Mod Apk Hack - Mod Apk 4.0.3

Developer: The end of wasted spend.
Category: Finance
Price: Free


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This App speeds up the creation of purchase requests and approvals. The web-app companion is where the full setup happens, but don't worry we have experts who can do that for you.

"The ease of use of this product makes it must for all Companies. It is a very easy way to keep up with your Purchase orders. The Accounting people love it also a quick way to balance open PO's." - Christopher, International Warehousing and Logistics Consultant at WaterWipes

The main benefits of using

1. Authorization. Are employees committing to costs without you knowing about it? Are you getting value for money? You could reduce costs with fewer suppliers and also look for rebates. You could reduce costs by using a modern IT solution. can help.

2. Accurate accounts. Are your monthly reports incorrect because you don't know which invoices are outstanding? Do you know about all the costs that are yet to come in? How can you do an accurate cashflow when you don't know what needs to be paid? can help.

3. Organized Accounts Payable. It's a hassle, you send out the invoices to get approved and they are lost or misplaced. You're not paying your vendors on time and spend most of your time listening to vendors complaining about not getting paid when you didn't even know there was an invoice due! can help.

"It's quick and easy - Basic layout for ease of use however it includes everything I need! Amazing to use and now the office can go paperless! It's so easy to use - I use this daily so helps a lot!" - Hannah, Administrator at Clarendon Homes

"Using I can instantly see what our costs were in real time rather than waiting for the bookkeeper's report at the end of the following month. Because it is much simpler than alternative solutions out there, it means that my team actually use the app which in turn means the figures are accurate." - Priscilla, Ruler

Version history

1. Enhanced Send to Supplier markdown preview
2. Minor bug fix and enhancement
Fixed an issue with the splash screen.
1. App layout and animation upgrades
2. Bug fixes and improvements
Fixed build issues.
1. Redesign of the widget for adding attachments
2. Added ability to change language on Welcome screen
3. Fixed an issue with selecting approvers for manual approval flow
4. Small bug fixes and enhancements
1. Fixed an issue where some users were unable to raise a request when budget overruns were active
2. Small enhancements to new user invitations
1. Fixed an issue with creating new POs
2. Fixed an issue with adding new PO line items
3. Enhanced handling of required custom fields
4. Small enhancements for multiple company users and data fetching
1. Receiving items automatically filling full amount
2. Added budget overrun error message
1. Web url handling in PO/Invoice details page
2. Camera/photos permission handling fixed for scenarios where permissions were declined
3. Supplier bottom sheet loading and search improved
4. Small localisation and bug fixes
1. Custom field fixes regarding to its access and user's access
2. Sign in and sign up fields cutting off long emails/passwords
3. Forgot password null safety for invalid and missing email
4. Refactoring the complete app with regards to the content padding of input fields, button styles and bottom sheets
5. Small bugs and various enhancements
1. New Sign Up Success animation added
2. Bugs and small enhancements
Fixed Welcome screen layout for some devices.
1. Added custom fields and line item custom fields on the Details screen
2. Fixed view of formatted comments on PO Details screen
3. Bug fixes and enhancements
Fixed a bug where In some instances, the ability to receive items was disabled.
1. Ability to refresh PO Detail screen with pull-down
2. Fixed reset password flow
Mar 22, 2023
1. Receiving Items
2. Ability to add department for certain roles
3. Ability to add SKUs for certain roles
4. Self-approve for manual flow
5. Redesign of the PO Details page
6. Fixed bug when changing companies
Dec 16, 2022
- Minor bug fixes

Ways to hack

Download MOD APK 4.0.3

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