Lords Online (王國征戰) Mod Apk

Lords Online (王國征戰) Hack - Mod Apk 2.155

Developer: 幻想娛樂科技
Category: Strategy
Price: Free


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Build up your empire, collect exotic Heroes, train your troops, and battle your way to the top! Even in this dog-eat-dog world, you might find allies within a Guild. Destroy all who stand in your way to total domination! The world is yours!

Game Features

✔ Real-time, multiplayer strategy with RPG elements!

✔ Fight in PvP battles with millions of players around the world!

✔ Spy on your enemies to plan the perfect assault!

✔ Discover an epic world in stunning HD graphics and 3D battle views!

✔ Slay monsters on the world map to find rare treasures!

✔ Upgrade buildings, research technologies, train troops, and do whatever it takes to build and customize the ultimate empire!

✔ Lock your opponents' Heroes in Prison and make them pay for their release!

✔ Unite your allies in powerful Guilds to conquer the world!

✔ Play on multiple mobile phones and tablets anytime, anywhere, with anyone!

Customer Service: [email protected]
Note: This game requires an Internet connection.

Version history

# New [Capybara Expedition] event:
.Photo completion rewards: Castle Skin, Turf Decorations, Emotes, Avatars, etc.
.Get items and new Artifacts from the event shop
# Decorations & Turf Layout Sharing:
.Added [Decoration Points], [Turf Layout Ranking], and [Turf Layout Sharing]
# Coming Soon: [Army Skins]
.Apply an Army Skin to change the appearance of your marching troops on the Kingdom Map
.Army Skins only change the appearance of troops marching to battle and will not affect scouts
# Prosperous Spring event (check in-game for timings and details):
.Labyrinth: Fewer Holy Stars needed to attack & chance to drop Fortune Ingots (contains Gems)!
.Guild Leaders can send a Guild Fortune Packet to all members once a day!
# Optimized Selection Chests: You will be notified if you select Artifact Shards for a 5-Star or Blessed Artifact
# A reminder to avoid inappropriate language will appear before editing Guild Diplomacy Board, Guild Message, Guild Announcement, and Guild Slogan
# Prosperous Spring event (check in-game for timings and details):
.Labyrinth: Fewer Holy Stars needed to attack & chance to drop Fortune Ingots (contains Gems)!
.Guild Leaders can send a Guild Fortune Packet to all members once a day!
# Optimized Selection Chests: You will be notified if you select Artifact Shards for a 5-Star or Blessed Artifact
# A reminder to avoid inappropriate language will appear before editing Guild Diplomacy Board, Guild Message, Guild Announcement, and Guild Slogan
# Build your dream Turf! Arrange and place Buildings and Decorations wherever you like!
# Added [Kingdom Chapters] (story quests)
# Mana Levels:
.Clear [Kingdom Chapter 9-4: Mana Lode] to unlock the Mana Lode
.Use Mana Ore & Mana Crystals to upgrade the Mana Lv of Lv 25 Buildings & unlock upgrade effects
# Mana Charge: Clear [Kingdom Chapter 9-5, Skirmish 9: Mana Challenge] to unlock the Mana Chamber
# New Research Tree: Mana Awakening
# New Special Building: Synthesis Isle
#[Chaos Arena] Trial Event Optimizations:
.Min. Castle Lv req. is now Lv 17
.Can search Chaos Arena coordinates during the event
.Can claim all quest phase rewards at once for completed phases of the same quest
.Optimized Arena entry & exit hints
#After opening multiple chests, you can continue to open the same no. of chests. Can keep receiving the same chosen items for Selection Chests
#2 Vergeway challenges: Strength in Numbers & Verge Guardians
#Can now link/log in via [IGG Account]
#Fixed issue where Auto Use was unavailable in the Lunar Foundry
#Fixed issue with residual Hero data in the troop deployment page
#New [Tycoon Challenge] Event (unlocked at Castle Lv 5. Check the Events Board for details)
#Added [Leader Skin Portraits] to Labyrinth & Tycoon Challenge
#Artifact Challenge: Revamped Challenge Shop, changed some prizes to Selection Chests
#[Leader Skins] (use Portraits to unlock)Battalion Icons]
#Reduced Astra Monsters’ HP
#New [Tycoon Challenge] Event (unlocked at Castle Lv 5. Check the Events Board for details)
#Added [Leader Skin Portraits] to Labyrinth & Tycoon Challenge
#Artifact Challenge: Revamped Challenge Shop, changed some prizes to Selection Chests
#[Leader Skins] (use Portraits to unlock)
#[Auto-Join Darknest Rallies] (can be activated on the Rally Battle page)
#Transmutation Lab: Set min lv of Dark Essence to be auto-stored
#Battalions: New [Ratio Mode] & [Battalion Icons]
#Reduced Astra Monsters’ HP
# New [Labyrinth Challenge] Event:
- Use Dazzling Stars to defeat Dark Monsters
- Use Labyrinth Badges (random drop) in the Labyrinth Challenge Shop to get items
- Compete with players from other Kingdoms (ranked based on the amount of Dazzling Stars spent)
# New [Astralite Bonus] Event: Get 3x more specialized Astralite from hunting Astra Monsters
# Redesigned Mall interface
# Giftaway adjustments: Several products outside the Mall will also offer Giftaways (marked with a Giftaway icon)
# We're holding the Kingdom Labor Day event to thank you for your hard work! (Check in-game for event duration and rules)
# Various UI adjustments
# We're holding the Kingdom Labor Day event to thank you for your hard work! (Check in-game for event duration and rules)
# Various UI adjustments
# Ranking Adjustments: World Rankings have been changed to Dominion Rankings
# Mall Update: Find Subscriptions and the Breakthrough Bonus in the Passes page in the Mall after the update
Mar 6, 2023
# New Trial By Fire stages: 12,000~15,000
# Gem purchases: Moved to the Passes page in the Mall
.Get 2x the Gems with your 1st purchase of each item in the Gems tab
.Guild Bonuses, Giftaways, and sale events like Double Coupons will not apply to Gem purchases
# Artifact Challenge: Optimized matchmaking system
# Updated account features
.Google Play Games accounts can now be linked
.Accounts will be auto-linked to Google Play Games account upon log in
.Removed the "Link to Google account" feature
Jan 11, 2023
# Celebrate the Year of the Rabbit with the Prosperity Shop's return! Get an exclusive emotes, avatars, and more!
# New mode: [Chalice Vanguard] (must be Castle Lv 25 to participate)
- Rally attacks must be used to occupy a Vanguard Fort to attack the Royal Chalice
# Gift Shop: Players can now send Grand Gifts (Monthly Passes or Weekly Passes) to other players
# Optimized supply sending: The game will now remember the number of supplies you previously sent
Dec 12, 2022
# Added Giftaways: Purchase packs that contain an Epic or higher Bonus in the Mall to share Giftaways in the Kingdom Chat
# New mode: [Royal Vanguard] (must be Castle Lv 25 to participate; check in-game notices for event timings)
- Rally attacks must be used to occupy a Vanguard Fort to attack the Royal Wonder
# Dragon Arena: Optimized Guild matchmaking system & Cups awarded
# Trial By Fire: Added Stages 9,001~12,000
Nov 30, 2022
# New mode: [Feudal Vanguard] (Must be Castle Lv 25 to participate)
※ The 3 Feudal events will randomly alternate in the future.
- Must use rally attacks to occupy a Vanguard Fort to attack the District Wonder. Min. rally time is 2m
# Adjusted Battle Royal, Feudal Battle, and Chalice Battle rules: Non-occupying parties can initiate rally attacks on Forts in Pacifist Phase. However, Coalition Troops will automatically withdraw if they reach a Fort while it's still in Pacifist Phase.
Nov 21, 2022
# New mode: [Feudal Vanguard] (Must be Castle Lv 25 to participate)
※ The 3 Feudal events will randomly alternate in the future.
- Must use rally attacks to occupy a Vanguard Fort to attack the District Wonder. Min. rally time is 2m
# Adjusted Battle Royal, Feudal Battle, and Chalice Battle rules: Non-occupying parties can initiate rally attacks on Forts in Pacifist Phase. However, Coalition Troops will automatically withdraw if they reach a Fort while it's still in Pacifist Phase.
Oct 26, 2022
# New mode: [Feudal Vanguard] (Must be Castle Lv 25 to participate)
※ The 3 Feudal events will randomly alternate in the future.
- Must use rally attacks to occupy a Vanguard Fort to attack the District Wonder. Min. rally time is 2m
# Adjusted Battle Royal, Feudal Battle, and Chalice Battle rules: Non-occupying parties can initiate rally attacks on Forts in Pacifist Phase. However, Coalition Troops will automatically withdraw if they reach a Fort while it's still in Pacifist Phase.
Sep 29, 2022
#Added Astra Monsters and specialized Astralite: Astra Monsters are stronger than regular Monsters and glow blue. You may get specialized Astralite from hunting them, which can be used to temper its matching Equipment (Lv 50 and above Mythic Equipment only)
#Added Shield (12h)
#Added Army Talent to Hell Drider
#Dragon Arena adjustments
#Optimized Guild Fest
#Workshop: Added Forge Supplies (unlocks at Player Lv 35)
#Optimized Monster Hunt UI
#Added Auto Use to Labyrinth and Kingdom Tycoon
Sep 13, 2022
#Added Astra Monsters and specialized Astralite: Astra Monsters are stronger than regular Monsters and glow blue. You may get specialized Astralite from hunting them, which can be used to temper its matching Equipment (Lv 50 and above Mythic Equipment only)
#Added Shield (12h)
#Added Army Talent to Hell Drider
#Dragon Arena adjustments
#Optimized Guild Fest
#Workshop: Added Forge Supplies (unlocks at Player Lv 35)
#Optimized Monster Hunt UI
#Added Auto Use to Labyrinth and Kingdom Tycoon
Jul 28, 2022
#Sanctuary [Divine Providence] Adjustments
- Now rescues more Troops from Turf defensive battles.
- Troops arrive gradually over time, but stop arriving when capacity is reached.
#New Migration Condition
- No unclaimed Divine Providence Troops.
#Trial By Fire
- [Quick Sweep]: Clears all available stages if you're strong enough.
#War for Wonder Countdown Adjustments
- Less than 1h after start: Base 30m, Fort 20m
- More than 1h: Base 15m, Fort 10m
- More than 2h: Base 5m, Fort 5m
Jun 16, 2022
# NEW [Trial By Fire] (reach Castle Lv 6 & clear Skirmish 2 to unlock):
- Test your battle strategies and prowess in countless stages!
- Located in Perilous Ridge (second Turf region).
- Stages are split based on enemy configuration.
- You can use the highest troop tiers you've unlocked. No actual troops will be lost.
- Rewards available: Artifact Shards, Archaic Tomes, Equipment materials, Speed Up items, Guild Coins, and more. The higher the stage level, the better the rewards.
# New [Artifact Challenge] event (reach Castle Lv 6 & clear Skirmish 2 to unlock)
-Use Royal Coins to open Glorious Chests (contains exclusive Artifacts!). Claim rewards based on the number of Glorious Chests opened, and battle with players from other Kingdoms! The top 1,000 players will win Ranking Rewards!
# Made Fort adjustments (affects Battle Royal, Feudal Battle, and Chalice Battle)
May 17, 2022
# New [Artifact Challenge] event (reach Castle Lv 6 & clear Skirmish 2 to unlock)
-Use Royal Coins to open Glorious Chests (contains exclusive Artifacts!). Claim rewards based on the number of Glorious Chests opened, and battle with players from other Kingdoms! The top 1,000 players will win Ranking Rewards!
# Made Fort adjustments (affects Battle Royal, Feudal Battle, and Chalice Battle)
March 29, 2022
# New [Artifact] system:
Use Artifact Coins in the Artifact Fair to obtain Artifacts. Upgrade and enhance them in the Artifact Hall to increase their boosts and Might. Some are also part of a set, which grants set bonuses.
# Added Artifact Coins to 30-Day Supply Chest, 7-Day Dash Bundle, and Login Gift: Bonus Gifts
- Supply Chest and Dash Bundle: New items can be obtained in the next claim after maintenance
- Login Gift: Artifact Coins will only start appearing in the next round
March 24, 2022
# Adjusted special Prison rules for the Royal Battleground
- Normal prison rules will apply to leaders captured in Turf battles in the Royal Battleground, i.e., they will be imprisoned for 3 days, items can be used to execute or escape, bounty and ransom can be set, and they will not be released when their captor leaves the Royal Battleground.
- Special prison rules will only apply to leaders captured in Wonder/Fort battles in the Royal Battleground
# Various UI adjustments
February 18, 2022
# Adjusted special Prison rules for the Royal Battleground
- Normal prison rules will apply to leaders captured in Turf battles in the Royal Battleground, i.e., they will be imprisoned for 3 days, items can be used to execute or escape, bounty and ransom can be set, and they will not be released when their captor leaves the Royal Battleground.
- Special prison rules will only apply to leaders captured in Wonder/Fort battles in the Royal Battleground
# Various UI adjustments
January 19, 2022
# Optimized Infirmary and Sanctuary:
1. When Infirmary/Sanctuary is full, newly Wounded troops at a higher rank than those currently in Infirmary/Sanctuary will be given priority
2. Increased Devotion production speed and Devotion obtained from Divine Tasks
# Added new rules for the Prison in the Royal Battleground (includes Battle Royal, Feudal Battle, Chalice Battle
December 20, 2021
# Equipment Tempering: Use Astralite to temper Lv 50 and above Mythic Equipment
# Adjusted Dragon Arena:
- Added Dragon Arena Newbie Gift
- Active Shields will be temporarily deactivated upon entering the Dragon Arena and reactivated with the remaining time after leaving the Dragon Arena
- Can't activate Shields in the Dragon Arena
- Strongholds reduced to 6 for Dragon Arena: Newbie League and Dragon Arena Trial
# Upkeep will not be consumed in Dragon Arena Trial
November 23, 2021
# New [Adventure Log] (Head to the Kingdom Map at Castle Lv 4 to unlock):
- Discover the forces of Darkness, hidden treasure, magic conches, and more!
- Complete an Adventure Quests to earn rewards. Increase your Adventure Lv to get [Adventure Lv Rewards].
- Adventure Rewards: Player EXP, Speed Up Research, Speed Up Training
- Adventure Lv Rewards: Hero Medals, Avatars (only at certain levels), Material Chests, resources
October 14, 2021
# Upcoming event: Ghoultastic Gala. Get special gifts in the event shop!
# New Chalice Battle mode: Chalice Rally (Must be Castle Lv 25 to participate)
- Future Chalice Battles will either be "War of the Chalice" or "Chalice Rally"
Chalice Rally Rules:
- [Chalice Forts] will appear
- Only [Rally Attacks] can be used to battle for the Royal Chalice and Chalice Forts
- Shortest rally time is 2 mins

Ways to hack Lords Online (王國征戰)

Download Lords Online (王國征戰) MOD APK 2.155

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