Natural drinking water Slavnica in 19 liter bottles is an ideal choice for those who value quality and care about their health. Our natural drinking water has a unique taste and beneficial properties that make it indispensable for both home and office.
Pure living water "Slavnitsa" has great benefits for the body, as it contains an ideal balance of salts and minerals necessary for health. Drinking such water means taking care of yourself and your body.
Order water in the Slavnitsa app anywhere, track the status of your order and receive bonuses!
The high-quality water delivery service "Slavnitsa" allows you to enjoy artesian water right at home or in the office. We deliver your order at a time convenient for you, and also offer bottling equipment - coolers, stands and other accessories.
When ordering in our application, you receive high-quality artesian water, certified and safe for health. We strictly monitor compliance with all requirements and norms of the Russian Federation, as well as international quality standards.
Our production of artesian water is based on the most modern technologies and the best equipment. We take a responsible approach to production and control the quality of every bottle of water that leaves our factory. Our water not only quenches thirst, but is also perfect for use in preparing food and drinks.
More than 10 years of experience in the market of Moscow and the Moscow region allow us to guarantee stable quality and unsurpassed taste of our artesian water. “Slavnitsa” is not just water, it is a pearl that retains its natural composition and purity.
Drink Slavnitsa water with pleasure and confidence in its benefits for your health. Enjoy every drop and stay healthy!