Wifi Thief Detector allows users to see all information about WIFI like WIFI Name, Router, Device IP, Mac Add ana also wifi settings. Just one touch and get information about Thief information. Get instantly rid of WIFI thief through this app.
This app is a powerful network tool for getting connected devices and WiFi info, you can receive full information on my WiFi, find out internal or external IP, MAC Address, SSID, BSSID, gateway, broadcast address, frequency, network mask and other basic information.
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☘ Device is connected to your router with IP, MAC ID and vendor listing
☘ How to See Who Is Using My Wifi
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☘ If neighbors may have access to your personal data check using connected list.
☘ How to Know If Someone Is Using Your Wifi
☘ Easy WiFi Thief Detector
☘ Connected WiFilist with IP Address & Mac Address
☘ DetectWho Use My WiFi
☘ WiFi Network Info, Wifi User Checker
☘ Check whatmy Mac & External IP Address is
☘ Connected devices on WiFi