It's now possible, to select different icons for the lists
- Added a bunch of new colors for the app theme and widgets
- There is now a button in the calendar to jump to today
- Minor improvements
- Fixed an issue that caused saving a task to take a long time on some devices
- Minor bug fixes
- Adjustments for Android 14: From Android 14, pop-up reminders can only be used after permission has been granted
- Dependencies have been updated to improve stability
- Reminder notifications are now no longer automatically closed when clicked on
- The app has been optimized for Android 13
- Sorting and "hide completed tasks" options can now be selected separately for all lists and filters
- New feature: Quick add tasks. This can be enabled in the settings
- In the add/edit screen, the priority can now be hidden
- Minor bug fixes
- Fixed a bug, that caused the "days until a task is due" to be displayed incorrectly due to the change to daylight saving time
Feb 19, 2023
- New app icon
- Improved app color themes
- General improvements
Jan 31, 2023
- New option "pop-up reminder": When the screen is off, the reminder is displayed as a pop-up. When the screen is on, a high priority notification is displayed
- Improved snooze screen
Jan 21, 2023
- In the settings you can now select the option to display the remaining days until a task is due
- App gets reloaded on startup also for Android > 12
- „Add task“ button hides on scroll down
Dec 26, 2022
- For deleting all completed tasks, recurring tasks can now be excluded
- Small design adjustments
Dec 2, 2022
- In the settings you can now choose if tasks should only be repeated when they are marked as done (beta)
- General improvements
Nov 11, 2022
- You can now copy and paste tasks (in the menu on the top right, under the three dots)
- The option "hide completed tasks" is now directly accessible in the top menu of the toolbar
- General code improvements
Nov 5, 2022
- Fixed a bug that can cause the completed status not to be reset on repetition
Oct 27, 2022
- You can now export and import your lists (Pro)
- Improved stability
Oct 6, 2022
- Extensive code adjustments to work around a bug in the backup mechanism of Google-One Backup
- Optimizations in the repeatition logic
- General improvements
Sep 8, 2022
- The display options (sorting, hide completed tasks) are now also applied to the widgets
Aug 27, 2022
- Home screen widgets are now available for all filters and lists (Pro)
- Improved mechanism of repetition
- Improved stability
Jul 30, 2022
- Introduction of ToDodo Pro with exclusive features
- Free sorting of tasks
- Fully customizable repetition of due date and reminder
- Improved stability
- General improvements
May 12, 2022
- For the filters, the corresponding list is now displayed for the tasks
- For better clarity, the year number for the current year is no longer displayed for the date