It's time to get a cute Baby Manor update!🎉🎉
- Make a few optimizations to improve your gaming experience!
- Add Star Race Activity
- Add Be a Crack Shot Activity
- Red Panda Game PassActivity
Experience a new life raising a baby, design& renovating a new manor here!🍼👼
It's time to get a cute Baby Manor update!🎉🎉
- Make a few optimizations to improve your gaming experience!
- Add Star Race Activity
- Add Be a Crack Shot Activity
- Red Panda Game PassActivity
Experience a new life raising a baby, design& renovating a new manor here!🍼👼
It's time to get a cute Baby Manor update!🎉🎉
- Make a few optimizations to improve your gaming experience!
- Add Star Race Activity
- Add Be a Crack Shot Activity
- Red Panda Game PassActivity
Experience a new life raising a baby, design& renovating a new manor here!🍼👼
It's time to get a cute Baby Manor update!🎉🎉
-Made a few optimizations to improve your gaming experience!
Experience a new life raising a baby, design& renovate a new manor here!🍼👼
It's time to get a cute Baby Manor update!🎉🎉
-Added new levels!
-New storyline: What will happen to this villa next?
Experience a new life raising a baby, design& renovate a new manor here!🍼👼
It's time to get a cute Baby Manor update!🎉🎉
-Added new levels!
-Add baby time machine activity
Experience a new life raising a baby, design& renovate a new manor here!🍼👼
It's time to get a cute Baby Manor update!🎉🎉
-Added new levels!
Experience a new life raising a baby, design& renovate a new manor here!🍼👼
It's time to get a cute Baby Manor update!🎉🎉
-Added new levels!
-New storyline: What will happen to this villa next?
Experience a new life raising a baby, design& renovate a new manor here!🍼👼
Feb 17, 2023
It's time to get a cute Baby Manor update!🎉🎉
-Added new levels!
-New storyline: What will happen to this villa next?
Experience a new life raising a baby, design& renovate a new manor here!🍼👼
Dec 13, 2022
It's time to get a cute Baby Manor update! 🎄🎄
🎉 New Event: A new themed room will be designed for the Christmas event!
🎉 New Clothes: It's time to dress up your baby with new costumes.
🎉 New Storyline: What will happen to the manor?
🎉 Added new levels!
Experience a new life raising a baby, designing a beautiful mansion here!🍼👼
Oct 26, 2022
It's time to get a cute Baby Manor update!🎉🎉
-Added new levels!
-New Event: go on an adventure!
Experience a new life raising a baby, design& renovate a new manor here!🍼👼
Oct 13, 2022
It's time to get a cute Baby Manor update!🎉🎉
-Added new levels!
-New storyline: What will happen to this villa next?
Experience a new life raising a baby, design& renovate a new manor here!🍼👼
Sep 23, 2022
It's time to get a cute Baby Manor update!🎉🎉
-Added new levels!
Experience a new life raising a baby, design& renovate a new manor here!🍼👼
Sep 1, 2022
It's time to get a cute Baby Manor update!🎉🎉
-Added new levels!
-New storyline: What will happen to this villa next?
Experience a new life raising a baby, design& renovate a new manor here!🍼👼
Aug 15, 2022
It's time to get a cute Baby Manor update!🎉🎉
-Added new levels!
-New storyline: What will happen to this villa next?
Experience a new life raising a baby, design& renovate a new manor here!🍼👼
Jul 21, 2022
It's time to get a cute Baby Manor update!
- New area: Build a warm home for the kitty!
- Baby time machine: there will be three return events, players can choose freely!
- Added 25 new levels!
- New storyline: What will happen to this house next?
Experience a new life raising a baby, design& renovate a new mansion here!
Jun 30, 2022
It's time to get a cute Baby Manor update!🎉🎉
-Added 25 NEW LEVELS!
-NEW STORYLINE: What will happen to this villa next?
-Fix Bug: the game cannot be entered normally.
Experience a new life raising a baby, design& renovate a new manor here!🍼👼
Jun 17, 2022
It's time to get a cute Baby Manor update!🎉🎉
-Added 25 NEW LEVELS!
-NEW STORYLINE: What will happen to this villa next?
Experience a new life raising a baby, design& renovate a new manor here!🍼👼
May 23, 2022
It's time to get a cute Baby Manor update!🎉🎉
-Added 25 NEW LEVELS!
-NEW STORYLINE: What will happen to this villa next?
Experience a new life raising a baby, design& renovate a new manor here!🍼👼
April 23, 2022
It's time to get a cute Baby Manor update!
-Added 25 new levels(1901~1925)! 💡
-New Storyline: What will happen to this villa next?🏡
Experience a new life raising a baby, design& renovate a new manor here!🍼👼
April 23, 2022
It's time to get a cute Baby Manor update!
-Added 50 new levels(1851~1900)! 💡
-New Storyline: What will happen to this villa next?🏡
-Added baby piggy bank!
-Rebecca Event
Experience a new life raising a baby, design& renovate a new manor here!🍼👼
March 22, 2022
It's time to get a cute Baby Manor update!
-Added 50 new levels(1851~1900)! 💡
-Sakura Season: get unique Sakura decorations and well-designed themed costumes!
-New Storyline: What will happen to this villa next?🏡
Experience a new life raising a baby, design& renovate a new manor here!🍼👼
February 24, 2022
It's time to get a cute Baby Manor update!
-Added 50 new levels(1801~1850)! 💡
-New Events: Meet new friends in the new season—baby panda! 🐼
Tons of free rewards are waiting for you!
-New Storyline: What will happen to this villa next?🏡
Experience a new life raising a baby, design& renovate a new manor here!🍼👼
February 19, 2022
It's time to get a cute Baby Manor update!
-Made a few optimizations to improve your gaming experience!
Enjoy this wonderful and exciting world! Don't forget to let us know what you think about Baby Manor:)
January 26, 2022
It's time to get a cute Baby Manor update!
-Added 50 NEW LEVELS(1751~1800)!
-New Event: What will happen to this villa next? A new room is waiting for you to decorate!
-New Gift Showbox: Tons of free rewards is waiting for you!
Experience a new life raising a baby, design& renovate a new manor here!🍼👼
January 22, 2022
It's time to get a cute Baby Manor update!🎉🎉
-Added 50 NEW LEVELS(17011~1750)!
-NEW STORYLINE: What will happen to this villa next?
-New Gift Showbox: Tons of free rewards is waiting for you!
-Made a few optimizations to improve your gaming experience!
Experience a new life raising a baby, design& renovate a new manor here!🍼👼
December 22, 2021
It's time to get a cute Baby Manor update! 🎄🎄
🎉 New Levels:Add 50 Levels (1651~1700)
🎉 New Event: Want to be friends with baby penguins?
🎉 New Clothes: It's time to dress up your baby with Christmas costumes.
🎉 Fix Bugs
Experience a new life raising a baby, designing a beautiful mansion here!🍼👼
December 9, 2021
It's time to get a cute Baby Manor update! 🎄🎄
🎉 New Levels: Added 50 levels (Current highest level: 1650)
🎉 New Event:The higher the building blocks, the more rewards you will get!
🎉 Christmas Event: A new themed room will be designed for the Christmas event!
🎉 New Clothes: It's time to dress up your baby with new costumes.
Experience a new life raising a baby, designing a beautiful mansion here!🍼👼
November 22, 2021
It's time to get a cute Baby Manor update! 🎄🎄
🎉 New Event: A new themed room will be designed for the Christmas event!(25th Nov to 26th Dec)
🎉 New Clothes: It's time to dress up your baby with new costumes.
🎉 New Storyline: What will happen to the manor?
Experience a new life raising a baby, designing a beautiful mansion here!🍼👼
November 13, 2021
It's time to get a cute Baby Manor update!🎉🎉
-New Levels: Added 50 levels (Current highest level: 1600)
-New Clothes: It's time to dress up your baby with new costumes.
-Made a few optimizations to improve your gaming experience!
Experience a new life raising a baby, designing a babe's paradise here!🍼👼
October 31, 2021
It's time to get a cute Baby Manor update!🎉🎉
-Halloween-theme Event:
A brand new Halloween theme room and Abundant rewards are waiting for you!
It's time to dress up your baby with new costumes.
-New storyline: What will happen in the toy room?
-New Levels: Added 50 levels (Current highest level: 1550)
Experience a new life raising a baby, designing a babe's paradise here!🍼👼