Pasture Pro Mod Apk

Pasture Pro Hack - Mod Apk 22.2.0

Developer: Ag Innovations
Category: Tools
Price: Free


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Pasture Pro gives you one tool to manage every facet of your land operation. It works offline and you can have as many users as you like. Some tools are free and some require an in-app purchase.

Free tools:
Manage Ranch - set up users and share content with any member of your operation. You control who sees what.
Tasks - create and assign tasks to your team, set coordinates, track progress, upload attachments, and view completed work.
Maps - draw property boundaries, livestock location, points of interest, distance between two points, and more.

Purchase Required:
Livestock Management - simple tool for tracking animal details (health, productivity, etc.), grazing rotations, expenses, sales, and more. All data is easily exportable.

Asset Monitoring - Monitor water sources, entry/exit points, buildings, or game feeders from your phone. This camera based system works in the most remote locations using a combination of cellular and walkie-talkie based networks. Cost is dependent on your needs.

US Land Parcel Data - this map layer shows property boundaries for most counties in the United States. View ownership details and save boundaries to your map. Cost is $24.99/year.

Pasture Range Forage and Annual Forage Insurance - this Hargrove Ranch Insurance custom module shows policy information and claim predictions for insureds. Must be a Hargrove customer to access.

More land management modules coming soon! Contact us if you have ideas for new tools. We are committed to creating solutions that resolve landowner pain points.

Version history

The 22 release upgrades the app technology stack and includes the following enhancements:
-Livestock Management: new download animal details button to enhance offline use
-GPS Ear Tag: change the color of the location point on the Map
-LRP: access a new Active Endorsement report
The 21.1 release continues to improve the LRP module by adding an Active Policies tab. Users that have LRP policies with any of our Crop Insurance partners can view endorsement details directly from the app.
The new screens give you clear insight into the status of your active endorsements so you can know which endorsements are coming due, if a claim has been triggered, or if premium will be billed.
V18.1 includes minor bug fixes and enhancements related to:

-Livestock Management performance

-Profit/Loss Report formatting

-New checklist for counting animals via the Pasture & Lot Detail screens

-New Livestock Management Grazing Utilization Settings for tracking animal units by pasture
Livestock Management can now be accessed via the browser! With more screen real estate, users have a better view of livestock inventory, pasture status, and sales/expenses. Use the app to make your updates from the pasture, then use your larger computer screen to analyze the data. All updates will sync to both devices.

Livestock Management subscribers will receive an email with more information. Contact [email protected] if you have questions
This release adds:
- Days Rested counter to help LM users manage pasture rotations
- Four new marker types
- Ability to add Attachments to markers
- Improvements to offline functionality
- Minor bug fixes
Nov 4, 2022
GPS Ear Tags are now available! These small solar powered tags transmit animal location to the Pasture Pro Map so you know where the animal is located at all times. Contact [email protected] for more details.

Several enhancements to Livestock Management are also included: ability to edit values for multiple animals at one time, new function for deleting expenses, and an updated Quick Count Task for counting pairs.
Sep 15, 2022
This release includes major technology updates to accommodate membership growth. Primarily, Pasture Pro is now hosted on the cloud for added security and an improved user experience.

v14 also implements Push Notifications to remind users of upcoming Tasks, new Asset Monitoring images, and expiring subscriptions. All users are opted-in to all notifications. To manage preferences, go to Settings > Notifications.
Apr 22, 2022
Version 13.5 includes a few minor enhancements and bug fixes for Livestock Management and Task modules. The most notable change is that users with multiple ranches can now associate a Task to a specific ranch. This makes it easier to filter and run Task reports.

Ways to hack Pasture Pro

Download Pasture Pro MOD APK 22.2.0

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