Pranitya Wealth Mod Apk

Pranitya Wealth Hack - Mod Apk 3.0.2

Category: Finance
Price: Free


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A dedicated app for all your Mutual Fund needs. A simple and easy way to invest in Mutual Funds.

- Paperless Investing
- Quick & paperless account creation and instant Activation. Within a couple of minutes, you are all set to ride the new wave of investing.
- Instant SIP: Once you are registered. It takes less than a minute to start a SIP.
- Access to Handpicked Best Performing Schemes: We adopt a holistic and unbiased approach, and recommended schemes after thorough research only
- SIP Calculators: With the help of our calculators plan your investment needs to achieve your Financial Goals.

With Pranitya Wealth, you just need to Sit Back, Relax and Watch your Money Grow.

Version history

- Added Importing external portfolios (via MF Central CAS).
- BSE Order history - Added action to fetch Real time order status
- New Investment NSE - Added option to Choose Folio bank
- Enhanced Security Measures
- Goal Planner - Edit / Delete Goals
- Capital Gain Unrealized - As per New Income tax rules
- Changed NSE Add Bank to Manage Banks and improved it's functionality
- Fixed NSE, BSE, MFU Order placing issues
- Fixed One-Day Change in Shares/Bonds.
- Fixed Crashes
- Download your Account Statement with a single click for any Asset Management Company in India
- Detailed Capital Gain Reports
- Invest directly in any Mutual Fund scheme or New Fund Offer, and track all orders until unit allotment for full transparency
- Fixed Issue of NFO while doing SIP
- Various Improvements
- Other Crash & Bug Fix
- General Update
- Best App for Portfolio Tracker
- Top Mutual Funds
- Financial Calculators
- New Fund Offers
- Fund Fact-sheets
- Enhanced Dashboard

Ways to hack Pranitya Wealth

Download Pranitya Wealth MOD APK 3.0.2

Download MOD APK