Analisi Logica e del Periodo Mod Apk

Analisi Logica e del Periodo Hack - Mod Apk 1.0

Developer: Carlo Terracciano - MasterApps
Category: Education
Price: Free


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Italian Grammar: Logical Analysis & Period Analysis
Revolutionize your study of the Italian language with the definitive grammatical analysis app!
Are you tired of struggling with logical and period analysis? Our cutting-edge app makes learning Italian grammar simple, interactive and even fun! Perfect for students, teachers and Italian language enthusiasts.

• REVOLUTIONARY AI SCANNER: Take a photo of your text and let the AI ​​instantly perform logical and period analysis with astonishing precision!
• FULL TEXTUAL ANALYSIS: Manually enter any sentence or sentence to get a detailed and understandable analysis in seconds.
• HUNDREDS OF INTERACTIVE QUIZES: Test your knowledge with specific quizzes for each grammar topic.
• ADVANCED LEARNING TOOLS: Memorize complex concepts with visual mind maps and flashcards customized for each topic.

CONTENTS of the logic analysis and period analysis app:


• The subject and its characteristics: syntactic role, position, implied subject
• The verbal and nominal predicate: distinction, copula and nominal part
• Direct and indirect complements: function and recognition
• Attributes and affixations: qualifying and identifying function
• Phrases and their classification: nominal, verbal, prepositional


• Object complement and predicate complement: function and differences
• Complements of specification, term, cause, purpose: use and recognition
• Complements of means, manner, company/union: distinctive characteristics
• Complements of time, place, origin: expression of the circumstances
• Complements of limitation, comparison, partitive: special cases
• Other minor indirect complements: classification and use


• Main and subordinate clauses: syntactic hierarchy
• Coordination and subordination: relationships between propositions
• Degrees of subordination: structure of the complex period
• Explicit and implicit form: verb moods and conjunctions
• Coordinating and subordinating conjunctions: classification and use


• Subjective and objective propositions: function and structure
• Indirect declarative and interrogative sentences: characteristics
• Proper and improper relative clauses: distinction and use
• Causal, final, consecutive propositions: expression of logical relationships
• Temporal and modal propositions: circumstances of the action
• Concessive and conditional propositions: hypothesis and concession
• Comparative and adversative propositions: comparison and contrast


• Structure of the sentence: syntactic organization and rhythm
• Word order: stylistic effects and emphasis
• Syntactic rhetorical figures: particular constructions
• Cohesion and textual coherence: connectives and thematic progression
• Linguistic register: variety and adequacy

Ideal for middle and high school students, university students, teachers and all those who wish to improve their Italian language skills.
Download the logical analysis and period analysis app now and transform your approach to Italian grammar!

Version history

• Scanner AI con riconoscimento accurato delle strutture sintattiche per un'analisi logica e del periodo INCREDIBILE
• Interfaccia rapida e intuitiva
• 100+ di quiz per ogni argomento di analisi logica e del periodo
• Mappe mentali interattive
• Flashcards ottimizzate per memorizzazione più efficace

Ways to hack Analisi Logica e del Periodo

Download Analisi Logica e del Periodo MOD APK 1.0

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