Thank you for fighting pornography! You are making our world better for us all. This update contains several fixes and updated blocking capabilities.
Thank you for fighting pornography! You are making our world better for us all. This update includes a better AI that makes fewer mistakes. Also some small bug fixes.
Thank you for fighting porn! Your efforts will bless every aspect of your life.
This update includes minor bug fixes to make the app run smoother for you.
Oct 13, 2022
We love that you are fighting porn. Thank you! This update tweaks some of the app to make it look sharper
Sep 28, 2022
Thank you for fighting porn! This update makes your blocker better by pointing you to improved resources, fixing a few crashes, and adding a few little visual things to brighten your day
Sep 23, 2022
Thank you for fighting porn! This update makes your blocker better by pointing you to improved resources, fixing a few crashes, and adding a few little visual things to brighten your day
Sep 13, 2022
Fighting porn is even harder when your blocker randomly crashes. In our defense it only happened on certain devices - the ones we didn't test. If that was you we're sorry! This should make things run more reliably.
Aug 12, 2022
Thank you for your efforts to fight pornography! The fight is worth every effort, and you are making the world a better place! This update simplifies the way the app works and makes the app more reliable.
Aug 2, 2022
Thank you for fighting pornography! This release includes minor bug fixes
Jul 28, 2022
You are doing a good thing by fighting pornography. Thank you!
If you want to be even more successful try our paid accountability app "Ever Accountable".
This release plugs a rare loophole and fixes a few bugs.
6.13.82 May-2022
May 25, 2022
6.12.81 Apr-2022
April 29, 2022
Thank you for fighting porn! This brings Bulldog up to date with the latest Android releases so that it will work more smoothly for you
6.11.80 Feb-2022
February 9, 2022
Thank you for fighting porn! This brings Bulldog up to date with the latest Android releases so that it will work more smoothly for you
6.10.79 Nov-2021
November 5, 2021
Thank you for fighting porn! This update hopefully fixes an annoying crash that happens on rare occasions on certain devices. We hate random crashes as much or even more than you do!