Health Diary by MedM Mod Apk

Health Diary by MedM Hack - Mod Apk 3.0.852

Developer: MedM Inc
Category: Medical
Price: Free


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The world’s only holistic health monitoring diary that can collect 20+ measurement types from 800+ Bluetooth-enabled sensors. MedM Health is more than a vital sign log book for blood pressure and glucose, body weight and temperature, heart rate and oxygen saturation, it is a comprehensive health diary app that supports users in taking control: reaching their wellness goals, managing a chronic condition, improving their quality of life.

MedM health is a single entry point for tracking, journaling, analyzing, and sharing (with family or caregivers) of 20+ types of recorded physiological & wellness parameters:
1. Blood Pressure
2. Blood Glucose (Blood Sugar)
3. Blood Cholesterol
4. Blood Lactate
5. Blood Uric Acid
6. Blood Ketone
7. Body Weight
8. Blood Coagulation
9. Activity
10. ECG
11. Sleep
12. Motion/Pedometer
13. Fetal Doppler
14. Heart Rate
15. Oxygen Saturation
16. Spirometry
17. Body Temperature
18. Respiration Rate
19. Blood Triglycerides
20. Blood Hemoglobin
21. Urine Test

Data can be collected automatically from connected fitness and health monitors or entered manually via the Smart Entry interface. MedM Health does not require registration, but with it - offers synchronization and backups with a cloud service. Unregistered users can keep their health diaries in offline mode (data stored only on their smartphone). Please note that some features require a subscription that is available only for registered users.

Basic Features:
- Automatic data collection from an unlimited number of connected health meters
- Manual data entry
- App use with or without registration
- Online data backups for registered users
- Reminders for taking medications & making measurements
- Configurable dashboard
- Measurements history, trends, and graphs
- Basic data export
- A two-week free MedM Health Premium trial

Premium Features:
- Multiple health profiles for family (including pets)
- Data sync with connected health ecosystems (Apple, Garmin, Google, Fitbit, etc.)
- Health profiles sharing
- Remote health monitoring (via the app or MedM Health Portal)
- Notifications for threshold, reminders, and goals
- Special offers from MedM partners and more

Data safety: MedM employs all applicable data protection best practices - cloud synchronization via HTTPS, data is stored encrypted on securely hosted servers. Users exercise full control over their records and can export or request to delete them at any time. User health data is never sold or shared with unauthorized parties.

MedM is the absolute world leader in smart medical device connectivity - we support Bluetooth, NFC, and ANT+ meters by the following vendors: A&D Medical, AndesFit, Andon Health, AOJ Medical, Berry, BETACHEK, Borsam, Beurer, ChoiceMMed, CMI Health, Conmo, Contec, CORE, Cosinuss, D-Heart, EZFAST, FindAir, Finicare, Fleming Medical, Fora Care Inc., iChoice, Indie Health, iProven, i-SENS, Jerry Medical, J-Style, Jumper Medical, Kinetik Wellbeing, Masimo, MicroLife, Mio, MIR, Nonin, Omron, Oxiline, PIC, Roche, Rossmax, Sinocare, SmartLAB, TaiDoc, Tanita, TECH-MED, Transtek, Tyson Bio, Viatom, Vitalograph, Yonker, Zewa Inc. and more.

NOTE! Device compatibility can be checked here:

Disclaimer: MedM Health is intended for non-medical, general fitness and wellness purposes only. Always consult a doctor before making any medical decisions

Version history

1. Added support for HRV (Heart Rate Variability), including the ability to export and import data to and from Health Connect
2. Introduced one-time purchase options for MedM Premium Membership
1. Introducing customizable charts! Adjust lines and labels, and select the data aggregation method (average, minimum, maximum, last).
2. Oxiline Pressure XS Pro blood pressure monitor is supported.
1. New data type Stress Level: data can be imported from Garmin Connect or collected via Bluetooth from J-Style 2025E
2. View min/max/avg value for a selected period in charts
3. Two decimals for temperature data
1. New data type - Triglycerides
2. Export all data to CSV
3. Debug feature when pairing devices manually
4. Optional profile avatar
5. View graphs of glucose and temperature for a month, weight and respiratory rate for a year
6. New devices supported:
- Omron BP monitors : HEM-7142T1, HEM-7156Y, M7 Intelli IT HEM-7361T-ALRU
- Glucometers: IGT AHG-2022, Mio Tele BGM Gen 2
- BP monitor PIC Solution OneRAPID
- Weight Scale Beurer BF 500
- Activity tracker Zewa 21200 v3
- Oximeter Conmo PO50B
Issue with occasional readings pronunciation fixed
1. App interface improvements
2. Now all-time data can be exported in CSV report
3. BMI data is added to CSV report
4. New sensors with Bluetooth supported:
- Weight scales by Conmo: BCA-381BC, BCA-382BC
- Weight Scale by Yonker
- Blood Pressure monitors by Transtek: TMB-2273-B, TMB-2273-BT
- Blood Glucose meters by PIC Solution: GoGlic, BeGlic
- Blood Glucose meter by i-SENS: CareSens N Premier BGM
1. Integration with Nota Mole Tracker
2. Email verification & changing
3. New devices added:
- BP monitors: glatt CARE TMB-1490-BS; OxiPro BP2; ProMedica Superb; 12 units by Transtek
- Glucometers: i-SENS CareSens N Feliz; Sinocare Safe AQ max II; TaiDoc TD-4206, TD-4266
- Ketone meters: i-SENS KetoSens; TaiDoc TD-4206
- Spirometer: CMI Health SpiroLink B1
- Thermometer: ChoiceMMed CFT-308C
- Cholesterol meter: TaiDoc TD-4206
- Scales: EZFAST GBF-2108-N; PIC BodyStation Easy; Transtek GBF-2225-B
1. German, Italian and Portuguese app translations updated
2. App interface improved
3. New Bluetooth sensors supported:
- BP monitors (13 total): A&D UA-1200BLE; Alcedo ABP-2088-T; Omron HEM-7145T2; Finicare FC-BP110, FC-BP111, FC-BP112; Yonker YK-BPA1, YK-BPA2, YK-BPA3, YK-BPA4, -YK-BPA5, YK-BPA6, YK-BPA7
- Pulse oximeter: Yonker YK-81C
- Weight scale: A&D UC-356BLE
- Thermometer: Yonker YK-IRT4
Mar 7, 2023
1. Auto sign-in with Google One Tap supported
2. New Bluetooth sensors supported:
- AOJ-20F thermometer by AOJ Medical
- AOJ-33A blood pressure monitor by AOJ Medical
- TMB-2080-K blood pressure monitor by EZFAST
- Gluco X Pro glucose meter by Oxiline
Feb 3, 2023
1. Email confirmation for new user registrations
2. Data collection in background for BLE sensors (Android 10+)
3. In the Bonuses & more section a draw with a chance to win a prize for giving feedback on MedM apps
4. New sensors supported:
- BPMs: Easy@Home TMB-2080-K, Kinetik Wellbeing TMB-2088, TrueLife Pulse BT, Omron RS2 Intelli IT
- glucometers: Mio Tele BGM Gen 1
- oximeters: BerryMed BM1000B, Viatom Checkme O2 Max, Viatom O2 Ring
- thermometers: iProven DMT-77BT
- ECGs: Viatom DuoEK-S
Jan 19, 2023
Fixed issues
Jan 9, 2023
Issue with pairing Sinocare is fixed
Dec 29, 2022
Dec 21, 2022
1. New devices with Bluetooth supported:
- glucose meter BG710b by Kinetik Wellbeing
- spirometer ADF-MSA100 by AndesFit
- inhaler add-on FindAir ONE
2. Capture of RRp and PVI parameters from Masimo pulse oximeter
3. Preferred language setting supported for Android 13+
4. Updated app design
5. Holiday Season icon
Dec 1, 2022
Bug fixes
Nov 22, 2022
1. New Bluetooth sensors supported:
- Andesfit: ADF-B883 (weight scale), B103W (BP monitor), PM10 (ECG)
- Jumper Medical: FR409-BT (thermometer), JPD-500G (pulseoximeter)
- Kinetik Wellbeing: Smart Pulseoximeter, Smart Thermometer
- Multilaser: HC205 (BP monitor)
2. Google Fit sync for exercise distance parameter supported
3. Notifications for Blood Coagulation threshold violation supported
Oct 17, 2022
1. New sensors with Bluetooth supported:
- A&D UA-656BLE, UT-201BLE-A
- Accu-Chek Instant
- ALPHAMED TMB-2088-T, TMB-2079 BP
- AOJ-30H, AOJ-33B, AOJ-70A
- Beurer BM 85, BF 850, FT 95
- CareSens N Plus BT
- Contour Next Gen
- Easy@Home TMB-2085
- iProven BPM-617
- Oxiline Pulse XS Pro
- SilverCrest STF 76
2. For the following sensors new pairing is recommended to get new features:
- Omron BP7450, M4 Intelli IT, BP7455CAN
- Oxiline Pressure X Pro
Aug 8, 2022
1. Added Accu-Chek Guide Me blood glucose meter to the device list
2. Bug fixes and performance improvements
May 23, 2022
1. New blood pressure monitor ZEWA WS380 is supported
2. Issue with pairing Omron M7 Intelli IT is fixed
April 21, 2022
Fixed issues with synchronization of Exercise data with Google fit
March 14, 2022
1. HR and BP data will be merged to one BP reading on Google Fit import
2. Exercises sync with Google Fit supported
3. Delete account option added
4. Hemoglobin type added
5. Import from Fitbit supported
6. New sensors supported
- bp monitor Andesfit U80L
- bp monitors Andon KD-552, KD-752, KD-5810BT
- pulse oximeter Beurer PO60
- in-ear sensor Cosinuss Two
- blood coagulation meter Roche Coaguchek INRange
- sleep wrist oxygen monitor Viatom SleepU
February 24, 2022
Added support for blood pressure monitor Easy@Home EBP-08B
December 7, 2021
1. App logo updated
2. Blood Coagulation type added
3. New body composition parameters added
4. Portuguese translation available
5. Settings for personal devices updated
6. New sensors supported:
- activity trackers: J-Style 1790 and Lifesense Mambo 6
- blood coagulation meter: Coag-Sense PT2
- blood glucose meter: arkray GLUCOCARD Shine Connex
- ECG meters: WeCardio UN Borsam and Viatom DuoEK
- heart rate monitor: Cycplus H1
- pulse oximeter: Viatom FS20F
- weight scales: Zewa 21300 v2
August 31, 2021
New blood pressure monitor PROFIX PBM-GX is supported

Ways to hack Health Diary by MedM

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