MathemaCLICKS Mod Apk

MathemaCLICKS Hack - Mod Apk 5.8.0-full

Developer: QPTmaths
Category: Educational
Price: Free


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You have the possibility to perform different assessments and math problems. Now you can solve exercises in math, algebra, geometry, differential calculus, integral calculus, analysis and other areas at any time and in any situation. Infinite short and quick exercises. Practicing has never been so easy. And not least: Free!

Try to get as many points as you can in one minute. Accumulate streaks to quickly increase your score. If you want, you can upload your results to the ranking of the best players and compete to be the best of your friends... or of the whole world!

Aimed at compulsory secondary education (ESO), high school and university students.

Integral calculus exercises - Functions of one variable:
- Easy integration
- Simple integration but with constants
- Sum of integrable functions
- Composition of integrable functions
- Variable change
- Integration by parts
- Proposal of integration by parts
- Integral of polynomial fractions
- Application of Barrow's rule
- Calculation of areas

Integral calculus exercises - Functions of several variables:
Antiderivative with respect to a variable of a function when it is:
- The sum of two functions
- The product of two functions.
- The composition of several functions.

Differential calculus exercises - Functions of one variable:
- Simple derivatives
- Sum of differential functions
- Product of differential functions
- Quotient of differential functions
- Composition of differential functions
- Difficult derivatives

Differential calculus exercises - Functions of several variables:
- Partial derivatives with two variables
- Partial derivatives with three variables

Arithmetic exercises - Integers:
- Addition and subtraction of integers
- Product of integers
- Quotient of integers
- Sort integers
- Removal of parentheses
- Combined operations with integers (hierarchy of operations and parentheses)

Arithmetic exercises - Fractions:
- Addition and subtraction of fractions
- Broken product
- Quotient of fractions
- Order fractions
- Equivalent bankrupts
- Graphic representation of fractions
- Go from fraction to decimal number
- Write a decimal number as a fraction

- Addition and subtraction of monomials
- Coefficient of monomials
- Literal part of monomials
- Product and quotient of monomials
- Degree of a monomial

- Degree of a polynomial
- Main coefficient
- Independent term
- Evaluation of a polynomial
- Addition of polynomials
- Subtraction of polynomials
- Product: Level 1
- Product: Level 2
- Notable Identities: Level 1
- Notable Identities: Level 2
- Factoring
- Remainder theorem

- Convert percentages to fractions
- Convert fractions to percentages
- Calculate the percentage of an amount
- Problems related to percentages

- Evaluation of algebraic expressions
- Solving equations
- find the unknown

As you can see, you can find math exercises for students of any age (young and old). With this application you can practice and improve your math skills through multiple choice exercises in a simple and dynamic way.

Your experience with this application can be with or without an Internet connection. That is, you do not need to be online or connected to the network to enjoy its interactive games, quizzes, problems and exercises.

You no longer have to practice with countless spreadsheets. Now you will have on your device as many exercises as you want for different degrees and courses, with the results available in a single click and with several wrong attempts until you hit and find the solution.

Training math is the best way to master your logical and analytical reasoning skills. Here you can carry out this training and you will also have at your disposal statistics of the percentage of successes and messages of encouragement to start the practice on the right foot.

Version history

Mejorada la experiencia del usuario con la table de líderes.
Libraries update. Target SDK 34.
Mejoras de estabilidad.
Añadida la política de privacidad de datos.
Idiomas añadidos
Se ha quitado el enlace a otras apps.
Se ha mejorado el splashscreen.
Acceso a "Otros juegos" añadido.

Ways to hack MathemaCLICKS

Download MathemaCLICKS MOD APK 5.8.0-full

Download MOD APK