Learn Astronomy Pro Mod Apk

Learn Astronomy Pro Hack - Mod Apk 3.0.0

Developer: Magic4Studio
Category: Education
Price: $1.49 (Download for free)


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Astronomy Pro
Astronomy is a natural science that studies celestial objects and phenomena. It uses mathematics, physics, and chemistry in order to explain their origin and evolution. Objects of interest include planets, moons, stars, nebulae, galaxies, meteoroid, asteroid, and comets.

✨Astronomy Contents of this Application✨
1. Science and the Universe: A Brief Tour
2. Observing the Sky: The Birth of Astronomy
3. Orbits and Gravity
4. Earth, Moon, and Sky
5. Radiation and Spectra
6. Astronomical Instruments
7. Other Worlds: An Introduction to the Solar System
8. Earth as a Planet
9. Cratered Worlds
10. Earthlike Planets: Venus and Mars
11. The Giant Planets
12. Rings, Moons, and Pluto
13. Comets and Asteroids: Debris of the Solar System
14. Cosmic Samples and the Origin of the Solar System
15. The Sun: A Garden-Variety Star
16. The Sun: A Nuclear Powerhouse
17. Analyzing Starlight
18. The Stars: A Celestial Census
19. Celestial Distances
20. Between the Stars: Gas and Dust in Space
21. The Birth of Stars and the Discovery of Planets outside the Solar System 22. Stars from Adolescence to Old Age
23. The Death of Stars
24. Black Holes and Curved Spacetime
25. The Milky Way Galaxy
26. Galaxies
27. Active Galaxies, Quasars, and Supermassive Black Holes
28. The Evolution and Distribution of Galaxies
29. The Big Bang
30. Life in the Universe
& Astronomy Quizzes.

👉At the end of each chapter in this textbook you, will find
- Intelligence
- Key Terms
- Summary
- For Further Exploration
- Collaborative Group Activities
- Exercises

Version history

1. Fix bug.
2. improve performance.
1. Improve Ui Design.
2. Added new Data.
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