Map Marker Mod Apk

Map Marker Hack - Mod Apk 3.11.0-743

Developer: theandroidseb
Category: Maps & Navigation
Price: Free


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This app uses Google Maps and other sources in order to allow you to place markers even without internet connection.
If you have any issues with the app, please contact me by email, I will most likely be able to help.

• Offline maps: acquire offline map files elsewhere and use them to see the map even when offline!
• Set a title, a description, a date, a color, an icon and pictures for each marker, and move them freely on the map
• Organise your markers into different folders
• Browse and organize your markers easily from the text-searchable markers list
• Search places from various sources and create a new marker from the result
• Open a marker's location in any other map application already installed
• Navigate to a marker's location with the integrated compass
• Display and copy marker GPS coordinates to clipboard with one click
• Display a marker's address if available
• Create path-markers and measure their distance easily
• Create polygon-surface-markers and measure their perimeter and area easily
• Create circle-surface-markers and measure perimeter and area easily
• Create GPS tracks recorded from your device location
• Share a captured image of the current map
• Share markers as KML files
• Import markers from a QR code
• Import/export markers from/to KML or KMZ files
• Import your Google Maps favorite locations (those marked with a star)
• Exported KML files are compatible with most other map softwares such as Google Earth
• Custom fields for markers: Checkbox, Date, Email, Text, Multi-choice, Phone, Web link
• Create templates for custom fields per folder: the child markers will inherit their parent folder's custom fields

Premium features:
• Save your markers on the cloud with Google Drive or Dropbox
• Collaborate with your friends by sharing your map cloud folder with them: anyone with access to the map folder can modify it and changes will be synced to everyone using the folder
• Restore previous versions of your cloud map folder
• One time purchase for a lifetime upgrade on your Google account with an unlimited number of Android devices
• No ads

Used permissions:
• Get your location ⇒ to locate you on the map
• Access to external storage ⇒ to export, save and import to/from files
• Read Google services configuration ⇒ to use Google Maps
• Call phone ⇒ for being able to one-click-call a phone number entered in a marker details
• Internet access ⇒ for Google Maps to display the map
• In-app purchase ⇒ for being able to purchase the premium upgrade

Version history

* Fixed IGN maps not displaying (now using
* Fixed stability issues when displaying large images
* Renamed setting "show warning icon for sync" to "show data backup reminder"
* Moved text size setting to the display settings section instead of performance
* Added a setting to display all editing shape points
* Fixed POI infowindow touch scroll only covering the infowindow's text
* Other improvements
* Added 1952 new icons from OpenMoji
* Icon picker improvement: icons used by folders now show at the head of the list
* KML/KMZ improvements: supports files of more than 4GB and better handling of polygons for Google Earth
* Improved POI infowindow menu to handle more actions for custom fields (phone / web link)
* Improvements to dynamic markers responsiveness with a high number of markers
* Other improvements
* Fixed "share cloud map" action crashing
* Improved performance when displaying tens of thousands of markers
* Added hyperlinking to the marker infowindow text display (e.g. web links, email)
* Updated folder move/copy process to apply the action to sub-folders as well
* Fixed images being shared as binary files in some cases
* Other improvements and bug fixes
* Added support for light/dark themes, defaulting to the system's value
* Added in-app compass navigation to a point marker
* Fixed a crash in location service handling on Android < 10
* Can now create circle surfaces on the map
* Fixed search results view not using the current map zoom
* Fixed POI coordinates edit duplicating the POI in some cases
* Improved Japanese translations (thanks to S.Kumagai)
* Added mentions for Chinese translations (thanks to Astro)
* Fixed the icon text search being case-sensitive
* Improved POI display in lists to use a richer description
* Improved Chinese translations
* Improved handling for special cases of data soft-corruption (large POI data):
* Added the ability to override internal database settings to work around app launch errors
* Added a safeguard in V2 data migration to avoid large POI data cases
Mar 6, 2023
* Updated Flutter engine to 3.7.5
* Improved offline maps tile build prioritization
* Fixed HERE search configuration check not working properly
* Fixed cloud sync failing when opening a new cloud map from a cloud map with a sync error
Feb 22, 2023
* Changed location update interval from 5 seconds to 0.5 seconds
* Fixed Android V2 to V3 migration migrating Dropbox cloud maps to limited access
* Improved text-to-coordinates logic: for example, the coordinates dialog now handles degree-minutes-seconds coordinates as a paste input
* Added the option to disable the "max drawn POIs" option completely
* Various other improvements, see here for more details:
Feb 13, 2023
* Fixed old data migration failing on corrupted coordinates
* Fixed alternative coordinates format displaying incorrectly
* Improved handling for multi cloud accounts setups
* Fixed search-result-created markers not having a creation date
* Fixed creation date of a marker not being editable
* Fixed in-app contact email address being the same for all platforms
* Added the "Default navigation action" setting
* Fixed CSV file import bug when produced from Windows
Feb 3, 2023
* Fixed image sharing not working if no export has ever been made
* Made the troubleshooting log file easier to extract
* Fixed retry for cloud sync with device conflict not giving up after 5 attempts
* Fixed a rare case where cloud data being rolled back when two devices sync at exactly the same second with exactly the same number of folders + markers
* Cloud sync history now displays change details with number folders and markers added/modified/deleted
Oct 7, 2022
* Added in-app prompt about V3 upgrade
* Updated translations
Jul 10, 2022
* Fixed Open Street Map tiles no longer working
* Added a troubleshooting option to clear the map view cached files
March 1, 2022
* Upgraded the Google libraries (map rendering + auth) from 2018 version to more recent versions
* Organizer fix: fixed an app freeze when moving multiple folders with the same name to the same destination
* Fixed IGN maps
September 20, 2021
* Android 5 and up:
- Storage permission is now read-only
- Using the system file picker for imports/exports
* Android 6 and up: no longer requests the storage permission for imports/exports
* Android 10 and up:
- Full support for scoped storage
- The app no longer has the storage permission at all
- Now using the system file picker for offline maps files (files must be in a specific app folder)
* Full compatibility with Android 11
* Updated Google Play billing library to v3

Ways to hack Map Marker

Download Map Marker MOD APK 3.11.0-743

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