Lectura Pública de la Biblia Mod Apk

Lectura Pública de la Biblia Hack - Mod Apk 12.01.000

Developer: FutureSoft, Inc.
Category: Lifestyle
Price: Free


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Welcome to the Public Bible Reading app!

Here you will find the new Dramatized Audio Bible, a production with the highest quality sound effects, music and performances that bring the Word of God to life. Listening to it, you will feel as if you are there in the middle of each of the stories told in the Bible. The app also offers an ideal resource for churches with integrated reading plans that makes Public Reading of the Bible easier than ever.

Welcome to the Public Bible Reading app! Public reading of the Bible takes up the practice of reading and listening to the Scriptures in community.
Reading the Bible in community was fundamental to the life of God's people in the Old and New Testaments. The public scripture readings served as an act of remembrance and identity formation. This practice is found throughout the Bible, from the time of Moses with the reading of the Law to the reforms of King Josiah and the renewal that a leader like Ezra brought to the people of Israel.
In the time of Jesus, reading the Law and the Prophets aloud in synagogues was a central element of Jewish life. The early Christians upheld this tradition, and the letters of the Apostle Paul were read aloud at their meetings. This practice was so important to Paul that in 1 Timothy 4:13, he instructed everyone by saying "" ... engage in public reading of the Scriptures, and teaching and encouraging the brethren "" (NIV).
The Word is the food of the people of God. Meeting regularly to read and listen to it makes knowing and loving God's Word as simple as eating a good meal. Today, you can share this practice with your community.
May your community grow in the knowledge and love of God and be equipped to participate in his work! Thank you for being part of this movement!

Practical tips
For in-person meetings, it is good to have printed Bibles available for participants to read, in case they do not have it available on their mobile devices.
You can choose a 20, 30, 45, or 60 minute reading plan, depending on what works best for your group. Keep in mind that the Bible takes 100 hours to read in its entirety.
Within the reading plans, each session begins and ends with a Psalm as an opening and closing prayer. Each session also includes an Old Testament reading and a New Testament reading.
We recommend taking short breaks (1 to 3 minutes maximum) at the end of the Old Testament and New Testament passages so that participants can prayerfully reflect on what they have heard.
Also, you will find videos of The Bible Project at the beginning of each session. These videos are optional and provide helpful context, such as the narrative structure, themes, and historical background of the book for each session. These videos are engaging and accessible and can enrich the group's understanding of the passages being read.
Discussing the passages of the Bible at the end of the reading is completely optional but we recommend that it be simply to share what you liked the most about the reading; This is not a time to preach or teach, but to listen together to the Word of God. At the end, be sure to encourage your group members to join the next session.

Version history

Función de migración de datos
Nuevas características
• Servidor de identidad/Inicio de sesión social
• Rastreador de la Biblia v1.1
Actualización menor. Mejoras funcionales.
Nov 21, 2022
Mejoras de rendimiento.
Aug 9, 2022
Error solucionado para ChromeCast
Jul 20, 2022
Mejoras en el intercambio de planes de lectura y versículos de las Escrituras.
Corrección de defectos menores.
April 5, 2022
• Compartiendo Mejora de Libro, Capítulo y Verso. WhatsApp y otros mensajes, correos electrónicos propagarán el libro, el capítulo y el versículo compartidos y también citarán la traducción de la Biblia. • Solicitud de calificación y revisión en la aplicación. Háganos saber cómo lo estamos haciendo para usted. O simplemente optar por no participar.
• Compatibilidad con el último Android 12. Target API 32 pero compatibilidad con API 22: Android 5.1 (lollipop)
January 23, 2022
• Eliminar mi cuenta: se implementó una interfaz de usuario en la aplicación para permitir que el usuario elimine su cuenta y elimine sus datos almacenados de los servicios de back-end.
• Varias mejoras menores y correcciones de defectos: ejemplos: mejoras menores en los planes de lectura (listas de reproducción), corrección de varios errores tipográficos, corrección de algunos errores de formato.
November 19, 2021
Mejoras de rendimiento.
November 4, 2021
Mejoras de rendimiento.
Se solucionó el problema de que el audio no se reproducía en los capítulos.
Descarga todo el audio.
Búsqueda agregada.

Ways to hack Lectura Pública de la Biblia

Download Lectura Pública de la Biblia MOD APK 12.01.000

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