Geooh GO Mod Apk

Geooh GO Hack - Mod Apk

Developer: Mobiltal, LLC
Category: Entertainment
Price: $5.99 (Download for free)


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Geooh GO is the most feature rich geocaching app available today. Beautiful to look at, easy to use.

If you are new to geocaching, please go to to learn about the hobby. Geooh is an approved partner at Groundspeak, owner/creator of geocaching.

NOTE: Geooh GO requires a Premium membership at!

If you are NOT a Premium member, DO NOT DOWNLOAD the app because Geooh will not run otherwise. The official Groundspeak app is better designed for geocachers with a Basic membership.

Geooh has all the features typical of a geocaching app, but it also has features found only on Geooh. In addition to the one-time purchase price, there is an optional subscription for enhanced features. Go to to learn more about the app than what can be described here.

The optional enhanced subscription includes an Android Auto app and a companion Wear OS app. The Android Auto app shows up to 6 nearby geocaches on the car display. The Wear OS companion app includes two watch faces, a Wear OS tile to show your daily stats, and a map to show selected geocaches.

A core feature of the app can automatically find nearby geocaches while you are driving around. For this feature to work, you must give Android foreground location permission to allow Geooh to use your location while the app is running, but not active. You can use other Android apps while Geooh searches for nearby geocaches! When a nearby geocache is found the app sends an Android notification for each geocache located. You can then bring Geooh to the foreground to download the geocache so you can go find it. The Android Auto app in Geooh also uses the nearby geocaches feature to show them on the car display. Per the privacy policy, all location information is only used locally.

If you a new geocacher, please use the official app from Groundspeak to learn the game. If you are a more serious and advanced geocacher, Geooh GO is the app for you!

See more at

Version history

- Latest Google map renderer with trails
- Latest Google fullscreen camera/scanner
- Map markers with optional pin pointers
- Auto-color map marker borders
- Auto-scale map marker sizes
- Hints spoken when selecting cache
- Minimized cache info on map
- Desktop app widget with your stats
- Wear OS watch tile for your stats
- Bottom bar labels on buttons
- Formula solver for multi-caches
- Reverse wherigo decoder
- Nearest cache notifications for lists
- Integrated Adventure Labs with stages
Varies with device
November 9, 2021
- Faster map loads
- Landscape and split screen views
- Compass picture-in-picture mode
- See your friends logs
- Search your logs
- Built-in HQ solution checker
- Wear OS watch support
- Worker to post offline logs
- See GeoArt and solved coords on map
- Optional dark mode theme
- Optional fullscreen map view
- Zoom during auto rotate for 'fly-in'
- Additional countries for counties
- Misc bug fixes and UI tweaks

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