Human Skeleton 3D ( Anatomy ) Mod Apk

Human Skeleton 3D ( Anatomy ) Hack - Mod Apk 4.1.1

Developer: BD Developer Squad
Category: Education
Price: Free


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This app contains details about: human skeleton, human anatomy, skeletal system, 3D model of human skeleton as well as skeletal system, anatomy of every single bone, bones anatomy, anatomy of human skeleton, anatomy of skeletal system etc.

This app describes every single bone of human skeleton. All bones are arranged perfectly in this app so that a person can find a bone very easy. You can touch the skeleton and the part in which you touch, details of that part will be shown. Definition, anatomy, anatomic position, structure, muscle and ligament attachments, functions etc. are described for each and every bone of human skeleton in this app. More than one perfectly labeled pictures are provided for every bone. Moreover 3D models of bones also provided for better learnings.
It will be helpful for students of medical science and biology. This app is written with experts help.
This is a great app to learn human anatomy, skeleton or skeletal system with 3D view.

You will be benefited by following contents:
human skeleton, human anatomy, skeletal system, 3D model of human skeleton as well as skeletal system, anatomy of every single bone, bones anatomy, anatomy of human skeleton, anatomy of skeletal system etc.

Version history

Details of every bone of human skeleton
Sdk 34 update

Ways to hack Human Skeleton 3D ( Anatomy )

Download Human Skeleton 3D ( Anatomy ) MOD APK 4.1.1

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