Your one-stop market for authentic Asian American Pacific Islander (AAPI) products. Discover and shop for unique, handmade items directly from AAPI makers and brands. From food and fashion to home décor and wellness, Sarap Now offers a wide range of products that showcase the rich culture and heritage of the AAPI community. Stay connected with your favorite makers and brands, receive updates on new arrivals, and receive special offers. Download the Sarap Now app today and become part of a growing community that celebrates diversity and supports small businesses.
Featured on NBC News, Vice, Yahoo, and Food & Wine
- Your Asian Market for Asian Groceries and food and beverage products by AAPI
- Discover products that are healthier, sustainably made, and unique
- Find handmade products and gifts
- Celebrate the different diasporas within the AAPI community
- Explore recipes and new ways to use products