Find Qibla direction in the most accurate and easy way with a line on a map from your location to Kaaba or use a compass with nostalgic themes.
Locate Qibla on the Map:
Qibla Finder accurately determines the exact direction of the Qibla on a world map based on your current location. You can precisely track the Qibla direction on the map.
100% Accuracy:
Whether it's prayer times or other worship activities, you can trust Qibla Finder for 100% accurate Qibla direction.
Different Compass Designs:
You can choose from various compass designs when determining the Qibla direction. Customizable options allow you to personalize the app to your style.
Different Qibla Indicators (Icons):
Qibla Finder offers the option to represent the Qibla direction using symbols or custom icons. This allows you to add a personal touch to your worship experience.
Locate Nearby Mosques:
Our app displays nearby mosques and places of worship on the map based on your current location, making it easy for you to find a suitable mosque.
Different Map Styles:
Users can customize the map view according to their preferences. Choosing from different map styles helps you better visualize the Qibla direction.
User-Friendly Simple Interface:
Qibla Finder provides a user-friendly and straightforward interface suitable for users of all ages. You can efficiently plan your worship activities with ease.