- fixed an issue with the custom colored shields and thrusters
- fixed an issue with some pricing labels
- added a button to redownload the extra textures in the app (they should be downloaded automatically when you first install or update, but this is if you cleared app data and lost them)
- fixed ship being shown next to character
- fix for accessing downloaded packs while offline
- a few improvements for low end devices that may reduce the chance of crashes
- main menu random planet fix
- tidally locked earthlike textures improved (2 new textures for M/K parent stars) and using the old green texture for G-type parent stars (none found so far)
- improved performance a bit and updated libraries
- fixed alien soldier not disappearing and character lights are visible when character is hidden
- can jump with Space on chromebooks
- improved lighting for pulsar planets in the system view
- fixed lighting for planets in binary pair systems (system view)
- made Titan's atmosphere a little more dense
- fixed ship lights toggle and now you can have the ship lights on while the ship is hidden
- added faint atmosphere for Triton
- optimized app size
- fixed thrusters for Terran Fighter
- slightly adjusted Pluto's atmosphere
- more bugs fixed
- more waterworlds added based on recent discoveries
- more unknown planets resolved to gas giants
V3.4.1 - Major database changes - 7.85 million stars
- exomoons, rogue planets, more exoplanets (with statuses added - Confirmed/Candidate/Retracted/Controversial)
- Sagittarius A* is now a custom system with 1 supermassive black hole and 44 stars
- all stellar black holes are now siphoning matter from their companion
- soft gamma repeaters now have a fossil disk around them
- moved magnetars from their own category to a subtype of neutron stars
- area in the middle of the screen where you can rotate the ship has been enlarged
- fixed a bug where the character was shaking (happened on moons)
- periods are now shown in years if they are larger than 1 year (seeing millions of days doesn't help to put things into perspective)
- added time slider for character when you land on terrestrial planets(non tidally-locked). You can now watch sunrises and sunsets.
- forced to add a consent dialog for for EU users, some GDPR stuff (one time only, when you enter the app)
- many bug fixes, including some old ones
- aligned character look axis with ship look axis
- fixed a couple of bugs
- new website https://galaxymap.net
- fixed infopanel bug with oblateness (was showing WASP-12 A b as a magnetar)
- fixed a bug when you set sensitivity to 0 you couldn't move the look joystick
- better designed purchases menu
- light emitted from stars changed from white to their real color (for example, in TRAPPIST-1 the light will be orange). Atmospheres in certain systems will look different
- water worlds (non-tidally locked) will have much smaller solid cores
- tweaked certain star textures to look brighter
- can set FPS to 120
- can now fly inside gas giants
- added gravity in the flight mode settings menu (default is low)
- tweaked earthlike planets and tidally locked earthlikes
- added 32830 supermassive black holes including Sagittarius A* and TON 618
- search system for black holes changed and added black hole statistics
- more information shown from wikipedia for articles that exist
- added a button to hide the UI while flying or walking on the planets (this will also hide moon names if you are in our solar system)
Feb 11, 2023
- now you can walk with a character on the surface of planets and moons
- Earth and Gas Giants are protected by a force field (Landing will be possible in a future update)
- all exoplanets have been improved (shores and waves, titan has methane lakes)
- couple of fixes for the new features
Feb 10, 2023
- now you can walk with a character on the surface of planets
- you can fly the ship to any planet or moon, but Earth and Gas Giants are protected by a force field (Landing will be possible in a future update)
- all exoplanets have been improved (shores and waves, titan has methane lakes and many more)
- GW Orionis now has two inclined disks
- fix for bengali language
Dec 7, 2022
- Venus is available for flight mode
- tweaked terrain for tidally locked earthlike planets
- many bug fixes and small improvements
Nov 8, 2022
- fixing a couple of minor bugs
Oct 8, 2022
- new graphics setting while in flight mode, if your device can handle it
- added custom clouds for earthlike tidally locked planets and new texture for tidally locked water worlds like TRAPPIST-1 f
- can now visit some satellites if you go to the parent planet (like Pluto-Charon)
- stars as seen from a planet's atmosphere have the correct size now
- improved black hole animation and added Neptune rings
- new search categories of stellar objects siphoning off jovians
Sep 13, 2022
- removed water from frozen planets and adjusted parameters
- thruster sound improvement (sound fades out)
- fixed some issues with brown dwarfs and peculiarities
Sep 6, 2022
- water/lava and water worlds improved (you can see through the water in the ship)
- centering a planet in the Solar System now shows moons differently, and they are at the right distance from the planet (for example some of Saturn's moons are inside the rings)
- alien ships now have different thruster sounds
- many bug fixes and small improvements (compare tab not showing correct temperature, settings not being saved when you restart the app - Celsius/Farenheit or Parsec/light year)
Aug 29, 2022
- fixed a couple more bugs
- adjusted water animation
Aug 25, 2022
- fixed a couple of bugs (some custom moons were not showing, distance was hidden in the infopanel and a few more)
- the alien destroyer ship has been improved
May 4, 2022
- spaceship improvements (thrusters hidden when stopping + sound)
- visiting a lava world in a binary star will show two suns when entering the atmosphere
- new search for planets (by number)
- new search for stars - pair types (weird binary pairs)
- lots of bug fixes and small improvements
April 14, 2022
- Flight mode is here! Fly in the atmosphere of all terrestrial exoplanets!
- planets are now generated using the Terrain feature (if you have a device that cannot properly render them, use the setting in the flight mode menu)
- another round of bug fixes (including long opening times)
March 29, 2022
- upgraded some textures to a higher size, some were pixelated (thus the small increase in app size)
- changed the comparison tab (and fixed some display issues there)
- lots of fixes all around
March 27, 2022
- upgraded some textures to a higher size, some were pixelated (thus the small increase in app size)
- changed the comparison tab (and fixed some display issues there)
- lots of fixes all around
February 16, 2022
- new autocomplete feature in the search system
- new feature that shows latest added exoplanets in the database
- local database changed to contain all exoplanets and all systems that are more interesting, with the possibility to search offline for these
- sizes of planets and moons adjusted to better reflect the differences between them
- Post common envelope binaries added (example NN Serpentis)
- UI scaled down a bit and a graphic option to scale
- parent star spectral planet search
January 7, 2022
- Arabic and Persian language fix
- magnetar animation tweaks
- a couple of bug fixes (radius/mass wasn't shown for some objects)
- auto exit when you zoom out really far in the system
- added metric/imperial system in the settings
December 28, 2021
- all information panel text has been upgraded to the new UI (planet, stellar, catalogs)
- fix for magnetar crash on some devices
- fix for systems with too many asteroids in their belts (HN Pegasi, Fomalhaut)
- adjusting text above objects
- better default zoom in to system
December 14, 2021
- upgraded star animations in the system
- changed photometry section in the info panel
- small/medium fixes and improvements
November 29, 2021
- Moons added in the solar system
- Visiting a system from the sector will have a warp animation
- Systems are now generated with 3D objects, not 2D billboards
- new system information and orbital information in the infopanel
- a lot of bug fixes and improvements
- new settings options including switching temperature and distance
September 14, 2021
- Improved stars and all planets' textures
- improved planets in our solar system
- jovians have moving clouds
- some bug fixes