## v1.17.3
* Bringing back the upgrade on home screen with the flutter render fix in place
## v1.17.2
* Fixing grey box and redemption points
## v1.17.1
* Removing NSUserTrackingUsageDescription
## v1.17.0
* Adding premium upgrades
## v1.16.0
* Adding Meta analytics
* Adding Iterable analytics & push notifications
## v1.15.33
* Fixing URL Launcher & Empty Activity List bugs
## v1.15.32
* Fixing URL Launcher & Empty Activity List bugs
## v1.15.31
* Fix for setState in location p...
## v1.15.31
* Fix for setState in location picker
* Abbreviated name fix
## v1.15.30
* Font resizing fix
* Fixing locationData null pointer
## v1.15.29
* Fixing some null pointers
## v1.15.28
* Adding points locally
## v1.15.26
* Fixing referralInfo bool bug
## v1.15.25
* Fixing order of operations for referralInfo causing unreported crashes
## v1.15.24
* LAM-164: LaserLove app_download promos
## v1.15.23
* Fixing referral code link
## v1.15.22
* Filtered out balance paid pa...
## v1.15.29
* Fixing some null pointers
## v1.15.28
* Adding points locally
## v1.15.26
* Fixing referralInfo bool bug
## v1.15.25
* Fixing order of operations for referralInfo causing unreported crashes
## v1.15.24
* LAM-164: LaserLove app_download promos
## v1.15.23
* Fixing referral code link
## v1.15.22
* Filtered out balance paid packages & DRYed up the loading indicator
## v1.15.21
* Items from 9-5 punch list
## v1.15.20
* LAM-157: adding loading indicators to all botto...
## v1.14.3
* Moving support chat link to home screen
## v1.14.2
* Fixing iphone crash
## v1.14.1
* Fixing cocoapod build
## v1.14.0
* Adding chat and call support
## v1.13.0
* Adding "Coming Soon" locations
## v1.12.0
* Adding GFE & Consult Request Forms for LMS Users
## v1.11.5
* Fixing locations null error
* Upgrading flutter & dependencies
## v1.11.4
* Filtering out special non-service locations and hiding nearby locations if none are available
## v1.11.3
* Updating Info.p...
## v1.12.0
# Adding GFE & Consult Request Forms for LMS Users
## v1.11.5
* Fixing locations null error
* Upgrading flutter & dependencies
## v1.11.4
* Filtering out special non-service locations and hiding nearby locations if none are available
## v1.11.3
* Updating Info.plist with location usage description
## v1.11.2
* Adding nearby locations list on home screen
## v1.11.1
* Cosmetic fixes for locations list
## v1.11.0
* Add filter by state to locations list
## v1.10.0
* Add ...
## v1.11.4
* Filtering out special non-service locations and hiding nearby locations if none are available
## v1.11.3
* Updating Info.plist with location usage description
## v1.11.2
* Adding nearby locations list on home screen
## v1.11.1
* Cosmetic fixes for locations list
## v1.11.0
* Add filter by state to locations list
## v1.10.0
* Add locations list
## v1.9.3
* Treatment history copy tweak
## v1.9.2
* Adding link to treatment history from clinician search page
## v1.9.1...