Fixed issue related to "Shared Resource" synchronization.
This release addresses various bug fixes.
For details, please refer to the Infor portal at the following URL:https://customerportal.infor.com/csmcore?id=kb_article_view&sysparm_article=KB2039428
This release includes further improvements to map zoom level retention for smoother navigation.
For details on other minor fixes and improvements, please refer to the Infor portal at the following URL: https://customerportal.infor.com/csmcore?id=kb_article_view&sysparm_article=KB2039428
Fixing issue where the server settings and pending changes are wiped off after installing the July version of the application.
Field Inspector now supports improved synchronization times for Shared Resources data by allowing the mobile application to use pre published packages that contains those shared resources data already primed to be downloaded quickly for the mobile application to use them.
• Field Inspector and Infor Public Sector now supports defining the starting point and ending point of employee routes for more efficient inspection route planning.
• Field Inspector now supports font color customization of card labels using CSS for better user experience.
• Field Inspector now supports the forced date validation feature to be turned on or off.
• Field Inspector now supports advanced functionality related to formula-based reports.
Jan 10, 2023
• Add markups and comments on photo attachments
• Conditional display of global work order detail pages
• Fields on the Information tab of the asset viewer are now editable for all asset types
• Support for Laserfiche EDM providers
• Support for ESRI VTPK tiles in mobile maps
• Bug fixes and performance improvements (See KB 2282621 in the Infor Knowledge Base.)
Nov 4, 2022
• Support for creating simple asset records from the mobile app
• Stability improvements for:
o Bluetooth keyboard support (Android)
o Connection switch between cellular and Wi-Fi
See KB 2270386 in the Infor Knowledge Base for information about resolved issues.
Sep 30, 2022
1. Fixing crashing issues when bluetooth keyboard is attached/detached to the device while running IFI app.
Jul 22, 2022
• When you open the mobile app's log viewer from the development tools, the logs are shown in descending order by date.
• See KB 2258801 in the Infor Knowledge Base for a list of resolved issues in this update.
Apr 22, 2022
• For building and case inspections, the process of recording code violations has been improved, including the ability to specify the unit or room where a violation is found.
• There is a new map command to add a selected asset to a record such as a service request or work order.
• You can now attach video files and non-media files to records in the app.
• Support for asset inspection observation detail pages has been added.