- New Bonus Cave available on 16 February. It contains 80 boss.
You can win 8 Dynamons in it:
Dynamon 1: Tuffelc
Dynamon 2: Glixonyx
Dynamon 3: Amuranther
Dynamon 4: Eelonyx
Dynamon 5: Anubolt
Dynamon 6: Draxygus
Dynamon 7: Evoltonera (Electric Guardian)
Dynamon 8: Golunera (Gold Guardian)
- Bug fix for the Scientist quest in the Gold Temple world that got stuck.
- The dark dragon legendary which is called Dagaryx, now has a new exclusive skill on LV65: dark blast.
- Also Dagaryx's skill set list has also been improved.
- Guardian Island, chapter 9 available now.
- You can catch the new spirit Dynamon Sihorico in the Guardian Island. This Dynamon has an exclusive skill on LV65 called: Rapid fire.
- New online arena prizes for these ranks:
Rank 51-100 Pterodanox LV45
If you already own Pterodanox, then you win double coins for that rank.
- New Coin Caves & Special event (start: 6 February 2025)
- Bug fix for the Ferguson boss fight that was stuck in the Guardian Island world in Chapter 8.
- Improved graphics for the new exclusive skill for Tydonyx which is called Diamond Bombs.
- Adjusted Tydonyx skill set list: returned back the Diamond Sky skill.
- New Bonus Cave available on 26 January. It contains 80 boss.
You can win 8 Dynamons in it:
Dynamon 1: Visi
Dynamon 2: Lionydys
Dynamon 3: Eraseon egg
Dynamon 4: Horzaryx
Dynamon 5: Bearmoryx
Dynamon 6: Draxygus
Dynamon 7: Pterodanox
Dynamon 8: Evoltonera (Electric Guardian)
- The gold type legendary dragon which is called Goldonyx, now has a new exclusive skill on LV65: Golden fireballs.
- New Bonus Cave available on 19 January. It contains 80 boss.
You can win 8 Dynamons in it:
- Evren
- Eelonyx
- Elydjin
- Yetyxar
- Earth egg
- Rhinodys
- Knightanyx
- Golunera (Gold Guardian)
- New pack available in the shop under the items tab:
Unlimited level up snacks
- Guardian Island, chapter 6 available now.
- You can catch the new spirit Dynamon Chyroax in the Guardian Island. This Dynamon has a new skill called the skull beam.
- New online arena prizes for these ranks:
Rank 51-100 Robocanyx LV45
If you already own Robocanyx, then you win double coins for that rank.
- New Coin Caves & Special event (start: 16 January 2025)
Coin Cave Prizes:
CoinCave LV35 = Jaxaguar LV35
CoinCave LV45 = Draxygus LV45
CoinCave LV55 = Darkunera LV55
- Bug fix for a game freeze that happened in a captain battle.
- Guardian Island, chapter 5 available now.
- You can catch the new spirit Dynamon Anglobine in the Guardian Island. This Dynamon has a new skill called the spirit myst.
- New online arena prizes for these ranks:
Rank 1-10 Skyvioru LV60
Rank 11-50 Skyvioru LV50
If you already own Skyvioru, then you win double coins.
Skyvioru is new legendary spirit Dynamon with an exclusive skill called spirit fury.
- Guardian Island, chapter 4 available now.
- You can catch the new spirit Dynamon Wolfkahu in the Guardian Island. He has a new skill called the Spirit Tornado.
- New Bonus Cave now available. It contains 80 boss.
You can win 8 Dynamons in it:
Dynamon 1: Aragonyx
Dynamon 2: Tortunk
Dynamon 3: Ramethyst egg
Dynamon 4: Visi
Dynamon 5: Eraseon egg
Dynamon 6: Soruween
Dynamon 7: Elydjin
Dynamon 8: Golunera (The Gold Guardian)
- New online arena prizes for this rank:
Rank 51-100 Rhinodys LV45
If you already own Cobragora or Rhinodys, then you win double coins.
- Bug fixes.
- Guardian island, chapter 3 available now.
- Tuffspira can evolve into Jubispira and Jubispirax.
- 2 new spirit skills are added.
- Coin Caves & Special event (start: 19 Dec 2024)
Coin Cave Prizes:
CoinCave LV35 = Tuffdar LV35
CoinCave LV45 = Horzaryx LV45
CoinCave LV55 = Fenixaro LV55
- New online arena prizes for this rank:
Rank 51-100 Robocanyx LV45
If you already own Cobragora or Robocanyx, then you win double coins.
- Bug fixes.
- Guardian island, chapter 2 available now:
This world can be accessed by completing the Gold Temple world first.
- New spirit type Dynamon added: Tuffspira (4 new spirit type skills)
- Coin Caves & Special event (start: 12 Dec 2024)
Coin Cave Prizes:
CoinCave LV35 = Tuffelc LV35
CoinCave LV45 = Zenix egg LV45
CoinCave LV55 = Yetyxar LV55
- New online arena prizes for this rank:
Rank 51-100 Tortunk LV45
If you already own Cobragora or Tortunk, then you win double coins.
- Bug fixes.
- Bug fix for user who reset the Gold Temple world to pro mode. They can now also play the Guardian Island, even when the Gold Temple world is reset to pro mode.
- Bug fix for the bonus cave for users who already completed the Gold City world. The bosses for those users are now on LV60 again and not on LV65.
- New Coin Caves & Special event (start: 21 Nov 2024)
CoinCave LV35 = Tuffelc LV35
CoinCave LV45 = Crocynos LV45
CoinCave LV55 = Tuffdar LV55
- New online arena prizes for these ranks:
Rank 1-10 Cobragora LV60
Rank 11-50 Cobragora LV50
Rank 51-100 Bearmoryx LV45
If you already own Cobragora or Bearmoryx, then you win double coins.
- Added exclusive skill for legendary Electric Dynamon Kytydox. The new skill is called: Ultra voltage.
- Bug fixes.
- New Bonus Cave now available. It contains 80 boss.
You can win 8 Dynamons in it:
Dynamon 1: Earth egg
Dynamon 2: Tortunk
Dynamon 3: Water egg
Dynamon 4: Lionydys
Dynamon 5: Visi
Dynamon 6: Robocanyx
Dynamon 7: Diamond egg
Dynamon 8: Soruween
- Players who completed the Gold City world will get the Bonus Cave with LV60 boss fights and win the Dynamons on LV60. Players who did not complete Gold City will get LV40 boss fights and win LV40 Dynamons.
- Bug fixes
- Gold Temple, chapter 21 part 2 available now:
An epic boss fights against SUMSUM and find out more about the mystery behind the Guardian Temple.
The Gold Temple world can be accessed by completing the Gold City world first.
- Added option to replay Gold Temple World on pro mode after it has been completed.
- Bug fixes
- Bug fixes
- Added new exclusive skill to legendary dynamon Rhinodys.
The new diamond skill is called: Rhino force.
It deals big damage and lowers enemy defense and may cause sick.
- Added new exclusive skill to legendary dynamon Jaxaguar.
The new electric skill is called: Lightning ball.
Deals big damage and lowers enemy defense and may cause hypno.
- 2 new boss fight for Gold City world.
- Halloween world Chapter 2 now available.
(Complete MT Krembo first)
- New special event:
Start: 14 Sept
End: 20 Sept
Bronze, Silver, Gold prizes: Golden emoticons.
King prize: Legendary Golden egg
Players who own the Golden Dragon / Golden Emoticons will win double coins instead.
New online arena prizes:
Rank 1-10 Electric egg LV40
Rank 11-50 Electric egg LV20
Rank 51-100 Kanga LV5
Players who own Electric Dragon / Kanga in the online arena will win double coins instead.
- Halloween world Chapter 1 is now available.
(Complete MT Krembo first to get access to it)
Chapter 1 contains 10 new boss fights with an all new and exciting story which takes places in a spooky Halloween world.
- 1 new boss fight for Gold City
- Bug fix: When using skins the wrong Dynamons were shown in the Leaderboard.
- Bug fixes
- Scarykin got changed into a legendary Dynamon. He is now more powerful in battle.
- New special event:
Start date: 10 Aug
End date: 16 Aug
Amount of medals needed to win the event:
Bronze: 25
Silver: 50
Gold: 100
King: 150
The king prize is: Eelonyx Legendary Dynamon LV30
New online arena prizes:
Rank 1-10 Water dragon egg LV50
Rank 11-50 Water dragon egg LV40
Rank 51-100 Horzaryx LV30
Player who already those legendaries in the online arena or King event will win double level up snacks instead.
- Fixed bug related to Golden egg + Scarykin not being won in the online arena for Rank 1-100
- New special event:
Start date: 27 July
End date: 2 Aug
Amount of medals needed to win the event:
Bronze: 25
Silver: 50
Gold: 100
King: 150
The king prize is: Tortunk Legendary Dynamon LV30
Users who already have Tortunk cannot win another Tortunk. They will win 30 level up snacks instead.
- Bug fix: When dragging Goldonyx in your team selection the Health bar was not shown directly. Now it is shown.
- Bug fix: When evolving Goxydys to Goldonyx the aim was reduced. Now it's equal on evolving and it can grow on level up.
- Bug fix: Skulldonyx was not shown in the leaderboard, when you press the question mark button. Now it shows Skulldonyx.
- Bug fix: King prize was showing the incorrect text. Now it shows the correct text: "Special prize: Rhinodys legendary Dynamon"
- Dynamon Earthadera can now evolve into Eartharyx.
You can only win Earthadera by completing the house quest from Frederik in the Gold City world.
New special King event:
Start date: 5 july 2023
End date: 19 July 2023
Prize: Golden Egg.
You can only win this event by playing the challenge cave.
- Improvement for new players: you can now see the names of all worlds in the game that you did not unlock yet.
- Online arena now shows your last used Dynamons, instead of your average used Dynamons.
- The DynaDex now shows an evolution icon, if you can evolve that Dynamon.
- Bug fix for world map navigation going from 1 world to another world.
- Bug fix for screen flashing that was happening when returning to the level map.
- Online arena daily free level up snack. You can now claim it for free every day in the rewards arena.
- 4 new emoticons (available in the shop under the exclusive tab)
- 4 new bosses for the Challenge cave.
- Bug fix for black screen issue.
- We updated the MT Krembo world with an all new story. It contains 30 new boss fights.
- Adjusted boss fights for these worlds to make them easier:
Winterdale, Costa Gueta, Temple ruins, Klaude’s castle,Mayan Temple, Electric Temple, legendary cave.
- Water Dragon Aragonyx got a remake. He now has a new pose and more powerful look.
- Online arena reward for Rank 31-100
You can win the water dragon egg there.
- Added daily offer in the shop under the Exclusive area.
- New online arena prize for Rank 1-10:
Aragonyx LV50
2000x coins
20x level up snacks
Rank 11-30
Aragonite LV40
1500x coins
15x level up snacks
New Special Event. (Complete world 1 to unlock it)
Start date: 19 April
End date: 25 April
Bronze prize:
5x level up snack
1000 coins
10000 shards
Scarykin LV30
Silver prize:
10x level up snack
2000 coins
20000 shards
Horzaryx LV30
Gold prize:
25x level up snack
3000 coins
30000 shards
Tortunk LV50
King prize:
50x level up snack
5000 coins
50000 shards
Zonysus LV55
New Special Event. (Complete world 1 to unlock it)
Start date: 12 April
End date: 18 April
Bronze prize:
5x level up snack
1000 coins
10000 shards
Zenix egg LV20
Silver prize:
10x level up snack
2000 coins
20000 shards
sharkonyx LV30
Gold prize:
20x level up snack
3000 coins
30000 shards
Anubolt LV45
King prize:
50x level up snack
5000 coins
50000 shards
Tydonyx LV55
Updated online arena prizes:
- Increased coin amounts for Rank 1-100
- Win level up snacks for Rank 1-100
- Shop resolution updated to support bigger screen devices.
- Bug fixes
Mar 21, 2023
Bug fixes for Special Event.
Mar 13, 2023
- Added 4 new boss fights for the Gold City world.
- Added a diamond type Dynamon that you can catch in the Gold City world.
- Dynamon max LV increased to LV55.
Mar 2, 2023
- Bug fix for Fire elite in Treasure Cave.
- Online arena reward special event:
Rank 1- 10 prize: Jubinyx LV50
Rank 11 - 30 prize: Jubidrip LV30
Rank 31 - 100 prize: Dark dragon egg LV5
The Dark dragon egg can evolve into:
Eraxad -> Eraxado -> Erasodys -> Eraseon
Eraseon has been rebalanced to make it more a pure Dark Dynamon.
Eraseon is the first Dynamon to have an all new dark double bite attack.
Feb 17, 2023
- Fire Dynamon Tuffire can now evolve into Jubifero (evolution stage 2) and Jubiferyx (evolution stage 3)
- You can find Tuffire in the Fire temple world.
- Jubiferyx is the second Dynamon to also have this skill:
Rage ring fire:
Increases defense and evokes rage.
- Online arena reward special event:
Rank 1- 10 prize: Jubinyx LV50
Rank 11 - 30 prize: Jubidrip LV30
Rank 31 - 100 prize: Horzaryx LV15
Feb 15, 2023
- 9 new boss fights for Treasure cave.
- Online arena reward special event:
Rank 1- 10 prize: Jubinyx LV50
Rank 11 - 30 prize: Jubidrip LV30
Rank 31 - 100 prize: Scarykin LV15
Feb 7, 2023
- Improved match making.
Feb 2, 2023
- Improved match making.
- Dynamon Scarabyx (only found in the treasure cave world) can now evolve into Barabyx.
- Barabyx is the first earth Dynamon with an all new skill. He is the first one to have the eating plant skill.
- Online arena reward special event (limited time available):
Rank 1- 3 prize: Tortunk LV45
Rank 4- 8 prize: Scarykin LV40
Rank 9- 70 prize: Octopo LV30
Jan 20, 2023
- Bug fixes
Jan 18, 2023
- Bug fixes
Jan 9, 2023
- Earth Grubble can now evolve into Dynabug (stage 2 evolution) and into Dyxarix (stage 3 evolution)
- Online arena reward special event (limited time available):
Rank 1- 3 prize: Gryphynos LV45
Rank 4- 8 prize: Bearmoryx LV45
Rank 9- 70 prize: Dyxarix LV40
Dec 22, 2022
- Kitine Dynamon can now evolve into Peridox (stage 2 evolution) and into Kytydox (stage 3 evolution)
- Dreq Dynamon can now evolve into Dreqador (stage 2 evolution) and into Dreqorus (stage 3 evolution)
- The shop now has an exclusive section. There are 3 exclusive emoticons that can be used for the online arena.
- Online arena reward special event (limited time available):
Rank 1- 3 prize: Zonysus LV45
Rank 4- 8 prize: Kytydox LV45
Rank 9- 70 prize: Menza Christmas LV20
Dec 15, 2022
- Zomok Dynamon can now evolve into Xomox (stage 2 evolution) and into Zomonyx (stage 3 evolution)
- These evolution stage 3 dynamons are rebalanced in attack + defence + abilities, so he can compete against Zonysus:
Volcarnyx + Sauryx + Dagaryx + Aragonyx + Glixonyx
Online arena reward special event (limited time available):
- Rank 1- 3 prize: Zonysus LV45
- Rank 4- 8 prize: Zomonyx LV45
- Rank 9- 70 prize: Menza Christmas LV20
Dec 9, 2022
- Zenix Dynamon can now evolve into Zydonyx (stage 2 evolution) and into Zonysus (stage 3 evolution)
- Eraseon Dynamon rebalanced in attack + defence + abilities, so he can compete against Zonysus.
Online arena reward special event (limited time available):
- Rank 1- 3 prize: Zonysus LV45
- Rank 4- 8 prize: Zydonyx LV40
- Rank 9- 70 prize: Menza Christmas LV20
Dec 2, 2022
- Added 4 boss fights for Treasure cave.
(Treasure cave unlocks when defeating Klaude in the Electric temple)
The story will continue in Treasure cave soon in next upcoming versions.
- Added in Rewards for online arena:
Legend 1: win new emoticon 1
Legend 2: win new emoticon 2
Legend 3: win Legendary Dynamon Tortunk LV45
- Legendary pack 1 now available for 50% discount.
Nov 18, 2022
- Bug fixes
Nov 10, 2022
Special event:
Win an exclusive Legendary Dynamon called Anubolt in the Online Arena:
Rank 1-5 prize: Anubolt on LV40
Rank 6-20 prize: Anubolt on LV30
Rank 21-70 prize: Anubolt on LV20
Nov 4, 2022
Added fair fighting rule for the online arena:
Heal spray can now only be used once per 180 seconds.
In the regular world maps, you can still use it as many times as you like.
Oct 31, 2022
Special event:
Win an exclusive Legendary Dynamon called Horzaryx in the Online Arena:
Rank 1-5 prize: Horzaryx on LV40
Rank 6-10 prize: Horzaryx on LV30
Rank 11-30 prize: Horzaryx on LV20
Oct 24, 2022
- Changed rank for winning Scarykin in online arena.
Scarykin LV40: Rank 1-5
Scarykin LV30: Rank 6-10
Scarykin LV20: Rank 11-30
- You can now only win Trophies in the Event battle.
- Fixed bug for winning Scarykin unfair without high ranking.
Oct 12, 2022
Halloween update:
Win an exclusive Dynamons called Scarykin in the Online Arena:
Rank 1-3 prize: Scarykin on LV40
Rank 4-6 prize: Scarykin on LV30
Rank 7-9 prize: Scarykin on LV20
Oct 7, 2022
1 Legendary Dynamon can now evolve to the next stage:
Ramethyst -> Apatite -> Dagaryx
Sep 22, 2022
5 Dynamons can now evolve to stage 3:
Glixie -> Glixeidon -> Glixonyx
Flarion -> Flameon -> Flameonyx
Foxcarf -> Forune -> Foxunyx
Flameboar -> Boarbaque -> Haboar
Buzelle -> Blitzeer -> Thundeer
Sep 15, 2022
5 Dynamons can now evolve to stage 3:
Torchip -> Scorchite -> Scarnyx
Beebot -> Cybuzz -> Cybeenyx
Fenecorn -> Elvee -> Elveelyx
Duxedo -> Aquadux -> Duxnite
Tazer -> Boltage -> Blitzle
Sep 13, 2022
- Bug fixes.
- Improvements for online Arena:
Rewards for Rank 1-9 are now higher.
Sep 5, 2022
5 Dynamons can now evolve to stage 3:
Shadowl -> Torney -> Mystrix
Psython -> Psyking -> Infinissy
Quacko -> Platypad -> Platagon
Rexaroo -> Riptor -> Pyrosaur
Hydron -> Tentapod -> Hydroza
Aug 29, 2022
5 Dynamons can now evolve to stage 3:
Pengoo -> NootNoot -> Empengon
Menza -> Pangrill -> Fierodor
Lampion -> Surfant -> Hydragon
Snorky -> Snorkoth -> Hydraphant
Nintoise -> Turtylo -> Znarlyx
Aug 24, 2022
New world added: Electric temple.
The Electric temple is available when Klaude is defeated in the Fire temple.
Aug 21, 2022
Bug fixes:
- Daily mission catch new Dynamons.
- Freeze happening in online arena related to Daily mission.
Aug 12, 2022
Bug Fixes for online arena.
Aug 11, 2022
- Winterdale last cookie is now more easy to find.
- Increased walking speed of your character on the map.
- Fixed application error message when updating the game.
Jul 28, 2022
- Added 33 new boss fights to Winterdale world.
- Winterdale map now twice as big!
- Added the evolution for Glixie.
- Captain battles reward got increased:
You can higher rewards for playing in the next worlds.
- Bug fixes
Jul 10, 2022
- Added many new boss fights
- Added world progress on the map.
- Added Snorky to Mayan Temple
- Added Pengoo to Water Temple
- Fixed bug where Foxcarf and Rexaroo didn't spawn in Tall Pines
- Bug fixes
Jul 10, 2022
Added evolutions for 10 Dynamons:
- Bug fixes
Jun 30, 2022
- Added new water temple world.
- Added 5 new Dynamons:
Soaky Popo
Zomok (New legendary Dynamon)
- Bug fixes
Jun 20, 2022
- Added evolution for 10 Dynamons:
- Bug fixes
Jun 9, 2022
- Added evolution for 10 Dynamons:
- Super Sale now available in the shop.
- Bug fixes
Jun 3, 2022
- Added evolution for 10 Dynamons:
Snow Grubble
- Bug fixes
- New world added: Mayan Temple
- 5 New Dynamons added.
- All Dynamons can now level up to 30.
- Bug fixes
May 4, 2022
Online arena improvements:
Win prizes in the daily leaderboard.
April 9, 2022
Online arena improvements:
Win prizes in the daily leaderboard.
February 18, 2022
- Bug fixes.
- Improved framerate.
February 8, 2022
- Bug fixes.
- Improved framerate.
January 28, 2022
- Bug fixes.
- Improved framerate.
- Online area with leaderboard.
December 21, 2021
New area added: Klaude's Castle.
December 21, 2021
New area added: Klaude's Castle.
August 21, 2020
★ Thank you for playing Dynamons World! ★
Thank you for your patience, we know you have been waiting on an update for a long time.
We are a new development team and are very excited to work on this awesome game! We are just getting started and focusing on stability improvements, but rest assured that cool things will be coming in the future!
In this update:
✓ Internal engine update
✓ Stability improvements
✓ Removed legacy plugins
★ Thank you for your continued support over the years! ★