- Added favorites features; to save and check your desired NaviLens codes when you need them. Additionally, you can reorder them and modify their names to organize as you prefer.
- New flash button for low light conditions
- Language selector in application settings.
- Improvements for text to speech engine and other minor fixes
- Performance increased
- Added favorites features; to save and check your desired NaviLens codes when you need them. Additionally, you can reorder them and modify their names to organize as you prefer.
- New flash button for low light conditions
- Language selector in application settings.
- Improvements for text to speech engine and other minor fixes
- Performance increased
- Added favorites features; to save and check your desired NaviLens codes when you need them. Additionally, you can modify their names to organize them as you prefer.
- Improvements for text to speech engine and other minor fixes
- Performance increased
- Added favorites features; to save and check your desired NaviLens codes when you need them.
- Improvements for text to speech engine and other minor fixes
- Performance increased
- Added favorites features; to save and check your desired NaviLens codes when you need them.
- Improvements for text to speech engine and other minor fixes
- Performance increased
- New main interface, with day / night colors.
- Improvements for text to speech engine and other minor fixes
- Performance increased
- New main interface, with day / night colors.
- Improvements for text to speech engine and other minor fixes
- Performance increased
- New main interface, with day / night colors.
- Improvements for text to speech engine and other minor fixes
- Performance increased
- New main interface, with day / night colors.
- Improvements for text to speech engine and other minor fixes
- Performance increased
- New main interface, with day / night colors.
- Improvements for text to speech engine and other minor fixes
- Performance increased
- New main interface, with day / night colors.
- Improvements for text to speech engine and other minor fixes
- Performance increased
Dec 12, 2022
- New main interface, with day / night colors.
- Improvements for text to speech engine and other minor fixes
Nov 23, 2022
- New main interface, with day / night colors.
- Improvements for text to speech engine and other minor fixes
Nov 15, 2022
- New main interface, with day / night colors.
- Improvements for text to speech engine and other minor fixes
Nov 3, 2022
- New main interface, with day / night colors.
- Improvements for text to speech engine and other minor fixes
Sep 29, 2022
- New main interface, with day / night colors.
- Improvements for text to speech engine and other minor fixes
Sep 8, 2022
- New design for basic content tags
- Improvements for text to speech engine and other minor fixes
Aug 12, 2022
- New design for basic content tags
- Improvements for text to speech engine and other minor fixes
Aug 11, 2022
- New design for basic content tags
- Improvements for text to speech engine and other minor fixes
Jul 4, 2022
- New design for basic content tags
- Improvements for text to speech engine and other minor fixes
Jun 22, 2022
- New design for basic content tags
- Improvements for text to speech engine and other minor fixes
Jun 2, 2022
- New design for basic content tags
- Improvements for text to speech engine and other minor fixes
May 17, 2022
- New design for basic content tags
- Improvements for text to speech engine and other minor fixes
April 28, 2022
- New design for basic content tags
- Improvements for text to speech engine and other minor fixes
March 31, 2022
- New design for basic content tags
- Improvements for text to speech engine and other minor fixes
January 14, 2022
- Added Hungarian and Polish Language
- Improvements for text to speech engine and other minor fixes
December 16, 2021
- Added Hungarian Language
- Improvements for text to speech engine and other minor fixes
December 1, 2021
- Bugfixes and performance improvements
November 3, 2021
- Added Greek and Finnish languages
- Redesigned some visual elements
- Better permission management on application start