Talli Baby Mod Apk

Talli Baby Hack - Mod Apk 1.2.4

Developer: Talli, Inc.
Category: Medical
Price: Free


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Talli Baby Tracker is the most flexible and convenient infant feeding, diaper, and sleep tracking app. Keep track of everything parents want to know and pediatricians ask about for infants and newborns. And Talli Baby Tracker is the only tracking app you can customize for your family's exact needs. Track meds, bath time, tummy time, Vitamin D drops – even baby's mood or meds for mom.

Share with family & caregivers

Easily add a partner/spouse, grandparents, nannies and other caregivers, even pediatricians and lactation or sleep consultants to keep everyone on the same page. Everyone added to your app account can login to the app from their own phones and see/manage everything in real time.

Customize to your family's exact needs

Talli Baby Tracker is the only tracking app that is 100% configurable. Use it for your infant / newborn, and continue using it as your baby grows!

* Track only the things you need. Not feeding solid food yet? Change that button to track bath time! Or Vitamin D drops.
* Not breastfeeding or pumping anymore? Change those buttons to track medications or phototherapy.
* Special medical needs? (Feeding tube, breathing treatments, etc.) Talli Baby can be configured to track exactly what you need.
* Track solid food introduction, potty training, even daily chores as your child grows into a toddler and even a big kid!
* If there's something you want to track, and you don't see an icon for it, let us know and we'll add one!

Track Feedings

* Start and stop nursing / breastfeeding timers by side and by full nursing session
* Start and stop pumping timers by side or both sides at once
* Track amount pumped by side and by full pumping session
* Log bottle feedings with specific contents (formula, breastmilk, etc.)
* Default settings for bottles so if you typically feed the same contents and amount, the app will prepopulate those for new bottle feedings.
* Solid food tracker
* Add notes to any feeding event to capture formula brand, preferences, allergic reactions, etc.

Track Diaper Changes

* Track wet diapers, dirty diapers, and mixed diapers
* Stay ahead of potential concerns like dehydration, constipation, and other digestive issues
* Share info on bowel and urination habits with doctors and other caregivers
* Add a photo to any event

Sleep Schedule

* Track when your baby goes to sleep and when they wake
* See sleep cycles and wake windows to shape a healthy sleep schedule
* Understand the patterns of your baby's sleep to help everyone get the sleep they need
* Set up reminders for when it's time to put baby down for a nap or bedtime
* See feeding, diaper and sleep trends to identify correlations between feedings and sleep

Data Sharing

* Invite as many family members, caregivers, and providers as you want to access your baby's info
* Export your data to a csv file anytime
* Data is always up-to-date in everyone's view no matter who logged it or from what device
* Email or text any data view to yourself or a loved one or provider
* Quickly identify patterns, trends, habits and anomalies or differences from the norm

Milestones & Journal

* Capture photos and milestones like first smile, first laugh, first steps,
* Keep health info and doctor's appointment info
* Enter notes in our daily Journal anytime
* Export your data to a csv file anytime

Log hands-free!

* If you have an Amazon Echo device, log by voice with our free Alexa integration
* Available under "Talli Baby" in the Alexa Skills store

One-touch Device Available

Talli Baby Tracker is the only tracking app with a one-touch hardware device available to use with the app.

* Log any event with a single button press
* Fast and easy for sleep deprived parents at middle-of-the-night feedings and diaper changes
* Simple and intuitive for nannies, grandparents, and other caregivers
* The device uses Wi-Fi to send data to the app even when your phone is not nearby

[email protected]

Version history

In this release, we've included the following changes:
- "Add button" button on home screen
- Bug fix for improper user sharing email addresses
- Ability to provide custom error messages during system maintenance
- "Device not paired" message when interacting with an unpaired device
- Resetting device settings on account deletion
- A button to restore all button settings and layout on the Button Configuration Screen
- Bug fix for showing the correct event colors on the Daily List
In this version, we've added the following features:
Add More Buttons: You can now add extra buttons to the app. Tap the 'Add button' button on the Home Screen.
Event Reordering: Events can now be re-ordered on the home screen and on the device. Check out the changes by going to More Screen > Customize Buttons.

** This version contains a bug fix for the legacy detail chart.
What's New in This Version: We've made a few updates to our app.
Updated Detail Chart: We've added a new Detail Chart with pinch to zoom. Try it out using the Display Options menu.
Time Between: The Daily List and new Detail Chart now have a "Time Between" feature for subscribers, which shows the time between events to help identify feeding patterns, wake windows, etc.
In this release, we've made some minor user experience enhancements and fixed a bug related to user shares.
This release addresses two bugs related to text input and notifications for Android users.
In this version, we've made some user experience updates.
We've addressed some bugs and made minor UI updates in this release.
In this release, we've added some features back based on user feedback. We've also added some accessibility features.
Mar 20, 2023
In this version, we've made user experience and performance enhancements across the application. We've also added a new Rating Tool input for customized events that allows you to rate an event on a scale of 1 - 10. We've also added the ability to add line breaks to event notes!

This release addresses a bug found in version 1.1.11.
Feb 13, 2023
In this version, we've updated the Smart Alerts system to provide additional flexibility and control in how you track. A new Smart Alerts list is now available on the More screen. Smart alerts are cancelled when their corresponding events are deleted.
Jan 20, 2023
In this version, we've added font size scaling, auto-save for timer events, and a read-only mode for saved events. We've also added some fixes for previously reported bugs.
Jan 2, 2023
Oct 14, 2022
In this version, we've added the ability to refer our app to a friend. We've also updated the filters for the daily list and detail view to make some room for exciting features we have in development.
Sep 1, 2022
We've made some tweaks to the UI for the Home and Event screens, making it easier to log and view the latest events for your child.
Jul 28, 2022
* cleaned up the customization screen
* added one-touch logging (long presses on the home screen) for premium users
* added smart alerts (set an alert to be pushed pushed to your mobile devices after an event is logged)
* improved overall app performance
* fixed a bug that sometimes caused the reminders screen to crash
* fixed the baby age calculations
* cleaned up the Totals screen so it only shows totals for the events you logged and not default values for events you haven't logged
Jul 5, 2022
We've been adding so many features lately that our more screen was getting pretty cluttered. We completely rewrote that in preparation for the next set of features we'll be pushing! It should be much easier to find the additional tools you're looking for!
Jun 6, 2022
Thanks to input from so many of our users, you can now customize the Talli app and device to track anything you want. We've expanded the ways you can customize bottle events and miscellaneous events, and for a low as $1.99/month, you can now change attributes like timers, dropdowns, etc. If you have a Talli device, please reach out at [email protected] if you'd like matching decals to customize the buttons on your device. Customization features are free for customers with a Talli tracker device.
May 23, 2022
This release introduces a whole new dimension of customization! Finished tracking diapers and ready to move on to potty training? Want to track bath times and tummy time? Reconfigure Talli Baby to track whatever you want to track most.
April 19, 2022
We removed the dates from the daily list event rows (because we have date headers now) and we added the option to remember your login in case you get logged out.
February 4, 2022
We fixed some data access errors and improved query performance for event reports and we fixed some bugs in user shares.

Ways to hack Talli Baby

Download Talli Baby MOD APK 1.2.4

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