ODC影视 - OnDemandChina - 北美华人精选在线视频平台。Watch Chinese Drama with free English Subtitles
√ 高清播放:全站视频内容高清随心看,感受视觉盛宴。
√ 播放历史:还可添加收藏,北美追剧神器,从此精彩不再错过。
√ 中英字幕:免费提供中英字幕,与亲人朋友共赏。
√ 正版好剧:北美独家授权,为您精选最原汁原味的中剧。
√ 全新设计:界面升级,导航清晰,流畅体验。
* 版权限制,所有视频仅支持在美国及加拿大地区播放
* 留给5星好评,获得机会抽签赢取大奖
OnDemandChina provides vast library of Chinese dramas and Chinese movies as a fully legal online video streaming service in North America.
- Stay up-to-date with the latest in Chinese TV, Drama and Movies.
- All contents are FREE of charge.
- Available Subtitles in English, Simplified Chinese, and Traditional Chinese.
- Accessible through a wide variety of devices such as your computer, phone, tablet, etc.
- Log in with your OnDemandChina account to continue watching videos right where you left off.
Install the OnDemandChina app now to enjoy the latest and most popular Chinese contents!