Winter is here, and just like that one friend who wears shorts in 30-degree weather, Chime stays cool and collected no matter what. We kicked some bugs to the curb (where they promptly slipped on ice) and made your app faster than your tongue freezing to a flagpole. So whether you're hibernating under five blankets or running to the snow-covered hills, Chime’s got you covered: no frostbite, no fees, just financial progress. Now go forth and winter responsibly.
Not all relationships are built to last. Like the one with your old traditional bank account. Or that situationship from Brooklyn, I think his name was like, Leaf or something? He had all those roommates where you couldn’t figure out the kind of relationship they all had with each other? But with Chime, there’s no ambiguity. Like this week’s update. Just performance upgrades and a few bugs are now gone. No, not like the ones that were in Leaf’s apartment. Those aren’t going anywhere.
February: the shortest month, the longest vibes. Groundhog saw its shadow? More winter. Valentine’s Day? More chocolate. Leap year? More…day. And while February keeps things unpredictable, one thing stays the same—your weekly app updates. So whether you’re bracing for six more weeks of cold, swiping left on love, or enjoying your extra 24 hours, update your app for bug fixes and performance enhancements. Because some things should always be reliable.
We talk a lot about progress here at Chime, but what does it mean? Building your credit score to get a better interest rate on a car loan? That’s progress. Updating your app to the latest bug fixes and performance enhancements? That’s progress. Listening to Pink Floyd’s Dark Side Of The Moon album? That’s prog-rock. Learning money moves from the song “Money” on that same album? You better believe that’s progress.
It’s the new year! So as you’re rushing to the gym with the mob of resolutioners (respectfully), make sure you don’t forget about the other part of your life that could also use an update. That’s right—your Chime app. Tap Update for the first new version of the year and get in on these 2025 bug fixes and performance updates. You know, while you’re waiting in the seasonally long line to use the weight bench.
Owning a pet is crazy because every once in a while it’ll start acting funny and the cure will either be a $2,000 surgery or it just needs to go #2—and you just gotta guess which one you’re dealing with. Lucky for you, these app updates are more predictable. Just banger performance updates and bug fixes on the weekly from the #1 Most Loved Banking App. And the occasional writeup about pets possibly having to go to the bathroom.
Call us purists, but we’d never use these app updates to plug something other than our great weekly performance boosts and bug fixes. No way. We'd never use it to say how we have this super cool place on the internet called Chime’s In The Green, that puts you in-the-know about all things money, with helpful tips, free budget calculators, and financial knowledge basics that anyone can use. Nope, none of that. Just pure, unadulterated app update hype. As it should be.
Sometimes I ask myself: “Why am I a Chime member?”, and a bunch of reasons cross my mind. No hidden fees. The community aspect (Boost for Boost, anyone?). And of course, these weekly bug fixes and performance updates. Oh, can’t forget about automatic savings! wish I could auto-save some snacks for later instead of eating them all at once. Then I could really start talking about stacking my chips. Until that feature is out, I’ll just be stacking, you know…my chips. (The non-crunchy kind).
Everyone knows about Self-Care Sundays, but why stop there? You should try making self care an everyday thing. How about Fab Feet Fridays? A Lot of people neglect their feet—guys, I’m looking at you. Get a pedicure and thank me later. Or Sheet Washin’ Wednesdays? We all know the saying “clean sheets, clear minds, can’t lose.” And the most important—Tune-up Tuesdays: where you smash that Chime app update button. Because a smooth-running app is like self-care for your cash.
Spooky season is here! If you’re not watching Saw I through X, what are you even doing? If you’re here for Halloween vibes, Home Depot’s 12-foot skeleton BETTER be chilling in your backyard. Me? I’m celebrating by updating my Chime app. Cobwebs belong in decorations, not in your banking app! So get those performance updates and let’s squash those bugs—only plastic spiders welcome here.
Best week ever. Not because duvets made a comeback. Or that apple picking wearing the chunkiest sweater is back in vogue. Scripted TV’s back! Writers! Strike! No! More! Finally, someone’s back to write the ending to a show about supernatural creatures from alternate dimensions. Speaking of plot points, our brilliant engineers are all about happy endings. Like the one where they kill off the nemesis, aka the bugs and glitches. Your app deserves that main character energy. *Aaaaand… scene*
Ah, the humble bay leaf. Collecting dust in the back of everyone’s spice cabinet. We don’t know what it does, or what it tastes like, but we know that soup wouldn’t be soup without it. Well, you could say this app update is like a bay leaf. Quietly making everything better without you even noticing. So if you like to follow a recipe, update the app. And if you’re more of a recipe improviser, you should update the app too. Because no one likes bugs in their soup. Or their app.
Student loan payments are starting back in October and it’s been literal years since the last time they were here. Things may have changed a bit since then, but we’re still here giving you these weekly app updates and performance enhancements you love so much. October 1st is coming up fast, so get your ducks, ahem, dollars, in a row. And don’t worry—we won’t tell FASFA you went to that Drake concert.
Three letters: PSL. If it took you a second to realize that was short for Pumpkin Spice Latte, then you’re probably feeling the last-days-of-summer-not-ready-for-fall blues. Cinnamon-y, nutmeg-y coziness in a cup is everyone’s cup of…PSL. Just saying. Even if you’re not a fall fan of nippier nights, it will be that much better drinking this tried-and-true, 20-year-old bevvy. Here’s another cozy vibe, but free: Genius bug fixes. Banking without the bugs while drinking a PSL? Now we’re talkin’.
Drastic app changes make me uncomfortable, so instead of all these social networks I just use the Chime app these days—in here, things feel like home and familiar, but with ever-improving bug fixes and performance updates. And if you try hard enough, it can be a social network too. (Yes, that is an invite to slide into my Boosts.)
Everyone knows about Self-Care Sundays, but why stop there? You should try making self care an everyday thing. How about Fab Feet Fridays? A Lot of people neglect their feet—guys, I’m looking at you. Get a pedicure and thank me later. Or Sheet Washin’ Wednesdays? We all know the saying “clean sheets, clear minds, can’t lose.” And most importantly—Tune-up Tuesdays: where you smash that Chime app update button. Because a smooth-running app is like self-care for your cash.
Now that Barbenheimer is over, what’s next? Lucky for you, I’ve (kinda) thought this through. Start with ClueLove (Clueless and Dr. Strangelove)—where one is a coming of age story in a material world, and the other has Alicia Silverstone. Then, dive into BlondKirk (Legally Blond and Dunkirk) for this reason: Elle Woods. Then if you have time, check out the war one. Till’ then, update your Chime app for another double-header: bug fixes and performance updates. Or BugDates, if you prefer.
Say no more about this heat. But here’s another forecast! Venus has gone retrograde in Leo. *Checking astrology notes*: Venus appears to be spinning backwards from the POV of Earth. The TLDR? You might be feeling more introspective about things like self-expression. And your inner “lights, camera, action” might be slowing its roll too (oh heyyy Hollywood). Apparently, fancy bug fixes and app updates don’t go into retrograde with the planets. It’s like they say…the show must go on.
Let me stop you right here. Unlike the rest of the wifi-ed world, there will be no Barbie or Oppenheimer spoilers here. In this brief moment you don’t have to worry about a huge plot point being revealed. Because the engineers at Chime are looking out for you. That’s why this update is full of app enhancements and clear of spoilers. So don’t be afraid to update your favorite banking app. And happy movie watching, friends.
My phone storage is – once again – full. How is it possible? All I do is keep deleting stuff (or so I thought until I came to think of the 3000+ dog photos I have in my camera roll). Oh well—priorities! If you want to avoid the storage doom message, I suggest going through your phone and wiping apps you’re not using, keeping the Chime app (obvi). The latest update is packed with bug fixes and performance updates for ya. Only the best for the best.
There’s a lot of theories on how to grill a steak. Personally, I like to use the flip method: there is where I internally flip out the entire time I’m cooking and hope that my father-in-law thinks it tastes great. But luckily, this app update is nothing like grilling in front of my father-in-law. It’s easy to update and it’ll make your in-app experience as smooth as a hamburger bun. Which reminds me, I’m only grilling burgers from now on. Happy app updating.
Is June the best month of the year? Think about it. We’ve got graduations, Father’s Day, Juneteenth celebrations, Pride parties, the start of barbecues, the start of beach season and the official start of summer! There is so much to enjoy and celebrate this month and the last thing you want is a glitchy app. So we got rid of any of those pesky bugs slowing you down. Because this is YOUR summer. And we’re just here to provide a seamless experience. Update away.
Smokeapolypse in NY. June Gloom in LA. You know what brings us comfort in weird times, besides filtered oxygen? House plants, weighted blankets and a good TV binge. Oh, and of course pouring milk before cereal (honestly, try it). Speaking of which, our engineers are all hard at work improving the app and killing off those pesky bugs. Best part? Your safety brings them comfort in weird times. Basically, we all win.
Have you ever thought it was strange that you needed to search for people's $ChimeSigns with the $ when trying to Pay Anyone? Wouldn't it be nice to not have to worry about that so you can easier send or request money and Boosts? We heard you loud and clear. Besides the usual bug squashes and performance updates, you no longer have to type the $ before their $ChimeSign when you Pay Anyone in the Chime app. Brb, gonna go Boost the engineering team now.
Spring cleaning, spring organizing, spring sneezing from a cloud of pollen. Spring is a curious time to kick up a bunch of dust in our homes. And yet, we do it anyway. We rearrange furniture, we make a big donation pile, we vacuum that one corner no one has looked at in months! Well, an app is like a home. And our engineers spent the season wiping out all the bugs and glitches. So when you update the app, it’s like you’re running the dishwasher on your phone. Metaphorically, of course.
“Cure the travel bug,” said no one ever. My travel bug can’t be cured. Catch me road tripping, riding into the sunset through [insert dreamy location]. Your OOO is ready to go, right? Some bugs spread faster than memes of Grumpy Cat. She def needs a vacation. Point is: other bugs need to not spread. That’s what our engineers are for. You know, to get rid of those glitchy bugs in the app. So smash that update button and then go smash some #travelgoals. That way, you both can take a vacay.
Ah, Spring time, the most colorful time of year. The trees are blossoming, the grass is coming back, even California is going to have a super bloom. Well our engineers took a cue from nature and worked tirelessly to update the colors in our app. Our greens are greener and our typeface is easier to read because of it. And lucky for you, updating the ole app won’t give you allergies. Thanks engineers.
It’s the most wonderful time of the year—PLAYOFF SEASON. Or, it *was* the most wonderful time of the year until the Mavs didn’t make it. It’s okay though. Luka, I love you! And just like the teams that didn’t make it this time around, OUR team is constantly working on bug fixes and performance updates. Onward and upward.
Have you ever thought about what makes a burrito perfect? Too much protein and your ‘rito is gonna split. Too little rice and your sauce gets everywhere. It’s a delicate balance that has been perfected over millennia. Well this app update is striving for that level of perfection. Because when your fave banking app runs smoothly, you’re one step closer to a perfect burrito [that you can buy for yourself]. Hope this helps. Till next time, burrito friends.
What’s with the weather this year? Cold, rainy, and chaotic. If it was just this week, I’d think it was a timely April Fools’ joke…but this nonsense has been going on for months. “It never rains in Southern California”, my @$$. One place where it truly never rains is inside your Chime app. Just your weekly cadence of easy breezy bug fixes and performance updates. In here, you’re the only one making it rain.
Mar 20, 2023
Owning a pet is crazy because every once in a while it’ll start acting funny and the cure will either be a $2,000 surgery or it just needs to go #2—and you just gotta guess which one you’re dealing with. Lucky for you, these app updates are more predictable. Just banger performance updates and bug fixes on the weekly for the #1 most loved banking app. And the occasional writeup about pets possibly having to go to the bathroom.
Mar 11, 2023
We have entered The Era of Pedro Pascal Pandemonium. We talked to dozens of totally real (and not made up) historians. They all agreed, he is the moment. So, we want history to remember this app note as more than just a bunch of bug fixes and new features that make your life a little easier. This update is in honor of the living legend himself. Yes, this one goes out to all the Pascal Rascals out there. May you live wild and free. Like an app update.
Mar 1, 2023
This app note was written by AI: "Have you ever had a moment where you're walking down the street and suddenly realize you don't remember the last few blocks? It's like your body went on autopilot while your mind took a nap. Well, that's not gonna happen with Chime. We keep you engaged and alert with our regular app updates and performance improvements. So, update the app and stay present, even on autopilot." Ok, AI can write this, but can it provide a better way to bank? Didn't think so.
Feb 16, 2023
Signs that you may be experiencing a food coma: 1. You’re laying down. 2. You had to unbuckle your belt. 3. You can’t seem to escape the sound of a parade blasting through the TV. Luckily an effective treatment exists. Simply update the ole app-a-rooney. Nothing soothes the stomach like eradicating bugs and glitches. Is this solid medical advice? Absolutely not. I’m just an entry level copywriter. But my mom wishes I was a doctor, so that’s basically the same thing.
Feb 13, 2023
They say love and money don’t mix. But we say, nay! Love and money are like peas in a pod, or butter on a biscuit, or gum stuck to your shoe. No matter how hard you try to separate them, the gum is still there. So show some love to your favorite money app and smash that update button. Because roses are red, violets are blue, and we made this update just for you.
Jan 31, 2023
App updates are like pizza. Flat, round, and tasty. Wait, sorry, that’s not it. These bug fixes and performance updates help your Chime app run smoothly, which is actually the complete opposite—I don't run *at all* after a big Italian meal, that’s for sure. One thing these updates do have in common with pizza, though, is that they’re cheesy and hopefully make you smile. Buon appetito! Let’s get this dough.
Jan 26, 2023
Being a writer isn’t easy, let me tell you. Oh, you probably think it’s just all fun and games like writing these jokey app notes—no, no, no. Granted, I don’t create any of these bug fixes or performance updates like our brilliant engineering team…but I do other hard things! Smoking cigars in my monocle, spinning my quill between my fingers, and perusing the local periodical stand for inspiration. After re-reading that last line, my creative process could probably use an app update.
Jan 17, 2023
Pets are great. But unlike my dinner routine most nights (spoiler alert—it’s pasta), pets are totally unpredictable. One minute you’re taking a nap, the next a cat is tap-dancing on your forehead. Think you’ve got your pup housebroken? Think again! Bust out the carpet spray. App updates on the other hand, are predictable. Each week our devs flex the latest bug fixes and performance updates. I guess in that way, they’re like a pet’s love. Unconditional (and sometimes adorable.)
Jan 11, 2023
Winter blues, new year’s resolutions, three weeks of going to the gym, this is what January is all about. We’re all building new routines and throwing our fists up at the gray, gray sky. Show us the sun you cowards! While you’re stocking up on vitamin d supplements, may I direct your attention to the humble app update. It can’t replace the sun, but it can make your favorite app work even better. Thanks engineers. (Yes, gratitude is my new year's resolution.)
Dec 8, 2022
It’s here! And by “it”, I mean the final app notes of the year. So for one last time in 2022, let me remind you to – drumroll please – update your Chime app with the latest bug fixes and performance updates. I’d lie if I said I’m not tearing up a bit. I’m gonna miss sharing my completely logical and totally not unhinged thoughts and observations with you for a few weeks. So until January rolls around, you can find me perched up on the roof of our office monologuing into space. Happy Holidays!
Nov 29, 2022
This app update is dedicated to your most listened to artist of the year. And while we can’t legally name any of these artists, we can make in-app improvements that make life a little easier. Our engineers work tirelessly to create a seamless experience for you. And just like artists, engineers need validation. So make this update the most updated update of the year.
Nov 10, 2022
Thanksgiving’s almost here and we’re in the midst of a turkey shortage! Just another thing inflation has gotten its hands around. But let’s talk about something that’s inflation-proof: Chime’s app updates. For the same price each week (nothing), you can grab performance upgrades and bug fixes with the same tap of a button as the week before. I was going to include “family time” as something else inflation-proof, but it’s turned the $50 Uncle Jimbo owes me into $78.96. He can bring the bird.
Nov 1, 2022
Some weeks are harder than others. Whatever you may or may not be going through right now, there’s always a few actions you can take that can make things a little bit easier. Breathe deeply. Update your Chime app with the latest bug fixes and performance updates (you knew it was coming). Then take some screen-free unplug time. And always make sure to hug your loved ones before they take off.
Oct 26, 2022
Hear ye, hear ye, we’re announcing the retirement of this meme forever, “Negroni, Sbagliato, with Prosecco in it.” Do we have the authority to do that? Absolutely not. But now we have your attention. We’re introducing our best app update yet. It’s got bug fixes and glitch eradicators. It even has Prosecco in it. Why? Because memes never retire: They live in the minds of copywriters forever.
Oct 18, 2022
It’s that spooky time of year again, and you know what scares us? Nothin’. Well, except when phones make those super emotional videos from pictures you’ve taken. One minute you’re ordering an Uber, the next you’re crying over a dog you had 5 years ago out of nowhere. So, while updating your app to the latest performance and security features helps with your fear of bugs, it unfortunately won’t help with your fear of seeing a tear-jerking video of ol’ Peetey randomly and against your will.
Oct 11, 2022
A fun fact I learned today is that in England, there are more chickens (982 million) than people (66 million), so the people would kind of be in trouble if the chickens decided to revolt. And then I started wondering what the bug to person ratio is on the internet, and if they could take us down if they formed an army? Either way, Chime’s weekly bug fixes and performance updates will keep you safe. From the bugs, that is. Not sure about the chickens.
Oct 6, 2022
Sometimes I ask myself: “Why am I a Chime member?”, and a multitude of things cross my mind: no hidden fees, the community aspect (Boost for Boost, anyone?), these weekly bug fixes and performance updates of course, and automatic savings to name a few. I wish I could auto-save some snacks for later instead of eating them all at once. Then I could really start talking about stacking my chips. Until that feature is out, I’ll just be stacking…you know, my chips.
Sep 18, 2022
This week I decided to let a marketing algorithm robot write the update. Not sure it was the best idea. See for yourself:
Hello fellow humans. How about those fall seasonal changes? Kinda makes me want to pour hot pumpkin flavored beverages down into my throat to celebrate. You should join in celebration by pouring hot Chime app updates down your phone’s throat in a similar fashion. Initiate these performance updates and bug fixes by thumb-pressuring the update button. Fall-themed message over.
Sep 15, 2022
Fall is almost here. That means Mariah Carey begins her annual thawing-out process. By December 1st (or earlier), she’ll be back, full-force, delivering holiday hits across the country—and you’ll be shocked at how it’s that time of year again. To combat this feeling, just think: “What would Mariah do?”. Well for one, she’d update her Chime app to the latest performance updates and bug fixes. Then she’d come to my place and sing “Butterfly” from start to finish. Yep, that’s totally what she’d do.
Sep 1, 2022
Is a functioning ice cream machine too much to ask for right now? In this heat, some creamy cold vanilla goodness would hit the spot. Maybe the soft serve-people could take a page out of our engineers’ book? Even before something has a chance to break they're there with their magical bug-fixing tools and feature-updating gadgets. Although updates don’t come with soft serve…hmm, they’ll have to take a page out of Mickey D’s book on that one. I’ll bring it up in the next meeting.
Aug 19, 2022
Who made up the name “Tyrannosaurus Rex”? I’m no dino doctor, but I assume someone just looked at one and said “Oh yeah, this is giving strong T-Rex vibes. No, I will not elaborate” Def not our approach at Chime. Our names are helpful, not confusing. Pay Anyone lets you do just that, SpotMe spots you, etc. And when you update your app, you’ll get bug fixes and performance upgrades. Makes sense, right? Not like that dinosaur name. Everyone knows it’s a “Smol-arm chompy chomp long-tail boi”.
Aug 15, 2022
OK look—you want bug fixes and performance upgrades. We have bug fixes and performance upgrades. Let’s make a deal. Update your app, and we’ll give you what you want. We’ll also throw in a little financial peace of mind, as a treat. Just smash that update button now. Or tap. Why do people say “smash”? You can achieve the same result with a gentle tap, right? Unless you like that sort of thing. I mean, we really like smashing bugs. I guess there’s really no wrong way here. Smash away.
Aug 15, 2022
Drivers wanted. Just do it. Got milk? All legendary and famous brand taglines. And while they seem easy to come up with from an outsider’s perspective, I can say with certainty, they’re not. That’s why we leave it to the professionals. Like these weekly performance updates and bug fixes. My phone would end up a pile of flaming plastic if I tried to code them. Maybe I’m better off sticking to taglines. How about “A no-cap credit card that’s not cr*p”? Sorry, I’ll see myself out.
Jul 31, 2022
Well folks, we’ve got a hot one for you today. Hot off the press for these incredibly hot times. For this update, our wildly intelligent engineers have found a way to make your app experience even smoother. Or dare I say, cooler. While the physical world is hotter than a metal seatbelt in Texas, our app runs like a breeze. And next up our engineers will invent an actual breeze. So check back here every week, forever, on all things breeze. Banking made… Breezy. Ok, I’ll stop now.
Jul 22, 2022
We’re Ushering in a new week—and with it, a new batch of bugs. They’re always trying to get into the app, but our Superstar team is working hard at their Tiny Desks so that U Don’t Have To Call. My Confessions are that I’m always trying to rush these performance fixes, but we need to take it Nice & Slow, so that they're implemented the right way (not just My Way). So: a big thank you to the engineering team! You Make Me Wanna do a little happy dance each week. Don’t believe me? Watch this…
Jul 14, 2022
Those Webb telescope images are pretty incredible. They show how big the universe is and how small we are, down here worrying about things like the $10 Josh owes me or social media followers. But even if the universe was 10x its size, Chime would still be here giving you weekly app updates with performance enhancements and bug fixes—which could actually help with getting that $10 back from Josh! As for the social media followers, not sure what to tell ya. Maybe start a credit score meme page?
Jul 7, 2022
Those Webb telescope images are pretty incredible. They show how big the universe is and how small we are, down here worrying about things like the $10 Josh owes me or social media followers. But even if the universe was 10x its size, Chime would still be here giving you weekly app updates with performance enhancements and bug fixes—which could actually help with getting that $10 back from Josh! As for the social media followers, not sure what to tell ya. Maybe start a credit score meme page?
Jul 7, 2022
It’s tough when you finish the last episode of a really good show you’ve been streaming. You just sit there with this pit in your stomach like, now what? But unlike Stranger Things, our app updates won’t leave you upside-down. Each week we release a brand spankin’ new episode of bug fixes and performance updates, and this week is no different. Kinda like Mike’s haircut throughout seasons 1-4. But less bowl cut-ey.
Jun 24, 2022
These past couple weeks have been a lot. Actually, these past 2 years have been a lot. And at this point it seems easy to just say “it is what it is”—but you deserve better. So if you’re looking for a sign to stop accepting that mentality, this is it. Yep. In the form of an app update description. Weird, right? Now come on over and grab a plate of these weekly bug fixes and performance updates before you go out and demand more than the status quo. Because you deserve it.
Jun 22, 2022
It always seems like no new music comes out for so long and then BAM: Drake drops an album with Beyonce’s on the way—and everything is right in the world. Now, I’m not gonna sit here and compare Chime’s weekly app updates and performance improvements with a new Beyonce album, but while she has the Beehive, we have the Bughive. That’s where our bug-bashing takes place at Chime. It’s actually just our office lunch room where there may or may not be burritos. Spoiler alert: there are.
Jun 20, 2022
Today I stepped out of the house, and that alone seemed to have cost me $1 more than yesterday. Inflation is affecting us all these days. Except Arizona iced tea? $.99 since 1994, what?! I'm patiently waiting for a TED Talk from them, because anything other than their big can is getting ridiculous. Another inflation-proof thing: bug fixes and app updates on your main money management machine (the Chime app) will always be free. That's 99 cents less than Arizona iced tea. In-app tip optional.
May 31, 2022
How do you know summer is here? Well first, your favorite company will wish you a Happy Pride. And second, bugs. Big bugs, small bugs, ladybugs, and those pesky digital bugs. But not on our app. Nope, our engineers get rid of bugs better than your grandma’s fly swatter. This is basically the deet of updates. Nay, the citronella candle of updates. No bugs, just vibes. Anyway, like I was saying, Happy Pride everybody.
May 31, 2022
Hey there bug. Nice little strategy you’ve got with the maps and plans to infiltrate the Chime app and do your bug things. Shame if someone were to UPDATE THE APP TO THE LATEST PERFORMANCE FEATURES AND BUG BASHES. *bug’s head whose reading this explodes. For all you non-bugs out there, hit update and get the best version of the Chime app available. These bugs don’t stand a chance.
May 5, 2022
You: What do we want? Performance updates and bug fixes! When do we want them? Weekly! Us: Done. You: Wait—It’s that easy? Us: Yep. You: How? Us: Our team of crazy smart and good-looking engineers functioning on pure adrenaline (and maybe a bag of Hot Cheetos or two) work around the clock to make sure the app is always running smoothly and bugs are kept at bay—so all you have to do is smash that update button. You: Wait, did you say Hot Cheetos?
May 16, 2022
Mother’s Day. Father’s Day. Valentine’s Day. We’re good at celebrating the ones who support us throughout the year. But what about your phone? It also supports you everyday—with money management, endless entertainment, and loads of tools to help you do almost anything. Maybe it should get a Phone’s Day of its own. And in that case, updating your Chime app with the latest upgrades and bug fixes would be its cheesy card, breakfast in bed, and box of chocolates all rolled into one.
May 2, 2022
You know what would be hard? Deciding what to get Elon Musk for his birthday. He can just buy whatever he wants, like an entire social network, for example. But what about the things money can’t buy? Talent. Falling in love. Updating your Chime app with the latest performance updates and bug fixes—because that doesn’t cost a thing. Unlike a time machine set to March 28th, 1995 to see Jordan drop 55 points against the Knicks. Which is what I’d want for my birthday as the world’s richest man.
April 4, 2022
These days, if there’s one thing you can expect, it’s that you can’t expect anything. That Oscars thing? Male birth control pills? Didn’t see either of those coming. So we’re here to give you something that goes against that philosophy with yet another consecutive week of banger performance updates and routine bug bashes. But back to the male birth control thing—is that really a necessary invention when fedoras already exist? Asking for a friend.
March 21, 2022
Here’s what you need to know for this update: 1. Pay Friends is now “Pay Anyone” in the app, which is fitting, because sometimes you have to pay people you might not call a “friend”. Like a landlord or long-lost cousin. But if you’re reading this, I consider you my friend. 2. It’s got your weekly performance updates and a bug fix or two. 3. I feel like you don’t believe me. I mean it, y'all are my friends! I might not know you but you’re reading this and that means a lot. 4. (Seriously though).
March 14, 2022
They’ve done it again. Our devs and engineers released yet another app update that improves performance and fixes bugs. They’re basically like the Toothfairy. But instead of dollars, you get a freshly updated app. And instead of under a pillow, you get it right on your phone. And instead of an elfish, airborne creature, it’s a team of super-smart engineers with bluetooth headsets working remotely from apartment buildings which may or may not contain cats. So, nothing at all like the Toothfairy.
February 7, 2022
February is a month for second-chances. It’s the 2nd month, after all. That New Year’s resolution didn’t take? Try again in Feb. Forgot to update the Chime app and missed out on those fire performance updates and bug fixes? Boom, here’s your 2nd chance. Removed the boots from the Green M&M for some strange and irrational reason? Use February to correct this unacceptable mistake. (Seriously, there’s still time to fix this, M&M people. Do the right thing here)
January 24, 2022
Taco Bell and Subway are selling wings now? Looks like 2022 is starting off with that “anything goes” energy of 2021. But if they can do something as far-fetched as that, something like building your credit score should be a breeze, right? Especially when your app is updated with the latest performance upgrades and bug fixes. And don’t worry: Chime isn’t going to start selling wings, too. Unless, you know, that would be something you’d be into. Would it? (Please say yes, please say yes.)
December 13, 2021
Are you paying attention to the product shortages due to “supply chain issues”? I wasn’t either, until they started messing around with my Flamin’ Hot Cheetos. Car parts? Fine. But take away that sweet lab-made cheese dust and I’m going to start acting out of pocket. You know what’s great about the Chime app though? No supply chain issues over here. Our updates don’t need a boat to get to you. Just performance updates and bug fixes from a dev snacking on a bag of delicious Hot Cheetos. Oh snap.
December 13, 2021
Life is all about the right opportunities—you just have to know how to spot them. For example: if you’re here weekly, you know each update is another opportunity to keep the app running better than a Black Friday shopper at a pile of flatscreens. Like this week’s version, packed with performance and visual upgrades. You know who couldn’t see opportunities? Whoever invented the oven mitt and didn’t call it a Gloven. People would have a Gloven on their Black Friday shopping lists for sure.
November 29, 2021
The holiday season is here once again, so I thought it’d be a good time to check in. While the holidays mean different things to everyone, these last few weeks of the year can be pretty stressful. Working more, spending more, the pressure to make everything perfect for the fam—it’s a LOT. So in the time it takes to run this week’s app update (which is full of performance upgrades and minor bug fixes), take a deep breath and cut yourself some slack. You are enough, and you’re doing just fine.
November 9, 2021
This version has minor bug fixes and some really great performance updates. It’s also the week I was going to remind you to set your clock back for Daylight Saving Time. But since everyone reading this most likely has a smartphone, you don’t have to worry about it. So instead, just update your app, “fall back” asleep for an extra hour, and dream about all the cool things phones do for us nowadays. Except when people use it to talk. I haven’t answered an unexpected phone call since 2010.