BaseMap: Hunting Maps and GPS Mod Apk

BaseMap: Hunting Maps and GPS Hack - Mod Apk 6.0.10

Developer: BaseMap Inc
Category: Sports
Price: Free


Game screenshot BaseMap: Hunting Maps and GPS mod apkGame screenshot BaseMap: Hunting Maps and GPS hackGame screenshot BaseMap: Hunting Maps and GPS apk download


Guaranteed land ownership maps, mobile hunt planner with draw odds, industry leading GPS tools for hunters and outdoorsmen.

• Cache maps for offline use without service
• Save as many offline maps as you want with unlimited caching (Pro)
• Know exactly where you are in real time even without cellular coverage

• Over 800 layers and growing
• Nationwide Color Coded Govt Lands
• Nationwide Private Parcel Boundaries & Owner Names
• Water depths for East coast, West, Coast, Gulf coast, & over 4,000 U.S. lakes
• Nationwide Hiking Trails
• Nationwide Wildfires & Timber cuts
• Nationwide Wilderness & Roadless Areas
• State specific hunting layers including hunting unit boundaries, private hunting opportunities, WMA’s & more
• Multiple Topography & Satellite Imagery basemap options
• Much more

• Unit filtering
• Draw odds
• Harvest data
• Season dates
• Unit insights

LRF MAPPING (Laser Rangefinder Mapping)
• Use your rangefinder as a powerful mapping tool
• Precisely mark the exact location of distant targets with ANY rangefinder
• Recover game, build routes, plan stalks, lookup distant property owners and more, all using your rangefinder!

• Know your exact location even without cellular or WiFi service
• See where you are in relation to property boundaries, roads, trails, peaks, or boundaries
• Navigate to trail heads, favorite places, markers, or anything you need to locate with our powerful Search and GoTo features.

XDR (Exact Direction & Range) NAVIGATION TOOL
• Easy Point and Go navigation
• Know the exact distance between you and your destination.

• Wind forecast to better plan your hunt.
• Know the exact day and time to hunt a particular stand and visualize wind direction and scent drift in relation to your location.
• Forecasts, temperature, moon phase, sunrise/sunset, wind, and more.

• Know exactly where your hunting partner is located
• Real-time updates

• Capture, log, and share all your outdoor adventures with the BaseMap community
• Real-time location sharing so friends can see where you are in case of emergency (connection reqd.)
• SmartMarkers - Automatically capture the weather conditions at the time you add a marker.

• Log your hunts as detailed as you'd like. Record your hunt type, species/size, weapon, unit/GMU & much more.

• Export markers and view them right in Google Earth
• View the terrain in true 3D

• Automatically sync all your data between your phone and the BaseMap web application.


BASIC (Free)
• No Ads
• Connect with friends
• Hybrid 3D Imagery (map tilt).
• XDR Navigation
• Nationwide Roads, Trails & Points of Interest
• Nationwide Lakes, Rivers & Streams
• Hunting Unit boundaries
• GPS Location & Tracking
• Hi-Res Satellite Imagery

PRO ($39.99/yr)
• Everything in Basic plan
• Access to over 800 Layers
• Unlimited Data & Offline Use
• Nationwide parcel boundaries and owner names
• Nationwide color-coded government lands
• Google Earth Integration
• Import/Export KML and GPX with BaseMap web application
• Real-Time location sharing
• LRF Mapping (Laser Rangefinder Mapping)

PRO ADVANTAGE ($69.99/yr)
• Includes:
• BaseMap Pro subscription
• Global Rescue subscription for field advisory and rescue services

PRO ULTIMATE ($99.99/yr)
• BaseMap Pro subscription
• Global Rescue subscription for field advisory and rescue services
• Mobile Hunt Planner tools: Unit filtering, draw odds, harvest data, season dates, and more

For questions or more information, contact us at: [email protected]
Privacy policy:
Terms of use:

Government Information: BaseMap Inc does not represent any government entity. You may find various links to public information within our data.

Version history

This update includes improvements for location sharing and Bluetooth connection with compatible rangefinders.
This update includes new marker icons and the ability to customize your markers by color and icon type. Land Ownership maps are now guaranteed accurate.
This update includes new marker icons and the ability to customize your markers by color and icon type. Land Ownership maps are now guaranteed accurate.
Jul 26, 2022
Introducing another industry first from BaseMap…the NavCam™. You can now add Remote Markers with precision by viewing your target in real-time. Utilize remote markers to recover game, plan detailed stalks, scout distant areas, finding sheds, navigate safely, and much more. The NavCam™ will make you much more efficient and effective in the field. Best of all it will work with ANY rangefinder! Give the NavCam™ a try and see what you’ve been missing.
May 27, 2022
Introducing another industry first from BaseMap…the NavCam™. You can now add Remote Markers with precision by viewing your target in real-time. Utilize remote markers to recover game, plan detailed stalks, scout distant areas, finding sheds, navigate safely, and much more. The NavCam™ will make you much more efficient and effective in the field. Best of all it will work with ANY rangefinder! Give the NavCam™ a try and see what you’ve been missing.
April 13, 2022
Introducing another industry first from BaseMap…the NavCam™. You can now add Remote Markers with precision by viewing your target in real-time. Utilize remote markers to recover game, plan detailed stalks, scout distant areas, finding sheds, navigate safely, and much more. The NavCam™ will make you much more efficient and effective in the field. Best of all it will work with ANY rangefinder! Give the NavCam™ a try and see what you’ve been missing.
February 15, 2022
Introducing another industry first from BaseMap…the NavCam™. You can now add Remote Markers with precision by viewing your target in real-time. Utilize remote markers to recover game, plan detailed stalks, scout distant areas, finding sheds, navigate safely, and much more. The NavCam™ will make you much more efficient and effective in the field. Best of all it will work with ANY rangefinder! Give the NavCam™ a try and see what you’ve been missing.
January 4, 2022
Introducing another industry first from BaseMap…the NavCam™. You can now add Remote Markers with precision by viewing your target in real-time. Utilize remote markers to recover game, plan detailed stalks, scout distant areas, finding sheds, navigate safely, and much more. The NavCam™ will make you much more efficient and effective in the field. Best of all it will work with ANY rangefinder! Give the NavCam™ a try and see what you’ve been missing.
December 10, 2021
Introducing another industry first from BaseMap…the NavCam™. You can now add Remote Markers with precision by viewing your target in real-time. Utilize remote markers to recover game, plan detailed stalks, scout distant areas, finding sheds, navigate safely, and much more. The NavCam™ will make you much more efficient and effective in the field. Best of all it will work with ANY rangefinder! Give the NavCam™ a try and see what you’ve been missing.
October 27, 2021
We have partnered with Global Rescue to offer our users access to field rescue services in case of emergency. Users now have access to emergency services from within the BaseMap app allowing for immediate access to rescue services.

We Improved the Remote Marker experience with the ability to continuously range targets/objects when adding Remote Markers to the map.

Ways to hack BaseMap: Hunting Maps and GPS

Download BaseMap: Hunting Maps and GPS MOD APK 6.0.10

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