Fixes and updates
Fixes and updates
Friending has changed! In addition to friends, your child can now follow others to give new ways to interact with other users on Xbox. Review new and updated settings for friending and following in the social settings with granular controls for these new relationships. Manage new friend, follower, and following relationships for your managed accounts on their social page.
Fixes and updates
Fixes and updates
Fixes and updates
Fixes and updates
Fixes and updates
Nov 1, 2022
- Select the 'More info' button next to a family member's name to get a quick look at their account info
- Check a game’s rating and details when reviewing the content and multiplayer exceptions list
- A new setting lets family members view and contribute to shared content
- We’ve added new loading screens to let you know when an action is still in process
May 18, 2022
- Select the 'More info' button next to a family member's name to get a quick look at their account info
- Check a game’s rating and details when reviewing the content and multiplayer exceptions list
- A new setting lets family members view and contribute to shared content
- We’ve added new loading screens to let you know when an action is still in process
May 3, 2022
- Select the 'More info' button next to a family member's name to get a quick look at their account info
- Check a game’s rating and details when reviewing the content and multiplayer exceptions list
- A new setting lets family members view and contribute to shared content
- We’ve added new loading screens to let you know when an action is still in process
February 7, 2022
- Added biometric security to the app! Use your phone's biometric security functionality to securely access the Xbox Family Settings app
- Now you can use the swipe left gesture to hide notifications you no longer wish to view or delete time ranges in the screen time schedule
December 15, 2021
- Small update to the new family member onboarding flow
- 24-hour time format is now supported in-app
November 30, 2021
- Small update to the new family member onboarding flow
- 24-hour time format is now supported in-app
October 8, 2021
- Dark mode is here! Find it in settings
- View and manage pending family invites on the home screen