Fitness Logbook Mod Apk

Fitness Logbook Hack - Mod Apk 1.3.6

Developer: Fitness Logbook OÜ
Category: Health & Fitness
Price: Free


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Fitness Logbook is a workout planner and tracker. Simple and intuitive, yet flexible and feature-rich, it will be useful for both beginners and experienced athletes. Free and without ads.

- Track your workouts with an intuitive interface
- Build workout routines with the advanced planner
- Use long-term training programs with phases
- Build and run circuit training (EMOM, Tabata, AMRAP, for time)
- Use hundreds of exercises from the library
- Create your custom exercises
- Use supersets and mark sets as warm-up or failure
- Set the RPE/RIR and tempo in sets
- Set intensification method in sets - drop set, rest-pause, negative reps, partial reps, etc.
- Customise automatic rest timers - between sets and exercises
- Use 1RM (One Rep Max) and body fat % calculators
- Analyze your progression with graphs and reports
- Track your macronutrient and supplements intake, your sleep, and body measurements

Version history

You can now add marks to exercises in workouts. These are pictograms (increase weight / decrease weight / pay attention to technique) you can add to exercises in a workout that will appear the next time you work out using the same workout routine. The idea is that this is a super-short note and instruction for the next workout - on the left are the marks made during the previous training session, and on the right are the current marks.
Bugfixes and improvements
Bugfixes and improvements
Bugfixes and improvements

Ways to hack Fitness Logbook

Download Fitness Logbook MOD APK 1.3.6

Download MOD APK


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