* Tweaks to the statues
* Renzo's foxes can move toward the enemies now
* Some random balance tweaks
* Some random visual tweaks
* Minor bug and typo fixes
More can be found in the in-game changelog.
* Reduce the max wave by 20 and add a very cheap max wave research node for a better early game experience
* Add hero Jax to the demo and raise the max difficulty to 3
* Add a research node for choosing between XP and Lv wave rewards
* Add a research node to spawn a wave of goblins
* Remove the shield from Loot Goblin
* Fix the bug where Aella's skill is not working properly at low FPS
* Boost Critical related traits and researches
More can be found in the in-game changelog.
* Balance tweaks for Swipe Damage
* Add a rare enemy that can drop random currencies and materials
* Add research nodes to choose daily hero
* Add a research node to favor the Big Reward in wave reward
* Add a research node to improve Swipe Damage
* Add a research node to ban Relics
* Relics added
* Some random balance tweaks
* Minor bug and typo fixes.
More can be found in the in-game changelog.
* Add some stupid thing secretly to the game XD
* Easier to get rewards from wish pool
* Button Summon ×1 => Summon ×all
* Replace Ruby in Wave Reward node with a daily ruby cap node
* Fix the bug that Crown of Glory not working properly
* Effect Master Lv.1 not working.
* Some enemies killed are not counted.
* Add a research node to auto show hero traits for early game QoL.
* Minor bug and typo fixes.