Небумага. Учимся читать! Mod Apk

Небумага. Учимся читать! Hack - Mod Apk 114.0

Developer: Scalartis
Category: Education
Price: Free


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Nepaper is a gaming application that teaches children to read on a turn-key basis. The application consists of three levels and helps the child at all stages: familiarization with sounds and letters; reading syllables and whole words; reading and understanding sentences.

* The application contains 1300 tasks of various types and difficulty levels. The tasks were developed by candidates of philological sciences and tested by linguists, child psychologists and primary school teachers.

* Craft-style illustrations on a calm beige background are reminiscent of cardboard crafts and do not overload the child’s nervous system. The author of the illustrations is Tatyana Chulyuskina, art director of Seasons of Life magazine.

* Calm musical score created by film composers. The application features the soft and kind voice of Anna Geller, a theater actress who has voiced popular children's animated series.

* The application has been successfully tested on children of different skill levels aged 4 to 7 years and received high ratings from parents.

* Imagine a good-natured alien Mo, living on the mysterious planet Tuf. Mo wants to fly to Earth and make new friends among children, but there is one problem: he does not speak Russian. This is where the child comes into play, becoming Mo's assistant. Going through exciting tasks, he sends knowledge to the alien on multi-colored rockets.


The first two “missiles” (200 tasks) are devoted to the study of sounds, the sound form of a word, and develop hearing. We immediately teach the child to distinguish a hard consonant from a soft one, and thus lay the foundation for future reading and writing. In the same block, we invite the child to become familiar with accents and visualize words using sound diagrams - cute houses with red, green and blue rooms.

The next 400 tasks are devoted to learning letters and reading syllables. Ten different tasks are devoted to each letter: the child remembers the image of the letter, hears the sound it represents in the letter, understands how the letters “are friends” and form syllables. The child immediately practices reading the simplest words.


The second level trains and complicates reading skills. It contains five blocks:
1. Basic words and concepts.
2. Words on topics: animals, plants, hobbies, city, water world and much more.
3. Words by type: nouns, adjectives, numerals and others.
4. Fascinating stories about different children.
5. Important topics: safety, etiquette, friendship and much more.


In the third level, Mo flies to our planet and gets acquainted with the human world, goes to school, the zoo and a cafe with new friends, and is amazed at the animals and the laws of local nature. Each exercise is a funny situation from Mo’s life. The child must read the sentence and understand it in order to answer the task question.

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Let's learn to read with pleasure with "Nepaper"!

Version history

В обновлении мы поправили недоработки в заданиях и улучшили первый уровень!
В новой версии мы исправили несколько багов, а также улучшили производительность анимаций.

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