Shell ORCA Mod Apk

Shell ORCA Hack - Mod Apk 1.5.3

Developer: Shell Information Technology International B.V.
Category: Productivity
Price: Free


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The ORCA collector app (Offline Remote Capture Application) is a simple tool to help collect well site data. Authorized users with an internet connection can download from online systems a set of data collections or tasks that are applicable to their role or assigned to them. Data can then be collected or recorded on a tablet or handheld device while working without a network connection. Where relevant, pictures can be attached as supporting data/evidence.
Collected data can later be uploaded to online IT systems at a time when network connection is available.

By periodically authenticating while a network connection is available, the set of required tasks/data collections kept up to date, in-progress work is backed up online, and completed data collections are uploaded and made available to online systems. Completed data collections are held securely in your collector app until you choose to remove it.

Using ORCA requires an account set up in Shell’s Identity Management System and registered with PingID. The PingID app must also be used to enable user authentication.

Version history

UI enhancements to Adhoc functionality
Various Bug fixes
UI enhancements to Adhoc functionality
Various Bug fixes
UI enhancements to Adhoc functionality
Various Bug fixes
Mar 9, 2023
Added support for: Child data collections, List property types, Image compression, Customizable user actions.
Aug 24, 2022

Ways to hack Shell ORCA

Download Shell ORCA MOD APK 1.5.3

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