You can install this application on your phone or tablet and you will always have interesting quotes and thoughts nearby that you can read yourself and send messages to friends.
Quotes are literal phrases from text, buzzwords or spoken words. They can be several words long, or they can be very impressive in size.
What's interesting about the app: • Wise quotes about life; • Beautiful messages about love; • Motivating statements about work and business; • The best phrases about a person; • Interesting words about health; • Life thoughts about friendship; • Famous expressions about happiness; • Amazing words about family.
Why do we need motivating words? They often confirm our thoughts, or help clarify a question, and can even be a way to sparkle knowledge in the company. Quotes often help us express our thoughts in the best way. Knowledge and the ability to use these expressions in the right places characterizes a person on the positive side, as intelligent, well-read and quick-witted.
"Motivation, Quotes and Thoughts" is an application that contains a huge number of quotes from famous people about life, love, friendship, happiness, family, work and business, health and people. All texts are conveniently divided into categories. You can add a quote you like to your favorites by clicking the heart icon, or send smart words and phrases to the person with whom you want to share them.
By reading the best expressions, you will have a great time and broaden your horizons. Wise sayings of sages, writers, politicians and other famous personalities can be used as statuses and applied in suitable situations, and those around you will surely appreciate your knowledge.