings for RTU
6. Ability to access RTU operation menu via WiFi-Stick
7. Ability to change network defaults for WiFi-Stick
8. Changes to Economizer's default configuration
9. Ability to enable/disable demo mode
10. Improve navigation
Nov 9, 2021
Updated features:
1) Ability to access a group of your locations in real time when subscribed to Climatix IC.
2) Ability to view space parameters such as temperature, humidity, air quality and heat/cool mode.
3) Ability to modify heating/cooling setpoints for locations.
4) Ability to modify and copy schedules for locations.
5) Test and operating modes for Climatix ECO that allows enhanced accuracy and operations
6) Performance enhancements
7) Minor bug fixes